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Thursday, July 13, 2017

Oil and Gas Supporters Still Worried

Currently oil and gas supporting companies do not have new contracts that they can work on

Oil and gas supporting industries (oil and gas) this year are still anxious to hook new contracts. The reason, the contractors cooperation contract (KKKS) is currently still holding oil and gas investment.

Let's take a look at the data of the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities which mentions, upstream oil and gas investment in the first half of 2017 is only US $ 3.98 billion. The achievement is only 29% of this year's target of US $ 13.8 billion.

Corporate Secretary of PT Elnusa Tbk Fajriyah Usman said the oil and gas supporting services industry such as his company is still difficult to make investment, because there are no new oil and gas projects running.

"For us supporting services, it is difficult to make an investment without any" opponent ", meaning no project or projection" revenue, "explained Fajriyah

With the current upstream oil and gas industry, issuers coded ELSA in Indonesia Stock Exchange is not sure to get certainty of return or income.

"Supporting service companies should invest prudently, we need to think about the value of investment with project value and future project opportunity," added Fajriyah.

ELSA prefers, the utility of existing equipment first, rather than making an investment.

"If the project is small, we will utilize existing equipment," said Fajriyah.

Usually companies invest if there is a need for contracts that require additional capacity. Or it also requires new equipment or technology or there is a need for replacement of already or damaged equipment. As a result, Elnusa has just spent Rp 173 billion for capital expenditure (capex) or capital expenditure in the first half of 2017. The funds are to purchase equipment for work over work needs or replace damaged or lost equipment.

Frieda Salvantina, Corporate Secretary of PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk, explained that the investment of oil and gas supporting industries is still sluggish, similar to that experienced in the upstream oil and gas industry.

"The investment in the upstream oil and gas sector is still very limited, so there is not much boring activity," her said, without mentioning the amount of capex that Apexindo has used during the first half of 2017.

Untung Haryono, Director of Administration and Finance of PT Perdana Karya Perkasa Tbk, said that the company has not issued capital expenditure until the first half of 2017 because the upstream oil and gas industry is quiet. Moreover, the company is restructuring the debt that must be run. Thus, this company must make efficiency.

One way of efficiency Perdana Karya Perkasa is to work with other companies to form a consortium or joint venture when following the auction or win the auction of oil and gas projects. In this way, the company now no longer need to spend investment to buy new equipment.

"In this way we can reduce costs," said Untung.

Amien Sunaryadi, Head of Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities, said that this year there is a delayed upstream oil and gas investment and some have not yet been implemented.

"It's because of several causes, hopefully it will only be delayed and executed at the end of the year," said Amien.


Penunjang Migas Masih Harap-Harap Cemas

Saat ini perusahaan penunjang migas tidak memiliki kontrak baru yang bisa mereka garap

Industri penunjang minyak dan gas bumi (migas) tahun ini masih harap-harap cemas menggaet kontrak baru. Pasalnya, para kontraktor kontrak kerjasama (KKKS) saat ini masih menahan investasi migas.

Mari kita intip data Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi yang menyebutkan, investasi hulu migas pada semester I-2017 baru sebesar US$ 3,98 miliar. Pencapaian tersebut hanya 29% dari target tahun ini yang sebesar US$ 13,8 miliar.

Sekretaris Perusahaan PT Elnusa Tbk Fajriyah Usman mengungkapkan, industri jasa penunjang migas seperti perusahaannya masih kesulitan melakukan investasi, karena belum ada proyek-proyek migas baru yang berjalan.

"Bagi kami jasa penunjang, sulit bisa melakukan investasi tanpa ada "lawannya", maksudnya tidak ada project atau proyeksi "revenue," jelas Fajriyah 

Dengan kondisi industri hulu migas saat ini, emiten berkode ELSA di Bursa Efek Indonesia tersebut tidak yakin mendapat kepastian imbal hasil atau pendapatan. 

"Perusahaan jasa penunjang harus melakukan investasi secara prudent. Perlu dipikirkan antara nilai investasi dengan nilai proyek dan kesempatan proyek ke depan,“ imbuh Fajriyah.

ELSA lebih memilih, utilitas peralatan yang ada terlebih dahulu, daripada melakukan investasi. 

"Kalau proyeknya sedikit, pasti kami utilisasi peralatan yang ada," ujar Fajriyah.

Biasanya perusahaan melakukan investasi apabila memang ada kebutuhan kontrak yang memerlukan adanya tambahan kapasitas. Atau juga memerlukan peralatan atau teknologi baru atau ada kebutuhan replacement peralatan yang sudah atau rusak. Alhasil, Elnusa baru saja mengeluarkan dana sebesar Rp 173 miliar untuk keperluan capital expenditure (capex) atau belanja modal pada semester I-2017. Dana itu untuk membeli peralatan bagi kebutuhan pekerjaan work over atau mengganti peralatan yang rusak atau hilang.

Frieda Salvantina, Sekretaris Perusahaan PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk, menjelaskan, investasi industri penunjang migas masih lesu, sama seperti yang dialami di industri hulu migas. 

"Karena investasi di sektor hulu migas juga masih sangat terbatas, sehingga tidak banyak kegiatan pengeborain," her said, tanpa mau menyebut besaran capex yang telah digunakan Apexindo selama semester I-2017.

Untung Haryono, Direktur Administrasi dan Keuangan PT Perdana Karya Perkasa Tbk, menyatakan, pihaknya belum mengeluarkan belanja modal hingga semester I-2017 karena industri hulu migas sepi. Apalagi perusahaan sedang melakukan restrukturisasi utang yang harus dijalankan. Sehingga, perusahaan ini harus melakukan efisiensi.

Salah satu Cara efisiensi Perdana Karya Perkasa adalah bekerjasama dengan perusahaan lain membentuk konsorsium atau joint venture ketika mengikuti lelang atau memenangkan lelang proyek migas. Dengan cara ini, perseroan kini tidak perlu lagi mengeluarkan investasi untuk membeli peralatan baru. 

"Dengan cara ini kami bisa menekan biaya," ujar Untung.

Amien Sunaryadi Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi, menyebutkan, tahun ini ada investasi hulu migas yang tertunda dan ada juga belum jadi dilaksanakan. 

"Itu karena beberapa penyebab. Mudah-mudahan hal tersebut hanya tertunda dan dilaksanakan akhir tahun nanti," kata Amien.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, July 13, 2017

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