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Friday, July 7, 2017

Oil and Gas Exploration Fainting

Upstream oil and gas investment in the country continues to shrink as impacts and low oil prices since late 2014. Upstream oil and gas investment realization in the first half of 2017 only US $ 3.9S billion fell 30% compared to the same period last year of US $ 5.65 Billion. Meanwhile, oil and gas investment realization in the first half of 2016 also fell compared to the first half of 2015 at US $ 7.74 billion.

In addition to falling compared to the same period last year, oil and gas investment realization in the first half of this year also only reached 29% of this year's target of US $ 13.8 billion. Head of Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi said the realization of investment semester 1/201 7 is not satisfactory.

Of the total investment of US $ 3.98 billion, US $ 3.96 billion of which was spent on exploitation activities and US $ 0.02 billion for expor- ration activities. The contractors barely invested in exploration activities or the search for new oil and gas reserves. On the other hand, the ups and downs of upstream oil and gas investment resulted in spending on other sectors such as supporting services to be corrected.

In addition to low oil prices, economic factors that are considered not enough for investors make the realization of upstream oil and gas investment. However, usually the realization of investment is higher at the end of the year. Amien hopes that business actors will simply postpone activities until the end of the year so that the target of upstream oil and gas investment is achieved.

"Upstream oil and gas investment is important for the country because it has a significant nickle down effect. So we are less happy because the realization is only 29%, "he said in a press conference in Jakarta, Thursday (6/7).

Meanwhile, the realization of state revenue and oil and gas sector as of June 30, 2017 amounted to US $ 6.4 billion, or about 59% of the target in APBN 2017 US $ 10.91 billion.

Realization of cost recovery or cost recovery 46% or US $ 4.87 billion from the target of US $ 10.49 billion with the largest composition that is 48% derived and operating costs. It also seeks to make the operating costs more efficient. However, Amien mentioned that there is potential for additional cost recovery at the end of the year as capital expenditure usually increases by the end of the year. Deputy of SKK Migas Operations Fataryani Abdurahman said, for exploration activities this year is still sluggish.

It is likely that next year's oil and gas exploration performance will begin to improve with the expectation that oil prices may rise. Based on the data, 2D seismic survey activity was realized three activities and 25 activities or only 12%. Meanwhile, for 3D seismic survey activities, there are two activities of the 14 activity plan or 13% of the target.


Previously, Vice President of Public & Government Affairs of Exxonmobil Cepu Limited Erwin Maryoto said that the company has not received permission from environmental impact analysis from the Ministry of Forestry and Environment to increase production. However, the company is currently conducting a production trial with a daily volume of 200,000 bpd.

Working Area Exxon Mobil in Cepu-EAST JAVA

The addition of production is possible because there are additional reserves of 450 million barrels to 729 million barrels so the production of 200,000 bpd can last for 3 years-4 years "now it's 200,000 but this is just a trial," he said.


Eksplorasi Migas Mati Suri

Investasi hulu minyak dan gas bumi di Tanah Air terus menyusut sebagai dampak dan rendahnya harga minyak sejak akhir 2014. Realisasi investasi hulu migas pada semester I/2017 hanya US$3,9S miliar anjlok 30% dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun lalu US$5,65 miliar. Sementara itu, realisasi investasi migas pada semester I/2016 juga turun dibandingkan dengan semester I/2015 senilai US$7,74 miliar.

Selain turun dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun lalu, realisasi investasi migas pada paruh pertama tahun ini juga baru mencapai 29% dari target tahun ini US$13,8 miliar. Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan, realisasi investasi semester 1/ 201 7 memang belum memuaskan. 

Dari total investasi US$3,98 miliar, US$3,96 miliar di antaranya dibelanjakan untuk kegiatan eksploitasi dan US$ 0,02 miliar untuk kegiatan ekspiorasi. Para kontraktor hampir tidak melakukan investasi untuk kegiatan eksplorasi atau pencarian cadangan baru migas. Di sisi lain, surutnya investasi hulu migas mengakibatkan belanja ke sektor lainnya seperti jasa penunjang ikut terkoreksi.

Selain rendahnya harga minyak, faktor keekonomian yang dianggap belum cukup bagi investor membuat realisasi investasi hulu migas rendah. Namun, biasanya realisasi investasi lebih tinggi pada akhir tahun. Amien berharap agar pelaku usaha hanya sekadar menunda kegiatan hingga akhir tahun sehingga target investasi hulu migas tercapai.

“Investasi hulu migas penting buat negara karena punya nickle down effect yang signifikan. Jadi kami kurang bergembira karena realisasinya hanya sebesar 29%,” ujarnya dalam jumpa pers di Jakarta, Kamis (6/7).

Sementara itu, realisasi penerimaan negara dan sektor migas per 30 Juni 2017 sebesar US$6,4s miliar atau sekitar 59% dari target dalam APBN 2017 US$10,91 miliar.

Realisasi pengembalian biaya operasi atau cost recovery 46% atau US$4,87 miliar dari target US$ 10,49 miliar dengan komposisi terbesar yakni 48% berasal dan biaya operasi. Pihaknya pun berupaya agar biaya operasi bisa lebih efisien. Namun Amien menyebut terdapat potensi penambahan cost recovery pada akhir tahun karena biasanya belanja modal bertambah menjelang akhir tahun. Deputi Operasi SKK Migas Fataryani Abdurahman mengatakan, untuk kegiatan eksplorasi tahun ini masih lesu.

Kemungkinan tahun depan kinerja eksplorasi migas baru mulai mengalami perbaikan dengan harapan harga minyak bisa naik. Berdasarkan data, kegiatan survei seismik 2D terealisasi tiga kegiatan dan 25 kegiatan atau hanya sebesar 12%. Sementara itu, untuk kegiatan survei seismik 3D, terdapat dua kegiatan dari rencana 14 kegiatan atau 13% dari target.

Sebelumnya, Vice President Public & Government Affairs Exxonmobil Cepu Limited Erwin Maryoto mengatakan saat ini pihaknya belum mendapatkan izin analisis dampak lingkungan dari Kementerian Kehutanan dan Lingkungan Hidup untuk menambah produksi. Namun, saat ini pihaknya masih melakukan uji coba produksi dengan volume harian 200.000 bph.

Penambahan produksi dimungkinkan karena terdapat tambahan cadangan dari 450 juta barel menjadi 729 juta barel sehingga produksi 200.000 bph bisa bertahan selama 3 tahun-4 tahun “sekarang sudah 200.000 tapi ini hanya uji coba,” katanya.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-1, Friday, July 7, 2017

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