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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Parliament Supports Brent So Formula ICP

Vice Chairman of Commission VII of the House of Representatives Satya Widya Yudha supports the use of "dated Brent" plus alpha crude oil price in Indonesia crude price (ICP).

"The use of 'dated Brent' plus alpha is expected to boost state revenues in the state budget significantly. Crude oil production in the country could increase in the coming years, "he said during a discussion held by the Ministry
ESDM in Jakarta, Monday (17/7).

Attending the event were Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, IGN Wiratmaja, representatives of SKK Migas Arwan, and Calvin Lee from Platts. Currently, the government is still evaluating the ICP formula / in line with the expiration of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree No 6171 K / 2 / MEM / 2016 on the Determination of the Crude Oil Price Formation Indonesia for July 2016 June 2017.

The ICP formula consists of "dated Brent" plus alpha which is calculated taking into account the suitability of crude oil quality, the development of international crude oil prices and national energy security. Alpha is set every month by the Minister of EMR.

According to Satya, Brent has been the basis for the formation of international oil prices since 1971.

"More than 70 percent of all oil production in the world has used Brent as a reference oil price formula, especially in Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, and even Malaysia enforce it since 2011," he said.

Therefore, he is optimistic that the use of "dated Brent" by the government can be more accurate to reflect the actual price of each semester. Satya adds that ICP formula must meet the four main principles of clear, objective and transparent (fairness and transparency), can compete with the price of crude oil from other countries or international competitiveness, the formula is relatively stable and ICP produced from non-fluctuating formula ) And enforced in a fairly long period (continuity).

According to him, the adjustment of ICP price formulation must be done to optimize state revenue, to reflect market development, and to ensure smooth operation of national oil and gas activities.


DPR Dukung Brent Jadi Formula ICP

Wakil Ketua Komisi VII DPR Satya Widya Yudha mendukung penggunaan acuan harga minyak mentah “dated Brent” ditambah alpha dalam penetapan formula harga minyak mentah Indonesia (Indonesia crude price/ ICP).

“Penggunaan acuan ‘dated Brent’ plus alpha ini diharapkan mampu mendongkrak penerimaan negara dalam APBN secara signifikan. Produksi minyak mentah dalam negeri bisa meningkat di tahun-tahun mendatang,” katanya saat diskusi yang digelar Kementerian ESDM di Jakarta, Senin (17/7).

Hadir dalam kesempatan tersebut antara lain Dirjen Migas Kementerian ESDM IGN Wiratmaja, perwakilan SKK Migas Arwan, dan Calvin Lee dari Platts. Saat ini, pemerintah masih mengevaluasi formula ICP/ seiring habisnya masa berlaku Keputusan Menteri ESDM No 6171 K/2/ MEM/ 2016 tentang Penetapan Formula Harga Minyak Mentah Indonesia Periode Juli 2016 Juni 2017.

Formula ICP itu terdiri dari “dated Brent” ditambah alpha yang dihitung dengan mempertimbangkan kesesuaian kualitas minyak mentah, perkembangan harga minyak mentah internasional dan ketahanan energi nasional. Alpha ditetapkan setiap bulan oleh Menteri ESDM. 

Menurut Satya, Brent sudah menjadi dasar dalam pembentukan harga minyak di internasional sejak 1971. 

“Lebih dari 70 persen seluruh produksi minyak di dunia telah menggunakan Brent ini sebagai acuan formula harga minyak terutama di negara Timur Tengah seperti Saudi Arabia, Iran, Irak, bahkan Malaysia memberlakukannya sejak 2011,” ujarnya.

Oleh karena itu, ia optimistis opsi penggunaan “dated Brent” oleh pemerintah bisa lebih akurat untuk mencerminkan harga sebenarnya setiap semester. Satya menambahkan formula ICP harus memenuhi empat prinsip utama yakni jelas, objektif dan transparan (fairness and transparency), dapat bersaing dengan harga minyak mentah dari kawasan atau negara lain (international competitiveness) , formula relatif stabil dan ICP yang dihasilkan dari formula tidak berfluktuatif (stability) dan diberlakukan dalam periode yang cukup panjang (continuity). 

Menurut dia, penyesuaian formulasi harga ICP harus dilakukan untuk mengoptimalkan penerimaan negara, merefleksikan perkembangan pasar, dan menjamin kelancaran operasional kegiatan migas nasional.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, July 18, 2017

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