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Thursday, July 20, 2017

Gas Pipeline Project Immediately Auctioned

The Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BP Migas) immediately auctioned the natural gas pipeline project based on the proposed business actors. Head of Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) Fanshurullah Asa said it was still waiting for a proposal from business actors related to the gas pipeline that will be built early.

The proposal is a result of feasibility study / FS and the results of the definition of the project (front end engineering design / FEED). The proposal will be an input for the auction committee in order to prepare the auction of the pipeline project in certain sections.

Meanwhile, the proposed entry is the construction of a transmission gas pipeline from Pusri to Tanjung Api-Api, South Sumatra by Perusahaan Daerah Pertambangan and Energi (PDPDE) or PT Sumsel Energi Gemilang. The pipeline will continue to Muntok and Bangka and distribution pipelines in East Java.

"We will continue with the auction, while the form of cross-institutional auction committee then open the auction," he said not long ago.

In addition to encouraging the gas infrastructure to be built, it also encourages that the cost of toll gas delivery (toll fee) is more efficient. Consequently, gas prices at the consumer level may be lower.

Based on data from BPH Migas, the cost of leasing gas pipes in 55 segments, the difference is very far, ranging from US $ 0.1 to US $ 2.5 per thousand cubic feet (Mscf). The highest cost of gas pipeline rental is in the Arun-Belawan pipeline, Kepodang-Tambaklorok, South Sumatra-West Java (SSWJ) I and SSWJ II.

Meanwhile, the lowest price is in the Citarik-Dawuan pipeline, Pupuk Sriwijaya Layang Island and Gresik-PLN Gresik at a price below US $ 0.5 per Mscf. In fact, the average cost of renting a gas pipeline is US $ 0.89 per Mscf.

"In addition, it is more important that toll fees can be more efficient," he said

Group Head Marketing PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk Adi Munandir said, although the gas market in Indonesia is still potential, investors are careful to invest. Although the government has a gas balance along with its projected demand and supply of gas, there are still uncertainties.

Rising demand will not happen if the gas infrastructure is not built.

"The existing [demand] demand rate is considered to be a picture of future demand, without doing anything then it will not grow," he said.

Currently, there are still 14 unused local liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargoes. In addition, special economic region initiatives such as Sei Mangkei Special Economic Zone, Kuala Tanjung and Kendal, which until now have not been built so can not realize additional gas demand.

According to him, seriousness is needed as well as cross-institutional integrated planning. For example, the planning of gas users in the Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Finance to provide incentives as well as the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) related to the potential of gas that can be utilized.

"The synergy between the key stakeholders of the demand side is like the Ministry of Industry, in terms of the Ministry of Finance to provide stimulus and incentives," he said.


Proyek Pipa Gas Segera Dilelang

Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi segera melakukan lelang proyek pipa gas bumi berdasarkan usulan pelaku usaha. Kepala Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH Migas) Fanshurullah Asa mengatakan, pihaknya masih menanti usulan dari pelaku usaha terkait dengan ruas pipa gas yang akan dibangun lebih awal.

Usulan itu berupa hasil feasibility study/FS dan hasil pendefinisian proyek (front end engineering design/FEED). Usulan tersebut akan menjadi masukan bagi panitia lelang agar bisa menyiapkan lelang proyek pipa di ruas tertentu.

Sementara itu, usulan yang masuk yakni pembangunan pipa gas transmisi dari Pusri ke Tanjung Api-Api, Sumatra Selatan oleh Perusahaan Daerah Pertambangan dan Energi (PDPDE) atau PT Sumsel Energi Gemilang. Pipa itu akan meneruskan ke Muntok dan Bangka dan pipa distribusi di Jawa Timur.

“Kami akan lanjut dengan lelang, sedangkan bentuk panitia lelang lintas lembaga kemudian buka lelang,” ujarnya belum lama ini.

Selain mendorong agar infrastruktur gas terbangun, pihaknya juga mendorong agar biaya penghantaran gas (toll fee) lebih efisien. Alhasil, harga gas di tingkat konsumen bisa lebih rendah.

Berdasarkan data BPH Migas, biaya sewa pipa gas di 55 ruas, selisihnya sangat jauh, yakni berkisar US$ 0,1-US$ 2,5 per seribu kaki kubik (Mscf). Biaya sewa pipa gas yang tertinggi berada di ruas pipa Arun-Belawan, Kepodang-Tambaklorok, South Sumatera-West Java (SSWJ) I dan SSWJ II.

Sementara itu, harga terendah yakni di ruas pipa Citarik-Dawuan, Pulau Layang Pupuk Sriwijaya dan Gresik-PLN Gresik dengan harga di bawah US$0,5 per Mscf. Padahal, rata-rata biaya sewa pipa gas US$ 0,89 per Mscf.

“Selain itu, yang lebih penting agar toll fee bisa lebih efisien,” katanya

Group Head Marketing PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk Adi Munandir mengatakan, meskipun pasar gas di Indonesia masih potensial, investor berhati-hati untuk menanamkan modalnya. Kendati pemerintah memiliki neraca gas beserta proyeksi kebutuhan dan pasokan gas, masih terdapat faktor ketidakpastian.

Naiknya permintaan tidak akan terjadi bila infrastruktur gas tidak terbangun.

“Angka demand [permintaan] yang ada dianggap sebagai gambaran demand di masa depan, tanpa melakukan apa-apa maka tidak akan tumbuh,” katanya.

Saat ini masih terdapat 14 kargo gas alam cair (LNG) lokal yang belum terserap. Di samping itu, inisiatif kawasan ekonomi khusus seperti Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus Sei Mangkei, Kuala Tanjung dan Kendal yang hingga kini belum terbangun sehingga belum bisa merealisasikan tambahan permintaan gas.

Menurutnya, diperlukan keseriusan juga perencanaan yang terintegrasi lintas lembaga. Sebagai contoh, perencanaan dari segi pengguna gas di Kementerian Perindustrian, Kementerian Keuangan untuk memberikan insentif juga Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) terkait dengan potensi-potensi gas yang bisa dimanfaatkan.

“Sinergi antara key stakeholders [pemangku kepentingan utama] dari sisi demand seperti Kementerian Perindustrian, dari sisi Kementerian Keuangan untuk memberikan stimulus dan insentif.” katanya.

Bisnis Indonesia,  Page-30, Thursday, July 20, 2017

1 comment:

  1. terima kasih bos sudah berkunjung. have a nice day. sepertinya JVnya menguntungkan. sukses selalu.



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