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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Pertamina Bost Exploration

PT Pertamina and its subsidiaries in the upstream sector are increasingly aggressive to get reserves and boost production. One of them is PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Abar which will start drilling exploration wells Karunia 1X, off the north coast of West Java.

PHE Abar General Manager, Theodorus Duma, said that the Abar block is managed by PHE since May 22nd, 2015. The stretching block offshore West Java from Jakarta to Subang area covers about 8,000 sq km (km2) geogragtis adjacent to Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). PHE Abar is committed to optimizing performance in the first three years of exploration.

"The commitment consists of geological and geophysicist work, 2D seismic acquisition and processing, as well as drilling of one exploration well," he said.

During 2015 to 2017, PHE Abar has completed G & G Studies and 2D seismic sea suryei along 1,990 km.

"Currently we are preparing to drill the Karunia-1X exploration well," he said.

He revealed that the Karunia-1X well is located close to the ONWJ Block. If an economical hydrocarbon reserve is found, the commercialization of the block can be done immediately by utilizing existing facilities at PHE ONWJ, "added Theodorus.


Pertamina Genjot Eksplorasi

PT Pertamina dan anak usahanya di sektor hulu makin agresif untuk mendapatkan cadangan dan menggenjot produksi. Salah satunya adalah PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Abar yang akan mulai pengeboran sumur eksplorasi Karunia 1X, di lepas pantai utara Jawa Barat.

General Manager PHE Abar, Theodorus Duma mengatakan, Blok Abar dikelola PHE sejak 22 Mei 2015. Blok yang membentang dilepas pantai Jawa Barat dari Wilayah Jakarta hingga Subang luasnya mencapai sekitar 8.000 km persegi (km2) yang secara geogragtis letaknya berdekatan dengan Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). PHE Abar berkomitmen mengoptimalkan kinerja dalam tiga tahun pertama masa eksplorasi. 

"Komitmen pasti tersebut terdiri dari pekerjaan geologi dan geophysicist, akuisisi dan processing seismic 2D, juga pemboran satu sumur eksplorasi," ujarnya 

Selama 2015 hingga 2017, PHE Abar telah menyelesaikan Studi G&G dan suryei laut seismik 2D sepanjang 1.990 km.

"Saat ini kami sedang mempersiapkan pengeboran sumur eksplorasi Karunia-1X," ujarnya. 

Dia mengungkapkan, sumur Karunia-1X terletak dekat dengan Blok ONWJ. Apabila ditemukan cadangan hidrokarbon yang ekonomis, komersialisasi blok dapat segera dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas yang sudah ada di PHE ONWJ," tambah Theodorus.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, July 29, 2017

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