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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Jumbo Pipeline Project Abandoned 11 Years

Gas Pipe

The Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) stated that there are two jumbo pipe projects that are still abandoned. The operators of the two abandoned projects are PT Rekayasa Industri Tbk and PT Bakrie Brothers Tbk.

Head of BPH Migas Fanshurullah Asa stated that the 255 kilometers (km) Cirebon-Semarang pipeline project assigned to the Industrial Engineering abandoned almost 11 years. BPH Migas has summoned the Industrial Engineering on July 6, requesting information on the development of the project.

In the meeting, Industrial Engineering has not yet been able to realize the construction of the US $ 400 million projects, as it faced obstacles.

"Industrial Engineering Complaints can not be due to gas supply constraints and buyers have not been maximized, gas supply has not been allocated," he said, Monday (17/7)

Industrial Engineering asked for time to give answers to the capability of the Cirebon-Semarang gas pipeline development. BPH Migas provides a time limit for Industrial Engineering to provide answers to BPH Migas and the Directorate General of Oil and Gas on the ability or not to build the project.

"No later than September 15, 2017. We ask for a time limit, because almost 11 years is not realized," said Fanshurullah.

In addition to the Cirebon-Semarang gas pipeline, Fanshurullah said the Kalija II gas pipeline project along 1,200 km is also constrained. Bakrie Brothers explained the problem in a letter sent to BPH Migas. The letter was written in the Letter of President Director of PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk to Head of BPH Migas regarding Kalija II Development Plan on 8 August 2016.

It turned out that the main obstacle to the implementation of the construction of Kalija II pipeline because it has not received a gas allocation. This Kalija II project extends from Bontang to Mangkang, Semarang. While the Kalija I project is threatened with not getting gas supply because gas production from Kepodang Field is in Kahar condition.

"The Kalija I pipeline has been built and implemented by PT Kalimantan Jawa Gas and Bakrie, but by 2018 the gas is already exhausted, while POD mentions that in 2026 it should be finished," he explained.

Related to this problem, PT Kalimantan Jawa Gas requested an independent consultant to declare force majeure. "Already built 400 km gas pipes and has not returned the capital, the gas is up," he said.


Proyek Pipa Jumbo Terbengkalai 11 Tahun

Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH Migas) menyatakan ada dua proyek pipa jumbo yang masih terbengkalai. Operator kedua proyek yang terbengkalai tersebut adalah PT Rekayasa Industri Tbk dan PT Bakrie Brothers Tbk.

Kepala BPH Migas Fanshurullah Asa menyatakan, proyek pipa Cirebon-Semarang sepanjang 255 kilometer (km) yang ditugaskan ke Rekayasa Industri terbengkalai hampir 11 tahun. BPH Migas telah memanggil Rekayasa Industri pada 6 Juli lalu, meminta informasi perkembangan pembangunan proyek tersebut.

Dalam pertemuan itu Rekayasa Industri belum juga dapat merealisasikan pembangunan proyek senilai US$ 400 juta itu, karena terbentur kendala. 

"Keluhan Rekayasa Industri tidak bisa akibat kendala pasokan gas dan pembeli belum maksimal. Pasokan gas belum dialokasikan," katanya, Senin (17/7)

Rekayasa Industri meminta waktu untuk memberikan jawaban kesanggupan pembangunan pipa gas Cirebon-Semarang tersebut. BPH Migas memberikan batasan waktu bagi Rekayasa Industri memberikan jawaban kepada BPH Migas dan Ditjen Migas mengenai kesanggupan atau tidak membangun proyek itu.

"Paling lambat 15 September 2017. Kami minta batasan waktu, karena hampir 11 tahun tidak terrealisasi,”ujar Fanshurullah.

Selain ruas pipa gas Cirebon-Semarang, Fanshurullah mengatakan, proyek pipa gas Kalija II sepanjang 1.200 km juga terkendala. Bakrie Brothers menjelaskan masalah tersebut dalam surat yang dikirim ke BPH Migas. Surat itu tertuang dalam Surat Presiden Direktur PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk kepada Kepala BPH Migas perihal Rencana Pembangunan Kalija II pada 8 Agustus 2016.

Ternyata kendala utama pelaksanaan penbangunan pipa Kalija II karena belum mendapat alokasi gas. Proyek Kalija II ini terbentang dari Bontang hingga Mangkang, Semarang. Sedangkan proyek Kalija I terancam tidak mendapatkan pasokan gas karena produksi gas dari Lapangan Kepodang dalam kondisi Kahar. 

"Pipa Kalija I sudah dibangun dan dilaksanakan PT Kalimantan Jawa Gas dan Bakrie. Namun tahun 2018 gas sudah habis. Padahal POD menyebutkan baru tahun 2026 harusnya habis," jelasnya.

Terkait masalah ini, PT Kalimantan Jawa Gas meminta konsultan mandiri untuk menyatakan force majeure. "Sudah membangun pipa gas 400 km dan belum balik modal, gas sudah habis," ujarnya.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, July 18, 2017

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