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Thursday, July 13, 2017

Indonesia No Need Gas Import

The government estimates that there is no need to import liquefied natural gas (LNG) by 2019. The reason, the need for about 1,672 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) can be covered from the production of Jangkrik Gas Field, Muara Bakau Block, East Kalimantan.

"Cricket field production is advanced and it turns out good because that was designed 400-450 MMSCFD, but when the test can 600 MMsCFD. So it is unlikely that 2019 will need to be imported because our production is better than expected, "said Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, IGN Wiratmaja Puja, on the sidelines of the Indonesia Gas Summit & Exposition at Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta.

He explained that LNG production can still be encouraged again and Indonesia still has 16-18 LNG cargoes waiting for buyers. The current export potential is not yet focused as all production is still concentrated to meet the needs of Iokal market.

According to Wiratmaja, the main gas supply still concentrates from Bontang-East Kalimantan and Tangguh-Papua. So far, gas supply is predicted to be minus in 2019 and 2020, but it will be resolved until the Tangguh Train 3 Block and Masela Block are operating.

"In 2020 Tangguh Train 3 operation, means our supply will rise again. We hope the Masela Block will start operating in 2025-2027, "he concluded. In the same place, Commercial Director of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) Danny Praditya in his presentation revealed that efforts to improve domestic gas utilization have big challenges.

"The first challenge is the acceleration of market and infrastructure development. There needs to be breakthroughs, whether in technology, business model, up to the governance, "Danny said. The next challenge is to manage the paradox between development needs and efficiency.


Indonesia tidak Perlu Impor Gas

Pemerintah memperkirakan tidak perlu melakukan impor gas alam cair (LNG) pada 2019. Alasannya, kebutuhan sekitar 1.672 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD) itu bisa ditutupi dari produksi Lapangan Gas Jangkrik, Blok Muara Bakau, Kalimantan Timur.

“Lapangan Jangkrik ini produksinya maju dan ternyata bagus sebab yang tadinya didesain 400-450 MMSCFD, tapi saat di tes bisa 600 MMsCFD. Jadi kemungkinan besar 2019 tidak perlu impor karena produksi kita bagus dari yang diperkirakan,” kata Direktur Jenderal Migas Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Minera, IGN Wiratmaja Puja, di sela acara Gas Indonesia Summit & EXhibition di Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta.

Ia menjelaskan produksi LNG masih bisa digenjot Iagi dan Indonesia masih memiIiki 16-18 kargo LNG yang menunggu pembeli. Potensi ekspor saat ini belum difokuskan karena seluruh produksi masih dikonsentrasikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar Iokal.

Menurut Wiratmaja, pasokan utama gas masih berkonsentrasi dari Bontang-Kalimantan Timur dan Tangguh-Papua. Sejauh ini, pasokan gas diprediksi minus pada 2019 dan 2020, namun hal itu akan teratasi sampai Blok Tangguh Train 3 dan Blok Masela beroperasi.

“Tahun 2020 Tangguh Train 3 operasi, berarti suplai kita akan naik lagi. Kita harap Blok Masela mulai beroperasi tahun 2025-2027,” pungkasnya. Di tempat yang sama, Direktur komersial PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) Danny Praditya dalam paparannya mengungkapkan bahwa upaya meningkatkan pemanfaatan gas domestik memiliki tantangan yang besar.

“Tantangan pertama ialah percepatan pembangunan pasar dan infrastruktur. Perlu ada terobosan-terobosan, baik dalam teknologi, model bisnis, sampai dengan tata kelola,” kata Danny. Tantangan berikutnya ialah mengelola paradoks antara kebutuhan pembangunan dan efisiensi.

Media Indonesia, Page-17, Thursday, July 13, 2017

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