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Monday, July 24, 2017

Hope There's New Partner in East Natuna Block

ExxonMobil chooses selling technology to East Natuna's manager Instead of investing

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has asked PT Pertamina to seek a new partner to replace EXXonMobil subsidiary Esso Natuna Ltd, who has resigned from the East Natuna Block consortium.
This government request for oil and gas field is immediately in production. The government is aware that Pertamina needs to find a partner because it requires big investment and high risk. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), Arcandra Tahar said all oil and gas companies in the world would need partners if they want to develop big projects.

"In Oil and gas, the risk is managed in partnership with partners," said PT Pertamina Commissioner, Friday (7/21).

As a note, previously ExxonMobil declared the development of the East Natuna Block for uneconomical reasons. In 2011, several investors agreed to sign the Head of Agreement (HOA) of share division in East Natuna Block. First, Pertamina with a portion of 35%; Second, Esso Natuna Ltd 35%; Third; Petronas 15%, and fourth Total EP 15%.

But in 2012 Petronas retreat replaced PTT Thailand. Next Total EP go back in 2013, last July 2017 Esso Natuna withdraw. While PTT Thailand still survive.

According to Arcandra, in addition to the surviving PTT Thailand, the government is another oil and gas company opportunity to participate in the East Natuna project. Unfortunately, until now Arcandra does not know the new Pertamina partners in the East Natuna Block. He also said that the government handed over the process of searching patner in East Natuna block to Pertamina.

Energy Observer from Gadjah Mada University Fahmi Radhi suggested, Pertamina offers cooperation with PetroChina or with Saudi Aramco. The cooperation includes the use of a gross split sharing scheme in East Natuna.

"Choose the most appropriate to the requirements and have a commitment between the two,"

Unfortunately Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam reluctant to comment who the partner who is in search. Adiatma Sardjito Vice President of Corporate Communications PT Pertamina just answered there is no information about new prospective partner in East Natuna Block.

Seismic East Natuna

ExxonMobil Sale

Meanwhile, ExxonMobil, which has given an official letter to resign from the East Natuna Block, stated that it is still an interest to sell tekonologi to block operators. Erwin Maryoto, Vice President of Public and Government Affairs ExxonMobil Indonesia claims, Exxon has a technology capable of separating the CO2 needed in the block.

"If Pertamina needs technology we are ready for cooperation," he said.

Understandably, in East Natuna gas reserves of 46 trilun cubic feet, 75% of the carbon dioxide must be retained. Erwin can not mention the cost of using CO2 separator technology. He just said the cost for the separation of CO2 is quite expensive.

"But the whole thing is big enough," he said. The big cost is what makes EXXonMobil choose to leave


Berharap Ada Mitra Baru di Blok East Natuna  

ExxonMobil pilih jualan teknologi kepada pengelola East Natuna Ketimbang berinvestasi

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) meminta PT Pertamina segera mencari partner baru untuk menggantikan anak usaha EXXonMobil yakni Esso Natuna Ltd, yang sudah mundur dari konsorsium penggarap Blok East Natuna.

    Permintaan pemerintah ini agar lapangan migas tersebut segera berproduksi. Pemerintah menyadari Pertamina perlu mencari partner lantaran butuh investasi besar dan risiko yang cukup tinggi. Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Arcandra Tahar mengatakan seluruh perusahaan migas di dunia pasti membutuhkan partner jika ingin mengembangkan proyek besar. 

"Dalam Oil and gas risiko di manage bersama dengan berpartner," ujar Komisaris PT Pertamina itu, Jumat (21/7).

Sebagai Catatan, sebelumnya ExxonMobil menyatakan pengembangan Blok East Natuna dengan alasan tidak ekonomis. Pada 2011 beberapa investor sepakat meneken Head of Agreement (HOA) pembagian saham di Blok East Natuna. Pertama, Pertamina dengan porsi sebesar 35%; Kedua, Esso Natuna Ltd 35%; Ketiga; Petronas 15%, dan keempat Total EP 15%.

Namun pada 2012 Petronas mundur digantikan PTT Thailand. Berikutnya Total EP ikut mundur pada 2013, terakhir Juli 2017 ini Esso Natuna mundur. Sementara PTT Thailand masih bertahan.

Menurut Arcandra, selain PTT Thailand yang masih bertahan, pemerintah kesempatan perusahaan migas lainnya untuk ikut serta dalam proyek East Natuna. Namun sayangnya hingga saat ini Arcandra belum tahu patner Pertamina yang baru di Blok East Natuna. Dia juga bilang pemerintah menyerahkan sepenuhnya proses pencarian patner di blok East Natuna kepada Pertamina.

Pengamat Energi dari Universitas Gadjah Mada Fahmi Radhi menyarankan, Pertamina menawarkan kerjasama dengan PetroChina atau dengan Saudi Aramco. Kerjasama itu termasuk dengan penggunaan skema bagi hasil gross split di East Natuna. 

"Pilih yang paling sesuai dengan persyaratan dan memiliki komitmen di antara keduanya," 

Sayangnya Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam enggan memberikan komentar siapa patner yang sedang di cari. Adiatma Sardjito Vice President Corporate Communication PT Pertamina hanya menjawab belum ada informasi tentang calon partner baru di Blok East Natuna.

Jualan ExxonMobil  

Sementara, ExxonMobil yang sudah memberikan surat resmi mundur dari Blok East Natuna menyatakan masih minat untuk berjualan tekonologi kepada operator blok. Erwin Maryoto, Vice President Public and Government Affair ExxonMobil Indonesia mengklaim, Exxon punya teknologi yang mampu memisahkan CO2 yang dibutuhkan di blok tersebut. 

"Kalau Pertamina butuh teknologi itu kami siap kerjasama," kata dia.

Maklum di dalam cadangan gas East Natuna sebesar 46 Trilun cubic feet terdapat 75% karbondioksida yang harus dipisakan. Erwin belum bisa menyebut biaya penggunaan teknologi pemisah CO2 tersebut. Dia hanya bilang biaya untuk pemisahan CO2 Cukup mahal. 

"Tapi keseluruhannya cukup besar," katanya. Biaya yang besar inilah yang membuat EXXonMobil pilih kabur. 

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, July 22, 2017

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