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Monday, July 24, 2017

Perta Arun Targets 2018 Revitalization of 2018

PT Perta Arun Gas (PAG), seeks to complete three projects to utilize the former Arun refinery. The three projects are the revitalization of the Liquifed Natural Gas (LNG) terminal, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Hub, the construction of condensate terminals, and the construction of LPG tanks.

The Managing Director of PAG, Teuku Khaidir, targets three projects to start and finish next year. It's just that he was reluctant to give details of how much investment is needed for the three projects.

"We expect the onstream in 2018. For cooperation has been a deal," he said, in Medan, Friday (21/7).

Just for the picture, this grandson of PT Pertamina is holding three projects in the effort to revitalize the assets of the Arun gas processing facility. Previously, the facility is in the form of Arun LNG Plant which has been operated for 37 years and was forced to stop operations since 2014 because gas in the field is up. Then in 2015 the Arun LNG Plant is converted into LNG Admission and Regasification Terminal.

Khaidir mentioned that the LNG Hub project is already running. But because there is one of the leaking refinery, consequently will need to be repaired again. The project cooperates with Japanese investors. While on the second project, LPG tank project will be built by PT Pertamina Marketing and Trading. The tank has a total capacity of 60,000 cubic meters per day. Later LPG will be used to supply the needs of Aceh residents and parts of North Sumatra.

"This is also next year so that in the near future LPG needs can be met from Arun," he said.

While the condensate storage project was also built by Pertamina Marketing and Trading. The project will use three tanks with a capacity of 1.5 million barrels. Useful facilities to support the sale and purchase of Pertamina's oil and gas products.

"There will be cooperation with Thailand and Malaysia gradually," he said

Manager of Production Plan and Process Engineering of Perta Arun Gas, Sukarni Manan added, Arun currently has five refineries. Perta Arun will use two other tanks for LNG storage. The rest is leased, as did the Singapore LNG.

"There are two companies interested in using Pertamina tank, namely Japan LNG and Itochu," he said.


Perta Arun Targetkan Revitalisasi Kelar 2018

PT Perta Arun Gas (PAG), berupaya menyelesaikan tiga proyek untuk memanfaatkan bekas kilang Arun. Tiga proyek tersebut, adalah revitalisasi terminal gas alam cair atau Liquifed Natural, Gas (LNG) Hub, pembangunan terminal kondensat, dan pembangunan tangki LPG.

Direktur Utama PAG, Teuku Khaidir menargetkan tiga proyek ini sudah bisa dimulai dan selesai pada tahun depan. Hanya saja ia enggan memberikan perincian berapa besar investasi yang dibutuhkan untuk ketiga proyek tersebut.

"Kami perkirakan onstream pada 2018. Untuk kerjasamanya sudah deal," katanya, di Medan, Jumat (21/7).

Sekadar gambaran, cucu usaha PT Pertamina ini menggelar tiga proyek dalam upaya revitalisasi aset fasilitas pengolahan gas Arun. Sebelumnya, fasilitas itu berbentuk Kilang LNG Arun yang sudah dioperasikan selama 37 tahun dan terpaksa berhenti operasi sejak 2014 lalu karena gas di lapangan sudah habis. Lalu pada 2015 Kilang LNG Arun diubah fungsinya menjadi Terminal Penerimaan dan Regasifikasi LNG. 

Khaidir menyebut pada proyek LNG Hub sejatinya sudah berjalan. Tapi karena ada salah satu kilang yang bocor, alhasil akan perlu dilakukan perbaikan lagi. Proyek ini menjalin kerjasama dengan investor Jepang. Sementara pada proyek kedua, proyek tangki LPG akan dibangun oleh PT Pertamina Marketing and Trading. Tangki ini berkapasitas total 60.000 meter kubik per hari. Nantinya LPG bakal dipakai untuk menyuplai kebutuhan warga Aceh dan sebagian Sumatra Utara. 

"Ini juga tahun depan. Sehingga, dalam waktu dekat kebutuhan LPG bisa. dipenuhi dari Arun," katanya.

Sedangkan proyek tempat penyimpanan kondensat juga dibangun oleh Pertamina Marketing and Trading. Proyek ini bakal menggunakan tiga tangki berkapasitas 1,5 juta barel. Fasilitas berguna untuk menunjang jual beli produk migas Pertamina.

"Akan ada kerja sama dengan Thailand dan Malaysia secara bertahap," katanya

Manager Production Plan and Process Engineering Perta Arun Gas, Sukarni Manan menambahkan, saat ini Arun memiliki lima kilang. Perta Arun akan menggunakan dua tangki lainnya untuk tempat penyimpanan LNG. Sisanya disewakan, seperti yang dilakukan Singapore LNG. 

"Ada dua perusahaan berminat menggunakan tangki Pertamina, yaitu Japan LNG dan Itochu," katanya.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, July 22, 2017

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