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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

JOB PPEJ Do Well Treatment

Increase Oil Production

Although the contract period of Tuban Block will end at the end of February 2018, the joint operation of Pertamina Petrochina East] ava (JOB-PPEJ) is still trying to maximize production. One way to do well maintenance at oil and gas field Pad B Ngampel Village, District Kapas, Bojonegoro District. Well maintenance activities are characterized by a moving rig conducted on Thursday (07/27/2017).

"Currently the operator does not drill new wells. So that the well that still has the potential will be done to increase production, "said Field Admin Superintendent, JOB PPEJ, Akbar Pradima.

Akbar Pradima explains, prosoksi in Sukowati Block has decreased. Therefore, JOB PPEJ does well maintenance which still have potential. The moving rig process is also in accordance with the procedure. Prior to moving rigs, his side had applied for permission to the village party to the local police.

"As a KKKS working under the control and supervision of SKK Migas, JOB PPEJ conducts all activities in accordance with applicable procedures and regulations," he said.

Although had received threats of blocking from residents, but moving rig is done at 08.00 WIB runs smoothly. Before that the Village Government (Pemdes) Ngampel, Kecamatan Kapas had threatened to block the access road to Pad B before there is payment of Village Cash Land (TKD) which is now used as access road entrance Pad B.


JOB PPEJ Lakukan Perawatan Sumur

Tingkatkan Produksi Minyak

Meski masa kontrak Blok Tuban akan berakhir di akhir Februari 2018 nanti, namun Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East ]ava (JOB-PPEJ) tetap berupaya memaksimalkan produksi. Salah satu caranya melakukan perawatan sumur di lapangan migas Pad B Desa Ngampel, Kecamatan Kapas, Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Kegiatan perawatan sumur ini ditandai dengan moving rig yang dilakukan, Kamis (27/7/2017). 

“Saat ini pihak operator tidak melakukan pengeboran sumur baru. Sehingga sumur yang masih memiliki potensi akan dilakukan perawatan untuk menambah produksi,” kata Field Admin Superintendent, JOB PPEJ, Akbar Pradima.

Akbar Pradima menjelaskan, prosuksi di Blok Sukowati ini sudah menurun. Karena itu JOB PPEJ melakukan perawatan sumur yang masih punya potensi. Proses moving rig ini juga sudah sesuai prosedur. Sebelum melakukan moving rig, pihaknya sudah mengajukan izin kepada pihak desa yang ditujukan kepihak kepolisian setempat. 

"Sebagai KKKS yang bekerja di bawah pengendalian dan pengawasan SKK Migas, JOB PPEJ melakukan semua kegiatan sesuai prosedur dan aturan yang berlaku," katanya.

Meski sempat mendapat ancaman pemblokiran dari warga, namun moving rig dilakukan pukul 08.00 WIB berjalan Iancar. Sebelum itu Pemerintah Desa (Pemdes) Ngampel, Kecamatan Kapas sempat mengancam melakukan aksi pemblokiran akses jalan menuju Pad B sebelum ada pembayaran Tanah Kas Desa (TKD) yang sekarang digunakan sebagai akses jalan masuk Pad B.

Harian Bangsa, Page-9, Friday, July 28, 2017

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