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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Pertamina Immediately Drilling Poleng Field

Pertamina through its subsidiary, PT Pertamina EP, is preparing offshore drilling for the first time since it was formed on September 13, 2005. The drilling was conducted in one of the PT Pertamina EP fields, around the eastern Java Sea, PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Poleng Field.

"Currently we are preparing everything for the drilling process at Poleng Field to run smoothly. Now the ENSCO 67 Rig that we will use for drilling is in full inspection, "said Public Relation Manager of PT Pertamina EP Muhammad Baron during a media gathering in Tangerang, Banten.

According to him, a well drilled named Poleng N2 or CW-12H well. Drilling activities are planned in early August with work of approximately 45 days.

"The target depth reaches 9,000 ft and costs about US $ 15 million."
Baron explained that drilling activities are expected to produce 700 barrels of oil per day and 1.2 million cubic feet of gas per day.

"In addition, the drilling is also to add hydrocarbon absorption points in the CW and DW areas."

Asset 4 General Manager of PT Pertamina EP Didik Susilo added Asset 4 is one of the most complete assets because in addition to having oil field, there are also three gas production centers, namely CPP Gundih, CPP Donggi, and CPP Matindok.

"Including field on land and offshore like the one in this Field-Field."

Separately, Pertamina's Vice President of Corporate Communications, Adiatma Sardjito, said Pertamina also immediately realized one-price fuel oil at 25 points. That followed the operation of channeling institutions supporting the implementation of the program of Fuel Oil One Price on four islands this month.

The four islands are South Halmahera, Kabaruan Island, Karakelang Island, and West Seram Island. The premium price in the four locations is only Rp 6,450 per liter and Rp 5,150 per liter for diesel fuel.


Pertamina Segera Bor Poleng Field

Pertamina melalui anak perusahaannya, PT Pertamina EP, sedang mempersiapkan pengeboran lepas pantai pertama kalinya sejak terbentuk pada 13 September 2005. Pengeboran dilakukan di salah satu lapangan PT Pertamina EP, sekitar Laut Jawa bagian timur yakni PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Poleng Field. 

“Saat ini kami sedang mempersiapkan segalanya agar proses pengeboran di Poleng Field berjalan lancar. Kini Rig ENSCO 67 yang akan kami gunakan untuk pengeboran sedang ada inspeksi menyeluruh,” kata Public Relation Manager PT Pertamina EP Muhammad Baron saat media gathering di Tangerang, Banten.

Menurutnya, sumur yang dibor bernama Poleng N2 atau sumur CW-12H. Kegiatan pengeboran direncanakan awal Agustus dengan pekerjaan sekitar 45 hari. 

“Target kedalaman mencapai 9.000 ft dan biaya sekitar US$ 15 juta.”

Baron menjelaskan kegiatan pengeboran diharapkan bisa menghasilkan 700 barel minyak per hari dan 1,2 juta kaki kubik gas tiap hari. 

“Selain itu, pengeboran ini juga untuk menambah titik serap hidrokarbon di area CW dan DW.”

Asset 4 General Manager PT Pertamina EP Didik Susilo menambahkan Asset 4 ialah salah satu aset paling lengkap karena selain memiliki lapangan minyak, juga ada tiga pusat produksi gas, yaitu CPP Gundih, CPP Donggi, dan CPP Matindok.

“Termasuk lapangan di darat dan lepas pantai seperti yang ada pada Poleng-Field ini.”

Secara terpisah, Vice President Corporate Communication Pertamina Adiatma Sardjito mengatakan Pertamina juga segera merealisasikan Bahan Bakar Minyak Satu Harga di 25 titik. Itu menyusul beroperasinya lembaga penyalur pendukung pelaksanaan program Bahan Bakar Minyak Satu Harga di empat pulau pada bulan ini. 

Keempat pulau itu ialah Halmahera Selatan, Pulau Kabaruan, Pulau Karakelang, dan Pulau Seram Bagian Barat. Harga premium di empat lokasi itu hanya Rp 6.450 per Liter dan Rp 5.150 per liter untuk solar.

Media Indonesia, Page-18, Monday, July 17, 2017

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