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Thursday, July 6, 2017

Pertamina & Total Sit together to discuss the distribution of Shares

PT Pertamina will drill up to 15 wells in the Mahakam Block to boost production

PT Pertamina confirmed that next week it will discuss the Mahakam Block shareholding with PT Total EP Indonesie plan. Upstream Director of Pertamina, Syamsu Alam said that the discussion next week was more technical. "If you want to enter what kind, what kind of mechanism," said Syamsu, Wednesday (5/7).

Meanwhile, the value of the share down share value in the block will not be discussed. So also with the amount of share down that will be transferred to Total EP. As is known, the Minister of Energy and Human Resources Sudirman Said then, in 2015 decided to make room for Pertamina to share down maximum 30% in Mahakam Block to Total EP.

Lately, however, Total E & P Indonesie has sent a letter to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignatius Jonan asking for a share down in Mahakam Block of 39% from the previous 30%, First Tranche Petroleum (FTP) to 0%, from the usual 20% of gross investment credit 20 %.

Then Total EP requested the acceleration of the depreciation period from five years to two years. Last Total EP is willing to pay a signature bonus of about US $ 13 million from the amount of US $ 41 million. It's on record, can get 39% stake. Related demand share down to 39%, Syamsu did not want to comment much.


Pertamina is still referring to the previous Letter of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (Sudirman Said), "said Syamsu Alam. Five demand of Total EP including the addition of share down to 39% until now has not been answered by Jonan. Although the addition of shares is the blessing of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources on March 13, 2017 through the release official.

Another problem is, there is no clarity of investment fund of East Kalimantan Province Government (Kaltim) to be paid for Mahakam operation. Whether it will be borne by Pertamina entirely or charged to Total EP as well. Because with Participating Interest 10% to East Kalimantan, the initial funding deposit for investment is very large, from the total investment of around Rp 12 trillion-20 trillion per year.

The total EP letter letter, spokesman of the ESDM Ministry Sujatmiko also can not be sure when it will be answered.

Ready to drill Mahakam

While Syamsu said, in mid-July it will begin drilling wells funded by Pertamina. Until the end of the year, Pertamina plans to finance the drilling of 14-15 wells in the Mahakam block. 

      With the additional drilling expected, the Mahakam Block production is stable at about 1 billions of standard cubic feet (bcf) or it can increase from the current Mahakam Block gas production of 1.2 bcf.

Fahmi Radhi, an energy observer at Gajah Mada University, said that Pertamina is able to manage independently and even increase production. "Technology can be bought, experts can be hired, investment needs to be sought because the gas content of Mahakam is still big," he said.

Worker Total EP Change Clothes

     Starting January 1, 2018, Total EP workers totaling about 2,000 will change their clothing to employees of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam. On June 13, 2017, the National Workers Union of Total EP lndonesie had a meeting with Pertamina's Senior Vice President Human Resources (HR).

    Budi Satria, Chairman of the National Workers Union Total EP Indonesia, writes, all workers get a work offer letter from Pertamina Hulu Mahakam. Previously the Union of Workers was involved in the drafting of the work offer and the suitability of the text editor before it was given to SKK Migas and approved by the Ministry of Manpower.

"We are instructed to read and evaluate the work offer letter," Budi said.

    All of the Total EP workers have submitted a work offer letter from Pertamina Hulu Mahakam.

"We have signed autographs, just lacking the signature of HR Pertamina They get, we also get, January 1, 2018 we become Pertamina Hulu Mahakam".

    The facility or salary is the same as in Total EP "Includes the current position.


Pertamina & Total Duduk Bersama Membahas Pembagian Saham

PT Pertamina akan mengebor hingga 15 sumur di Blok Mahakam untuk menaikkan produksi

PT Pertamina memastikan, pekan depan akan membahas rencana pengurangan kepemilikan saham (share down) Blok Mahakam dengan PT Total EP Indonesie. Direktur Hulu Pertamina, Syamsu Alam menyatakan pembahasan pekan depan itu lebih kepada soal teknis. "Kalau mau masuk seperti apa, mekanismenya seperti apa," jelas Syamsu, Rabu (5/7).

Sementara terkait nilai valuasi porsi share down di blok tersebut belum akan dibahas. Begitu juga dengan besaran share down yang akan dialihkan ke Total EP. Seperti diketahui, Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Manusia Sudirman Said ketika itu, pada tahun 2015 memutuskan memberi ruang bagi Pertamina melakukan share down maksimal 30% di Blok Mahakam ke Total EP.

Namun belakangan, Total E&P Indonesie telah mengirimkan surat kepada Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan agar meminta share down di Blok Mahakam sebesar 39% dari sebelumnya 30%, First Tranche Petroleum (FTP) menjadi 0%, dari yang biasanya 20% dari produksi kotor investment credit 20%. 

Lalu Total EP meminta percepatan masa depresiasi dari lima tahun menjadi dua tahun. Terakhir Total EP bersedia membayar bonus tandatangan sekitar US$ 13 juta dari jumlah US$ 41 juta. Ini dengan catatan, bisa mendapatkan 39% saham. Terkait permintaan share down menjadi 39% itu, Syamsu tidak mau banyak berkomentar. 

Pertamina masih mengacu pada Surat Menteri ESDM sebelumnya (Sudirman Said)," ujar Syamsu Alam. Lima permintaan Total EP termasuk penambahan share down menjadi 39% hingga kini belum dijawab oleh Jonan.  Padahal penambahan saham itu adalah restu Menteri ESDM pada 13 Maret 2017 melalui rilis resmi.

Masalah lain adalah, belum ada kejelasan dana investasi Pemerintah Propinsi Kalimantan Timur (Kaltim) yang harus disetorkan untuk operasional Mahakam. Apakah nanti akan ditanggung Pertamina seluruhnya atau dibebankan ke Total EP juga. Sebab dengan Participating Interest 10% ke Kaltim, setoran dana awal untuk investasi sangat besar, dari total investasi sekitar Rp 12 triliun-20 triliun per tahun.

Soal surat Total EP, Juru bicara Kementerian ESDM Sujatmiko juga belum bisa memastikan kapan akan akan dijawab. 

Siap ngebor Mahakam 

Sementara Syamsu bilang, pada pertengahan bulan Juli ini akan mulai dilakukan pemboran sumur yang didanai oleh Pertamina. Hingga akhir tahun Pertamina berencana membiayai pengeboran 14-15 sumur di Blok Mahakam. 

     Dengan tambahan pengeboran tersebut diharapkan, produksi Blok Mahakam stabil sekitar 1 billions of standard cubic feet (bcf) atau bisa meningkat dari produksi gas Blok Mahakam saat ini yang mencapai 1,2 bcf.

Fahmi Radhi Pengamat Energi Universitas Gajah Mada, mengatakan Pertamina mampu mengelola secara mandiri bahkan menaikkan produksi. "Teknologi bisa dibeli, tenaga ahli bisa disewa, butuh investasi bisa dicari karena kandungan gas Mahakam masih besar," kata dia.

Pekerja Total EP Ganti Baju

     Mulai 1 Januari 2018, pekerja Total EP yang berjumlah sekitar 2.000 akan berganti baju menjadi karyawan PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam. Pada 13 Juni 2017 lalu, Serikat Pekerja Nasional Total EP lndonesie sudah melakukan pertemuan dengan Senior Vice President Human Resources (HR) Pertamina.

Budi Satria, Ketua Umum Serikat Pekerja Nasional Total EP Indonesia, menulis, seluruh pekerja mendapatkan surat penawaran kerja dari Pertamina Hulu Mahakam. Sebelumnya Serikat Pekerja dilibatkan dalah penyusunan draf penawaran kerja dan kesesuaian redaksi naskah sebelum diberikan ke SKK Migas dan disetujui Kementerian Tenaga Kerja. 

"Kami instruksikan agar membaca dan mengevaluasi Surat penawaran kerja itu," kata Budi.

Semua pekerja Total EP sudah menyerahkan surat penawaran kerja Pertamina Hulu Mahakam. 

"Kami sudah tanda tangan, hanya kurang tandatangan HR Pertamina. Mereka mendapatkan, kami juga mendapatkan, 1 Januari 2018 kami menjadi Pertamina Hulu Mahakam" .

Fasilitas atau gaji sama seperti di Total EP "Termasuk jabatan saat ini.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, July 6, 2017

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