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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Pertamina Focused Acquisition of Mansouri Block in Iran

The acquisition of two oil and gas fields in Russia is hampered by tax issues

PT Pertamina continues to increase the portfolio of oil and gas blocks managed both domestically and internationally. This step they are doing to enlarge oil and gas production capacity (oil and gas).

However, the expansion of adding oil and gas blocks abroad through this acquisition is not always running smoothly. For example, the plan to acquire each of the two oil and gas blocks in Iran and Russia, Pertamina has not been able to ensure the corporate action can be realized this year as well.

Later, the government-owned energy company is only focusing on the acquisition of a block of oil and gas in Iran, the Oil and Gas Block Mansouri. Consideration, Pertamina is more confident and sure can win the tender of oil and gas blocks.

"So the focus of Pertamina is currently only Mansouri Block in Iran," Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam said Thursday (13/7). Pertamina is optimistic to win the auction on Mansouri Block, because it has a better offer than its competitors.

In fact, at a giant oil and gas auction belonging to the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), Mansouri and Ab-Teymour, Pertamina faced each competitor.

"From the two bidders, we pursue Mansouri because it looks the best, so we continue to discuss technical and hopefully NIOC satisfied," said Syamsu.

Syamsu Alam further said that Pertamina indeed has passed technical evaluation by NIOC. The next step is to discuss terms and conditions before signing a contract for the block.

Therefore, in following up the Mansouri block auction process, Pertamina's team has visited Iran and met with the NIOC this week. The meeting with NIOC was conducted to discuss terms and conditions of the Mansouri Block.

"Now there is Iranian Petroleum Contract, which is used to calculate what its commercial value is," explained Alam.

Although it has entered the stages of discussion of terms and conditions, Pertamina has not been able to ensure the exact time of the completion of Mansouri Block auction process. Understandably, all processes depend on NIOC.

"Do not know when closingnya.Not even know whether this year can be completed," he added.

Tax Obstacles

Meanwhile, the acquisition of the Ab-Taymour field, has just included a bidding document. So even with the process of acquisition of two oil and gas blocks in Russia are still hampered taxation. Throughout 2017, Pertamina indeed claims to successfully acquire the shares of Meurel & Prom. Starting from February 1, 2017, Pertamina International EP (PIEP), a subsidiary of Pertamina, becomes the majority shareholder with 72.65% stake in Maurel & Prom.

After the acquisition, PIEP directly has access to operations in 12 countries and four continents of production assets in Gabon, Tanzania and Nigeria. Its exploration assets are in Namibia, Canada, Colombia, France Italy, and Myanmar. Previously, PIEP only operated in three countries namely Malaysia, Libya, and Iraq.

With the acquisition, Penamina get additional oil production of 30,000 barrels oil per day (BOPD). From early 2014 to early 2017, Pertamina's production of international assets grew to 150,000 BOEPD net-to-share.


Pertamina Fokus Akuisisi Blok Mansouri di Iran

Proses akuisisi dua lapangan migas di Rusia terhambat masalah pajak

PT Pertamina terus menambah jumlah portofolio blok migas yang dikelola baik di dalam negeri maupun di mancanegara. Langkah ini mereka lakukan untuk memperbesar kapasitas produksi minyak dan gas (migas).

Namun, ekspansi menambah blok migas di luar negeri lewat akuisisi ini tidak selamanya berjalan mulus. Misalnya, rencana mengakuisisi masing-masing dua blok migas di Iran dan Rusia, Pertamina belum bisa memastikan aksi korporasi tersebut bisa terealisasi tahun ini juga.

Belakangan, perusahaan energi milik pemerintah ini hanya fokus akuisisi satu blok migas di Iran, yakni Blok Minyak dan Gas Mansouri. Pertimbangannya, Pertamina lebih percaya diri dan yakin bisa menang tender blok migas tersebut.

"Jadi fokus Pertamina saat ini hanya Blok Mansouri di Iran," kata Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam, Kamis (13/7). Pertamina optimistis menang lelang pada Blok Mansouri, karena memiliki penawaran yang lebih bagus daripada pesaingnya.

Sebenarnya, pada lelang lapangan migas raksasa milik National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) yakni Mansouri dan Ab-Teymour, Pertamina menghadapi masing-masing satu kompetitor. 

"Dari dua bidder (penawar) itu, kami kejar Mansouri karena kelihatan yang paling bagus. Oleh Karena itu, kami terus berdiskusi teknis dan mudah-mudahan NIOC puas," ungkap Syamsu.

Lebih lanjut Syamsu Alam bilang, Pertamina memang telah melewati evaluasi teknik oleh NIOC. Tahapan selanjutnya adalah pembahasan terms and conditions sebelum menandatangani kontrak untuk blok tersebut.

Oleh karena itu dalam menindaklanjuti proses lelang blok Mansouri, tim Pertamina pun telah berkunjung ke Iran dan bertemu dengan pihak NIOC pada pekan ini. Pertemuan dengan NIOC dilakukan untuk membahas terms and conditions Blok Mansouri. 

"Sekarang ada Iranian Petroleum Contract, yang dipakai untuk menghitung nilai komersialnya seperti apa," jelas Alam.

Kendati telah memasuki tahapan pembahasan terms and conditions, Pertamina belum bisa memastikan waktu pasti selesainya proses lelang Blok Mansouri. Maklum, semua proses tergantung NIOC. 

"Belum tahu kapan closingnya. Belum tahu juga apakah tahun ini bisa selesai," tambahnya.

Hambatan Pajak

Sementara itu, proses akuisisi lapangan Ab-Taymour, baru saja memasukkan dokumen penawaran. Begitu pun dengan proses akuisisi dua blok migas di Rusia yang masih terhambat perpajakan. Sepanjang 2017, Pertamina memang mengklaim berhasil mengakuisisi saham Meurel & Prom. Terhitung mulai 1 Februari 2017, Pertamina Internasional EP (PIEP), yang merupakan anak usaha Pertamina menjadi pemegang saham mayoritas dengan 72,65% saham di Maurel & Prom.

Pasca akuisisi, PIEP langsung memiliki akses operasi di 12 negara dan empat benua yaitu aset produksi di Gabon, Tanzania, dan Nigeria. Aset eksplorasinya berada di Namibia, Kanada, Kolombia, Perancis Italia, dan Myanmar. Sebelumnya, PIEP hanya beroperasi di tiga negara yaitu Malaysia, Libya, dan Irak. 

Dengan akuisisi tersebut, Penamina mendapatkan tambahan produksi minyak sebesar 30.000 barel oil per day (BOPD). Sejak awal 2014 hingga awal 2017, produksi Pertamina dari aset internasional tumbuh hingga 150.000 BOEPD net-to-share.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, July 17, 2017

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