The Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) is predicted to strengthen in today's trading on Monday (3/7) driven by the strengthening of oil prices.
Investa Saran Mandiri analyst Hans Kwee said the strengthening of oil prices will be a positive sentiment for JCI strengthening after the long holiday. On Saturday, WTI oil prices closed up 3.13 percent to US46.35 per barrel, while Brent oil rose 2.83 percent to US $ 48.98 per barrel.
"[IHSG] consolidation tends to strengthen," he said.
In addition, domestic data also provide positive sentiment for JCI. Domestic data in question is the inflation data to be released Monday (3/7) and in the estimate will still be positive.
Meanwhile, Senior Analyst PT Binaartha Paratna Sekuritas Reza Priyambada rate on today's trading JCI will be more influenced by global sentiment.
"The market will take a while for the review because sentiment in the past week tends to be varied," he said.
He added that JCI is expected to be in the range of support levels 5.725-5.768 and resistance 5.840-5.862. According to him, the positive movement ahead of Idul Fitri holiday shows the position of market players who are still optimistic that JCI is still in a strong trend.
However, given the varied global sentiments and the likely time to review all sentiment throughout the holidays, the trading rhythm may be temporarily sluggish and there may be a reasonable downside.
"However, the expected attenuation may be limited due to the immediate reaction after a long holiday. It is expected that the release of domestic macroeconomic data can help weaken if any, "he said.
On the other hand, during the first half of this year, the JCI rose 10.06% to the highest level in 5,829.71 history at the close of trading on Thursday (22/6). The performance of the Composite Index is ranked 6th among 13 global benchmark indexes. The first to fifth position was SNP Sansex India with 17.43% performance in the first half of 2017, followed by South Korea's KOSPI 16.97%, Hong Kong's Hang Seng 16.70%, Philippines PSE Index 14.88% and FTSE ST Singapore 11.62%.
In line with the rise of JCI, the value of market capitalization of Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) also rose to the position of Rp 6.373 trillion. Market capitalization Grows 8.46% year-to-date and end-2016 level recorded at Rp 5,754
Based on BEI data of 286 shares traded on the stock exchange recorded price increases during the first half of this year. The 62 stocks did not experience any changes in prices or stagnant, and 209 stocks were corrected per share price.
Harga Minyak Dorong IHSG
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) diprediksi menguat pada perdagangan hari ini, Senin (3 / 7) didorong oleh penguatan harga minyak.
Analis Investa Saran Mandiri Hans Kwee mengatakan penguatan harga minyak akan menjadi sentinten positif untuk penguatan IHSG usai libur panjang. Pada perdagangan Sabtu (1/7), harga minyak WTI ditutup menguat 3,13% ke level US46,35 per barel, sedangkan harga minyak Brent menguat 2,83% ke level US$48,98 per barel.
“[IHSG] konsolidasi cenderung menguat,” katanya.
Selain itu, data dalam negeri juga turut memberikan sentimen positif untuk IHSG. Data dalam negeri yang dimaksud adalah data inflasi yang akan dirilis Senin (3/ 7) dan di perkirakan masih akan positif.
Sementara itu, Senior Analis PT Binaartha Paratna Sekuritas Reza Priyambada menilai pada perdagangan hari ini IHSG akan lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh sentimen global.
“Pasar akan butuh waktu dulu untuk review karena sentimen di pekan kemarin cenderung variatif,” katanya.
Dia menambahkan, IHSG diperkirakan berada di kisaran level support 5.725-5.768 dan resisten 5.840-5.862. Menurutnya, pergerakan positif jelang libur Lebaran memperlihatkan posisi pelaku pasar yang masih optimistis bahwa IHSG masih dalam tren menguat.
Akan tetapi melihat variatifnya sentimen global dan kemungkinan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk me-review semua sentimen sepanjang liburan, ritme perdagangan berpotensi melambat sementara dan ada kemungkinan disertai dengan pelemahan wajar.
“Namun, diharapkan pelemahan dapat terbatas karena reaksi sesaat setelah libur panjang. Diharapkan rilis data makro ekonomi dalam negeri dapat membantu pelemahan jika ada,” katanya.
Pada sisi lain, sepanjang paruh pertama tahun ini, IHSG naik 10,06% ke level tertinggi sepanjang sejarah 5.829,71 pada penutupan perdagangan Kamis (22/6). Kinerja IHSG berada pada urutan ke-6 di antara 13 indeks acuan dunia. Posisi pertama hingga kelima ditempati oleh SNP Sansex India dengan kinerja 17,43% sepanjang semester I/2017, disusul oleh KOSPI Korea Selatan 16,97% , Hang Seng Hong Kong 16,70%, PSE Index Filipina 14,88%, dan FTSE ST Singapura 11,62%.
Sejalan dengan kenaikan IHSG, nilai kapitalisasi pasar Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) juga naik ke posisi Rp 6.373 triliun. Kapitalisasi pasar Bertumbuh 8,46 % year-to-date dan level akhir 2016 yang tercatat sebesar Rp 5.754
Berdasarkan data BEI sebanyak 286 saham yang diperdagangkan di lantai bursa mencatatkan kenaikan harga sepanjang paruh pertama tahun ini. Adapun 62 saham tidak mengalami perubahan harga atau stagnan, dan 209 saham mengalami koreksi harga per lembar saham.
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-10, Monday, July 3, 2017
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