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Saturday, July 8, 2017

Oil and Gas Block Auction, ESDM Call 52 KKKS

Oil and gas investment in the first semester is only US $ 3.98 billion or 29 percent of the target of US $ 13.8 billion.

Friday (7/7) morning, as many as 52 officials of oil and gas companies gathered in the Salura Room of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). Looks of the top brass of Total EP lndonesie, ExxonMobil, Pertamina, Chevron and Petronas. Despite the title of Breakfast Meeting with Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources lgnasius Jonan directly sell 15 blocks of oil and gas which auction period has been opened since last June.

The government has to work hard to sell oil and gas, due to the lack of auction enthusiasts. This happens since the price of oil fell to US $ 40 per barrel in 2015. At that time, of the 8 blocks of oil and gas auctioned no company is interested. Similarly, in 2016, from 14 oil and gas blocks that are auctioned only 1 is interested.

While the price of oil is being battered, the government even issued a gross split regulation while offering 15 blocks of oil and gas. As a result oil and gas companies increasingly reluctant to follow the auction because it is not economical. Special Staff of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Hadi M. Djuraid explained, the government has the seriousness of getting oil and gas investment.

"The ESDM Minister is selling direct new blocks," he said, Friday (7/7).

Understandably, the data of the Special Working Unit (SKK) of Oil and Gas mentioned that in the first half of 2017, total investment in upstream oil and gas is only US $ 3.98 billion from this year's target of US $ 13.8 billion. That means it has just reached 29%.

Director General of Oil and Gas, IGN Wiratmaja Puja, explained that the meeting is aimed to encourage large oil and gas companies to tender 15 blocks of oil and gas this year.

"Last year, there were no big oil and gas companies this year, only 12 oil and gas companies took the tender documents," he said.

Deputy Minister of EMR, Arcandra Tahar stated, the government will be proactive and change the approach to oil and gas companies to invest in upstream oil and gas projects in Indonesia.

There are three steps that have been prepared. First, the government will open seismic data to oil and gas companies. Then allowing oil and gas companies that have conducted seismic surveys to exchange seismic data. Second, the government believes the gross split scheme will make investors interested.

 "Based on the calculations of the government and Pertamina, the first gross split scheme in Block ONWJ, turned out to be more attractive," he said.

Thirdly, from the regulation side, Arcandra said the government will issue a special tax regulation on the gross split scheme. The contents of the rule, in the exploration period there will be exemption from import duty.

Then, the value added tax and sales tax on luxury goods owed are given an incentive. No tax levy on imports of goods and exemption of Land and Building Tax (PBB) is required.

Country Chairman of Petronas Indonesia Mohamad Zaini Md Noor does not know whether to join the auction or not. "It's still being evaluated," he said.

Executive Director of Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong said that his side did not participate in the meeting on Friday morning. "But we see, the government is trying hard to make this year's auction successful," her said.


Lelang Blok Migas Sepi, ESDM Panggil 52 KKKS

Investasi migas semester 1 hanya sebesar US$ 3,98 miliar atau 29% dari target sekitar US$ 13,8 miliar. 

Jumat (7/7) pagi, sebanyak 52 petinggi perusahaan migas berkumpul di Ruang Salura Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM). Tampak para petinggi dari Total EP lndonesie, ExxonMobil, Pertamina, Chevron dan Petronas. Meski bertajuk Breakfast Meeting with Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Menteri ESDM lgnasius Jonan langsung berjualan 15 blok migas yang masa lelang sudah dibuka sejak Juni lalu.

Pemerintah memang harus berupaya keras berjualan migas, karena sepinya peminat lelang. Ini terjadi sejak harga minyak jatuh hingga US$ 40 per barel pada tahun 2015. Saat itu, dari 8 blok migas yang dilelang tidak ada satupun perusahaan yang berminat. Begitu pula tahun 2016, dari 14 blok migas yang dilelang hanya 1 yang berminat.

Bersamaan harga minyak sedang babak-belur, pemerintah malah menerbitkan aturan gross split sekaligus menawarkan 15 blok migas. Alhasil perusahaan migas semakin enggan mengikuti lelang karena tidak ekonomis. Staf Khusus Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Hadi M. Djuraid menjelaskan, pemerintah memiliki kesungguhan mendapatkan investasi migas. 

"Menteri ESDM berjualan langsung blok-blok baru," katanya, Jumat(7/7).

Maklum, data Satuan Kerja Khusus (SKK) Migas menyebutkan sampai semester I-2017, total investasi di hulu migas hanya US$ 3,98 miliar dari target tahun ini yang mencapai US$ 13,8 miliar. Artinya baru saja tercapai 29%.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi IGN Wiratmaja Puja menjelaskan, pertemuan tersebut agar para perusahaan migas besar ikut lelang 15 blok migas tahun ini. 

"Tahun lalu peserta lelang tidak ada perusahaan migas besar. Tahun ini baru 12 perusahaan migas mengambil dokumen lelang," ujarnya.

Wakil Menteri ESDM, Arcandra Tahar menyatakan, pemerintah akan proaktif dan mengubah pendekatan ke perusahaan migas agar mau menanamkan dana di proyek hulu migas Indonesia.

Ada tiga jurus yang sudah disiapkan. Pertama, pemerintah akan membuka data seismik ke perusahaan migas. Lalu mengizinkan perusahaan migas yang telah melakukan survei seismik itu saling bertukar data seismik. Kedua, pemerintah yakin skema gross split akan membuat investor tertarik.

 "Berdasarkan perhitungan pemerintah dan Pertamina, skema gross split yang pertama kali terjadi di Blok ONWJ, ternyata lebih atraktif," ungkapnya.

Ketiga, dari sisi regulasi Arcandra mengatakan pemerintah akan menerbitkan aturan perpajakan khusus skema gross split. Isi aturan itu, dalam masa eksplorasi akan ada pembebasan pungutan bea masuk. 

Lalu, pajak penambahan nilai dan pajak penjualan atas barang mewah yang terutang diberi insentif. Tidak dilakukan pungutan pajak penghasilan impor barang dan pembebasan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB).

Country Chairman Petronas Indonesia Mohamad Zaini Md Noor belum tahu akan ikut lelang atau tidak. "Masih dievaluasi," kata dia.

Sementara Direktur Eksekutif Executive Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong mengungkapkan, pihaknya tidak ikut dalam pertemuan Jumat pagi tersebut. "Tapi kami melihat, pemerintah berusaha keras agar lelang tahun ini sukses," Kata dia.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, July 8, 2017

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