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Thursday, July 13, 2017

Pertamina Turn Requested Input

PT Pertamina and PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. Asking for business support in the revision of Law no. 22/2001 on Oil and Gas. The draft Oil and Gas Law (RUU) is still in the harmonization stage of the Legislation Body. After the board of directors of PGN, now Pertamina's turn to meet the Legislation Body discussed the Oil and Gas Bill.

President Director of Peitamina Elia Massa Manik said in the meeting has not been discussed about the parent company as has been alluded to by the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). According to him, in the meeting more discussed the prospect of the company's position in the coming era, especially as a national oil company.

He considered, the company wants a more agile motion as a corporation. When compared with Malaysian oil company Petronas, Pertamina is still left behind. For example, in terms of oil reserves, Pertamina only has 3.4 billion barrels, while Petronas is 12 billion barrels. Then, from the average capital expenditure side for 5 years, Pertamina only spent about US $ 20 billion when Petronas reached US $ 80 billion.

The reason, less space that affects the speed of decision making. Petronas, able to be more agile because it can make decisions, while Pertamina needs the blessing of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) and the Ministry of SOEs.

"Like Petronas, in one body Petronas can make decisions, whereas we can not. We must follow the procedures in the Ministry of ESDM and the Ministry of SOEs said after the meeting at the Legislative Body of the House of Representatives on Wednesday (12/7).

In terms of gas infrastructure development, the company continues to build infrastructure. However, he still discussed the Oil and Gas Draft Law, he mentioned the need for detailed plans related to the location of the field, the required infrastructure and market so that infrastructure development in accordance with the economy of the company.

Another thing that is also important, he stressed, that Pertamina's infrastructure development plan does not conflict with PGN infrastructure development plan which is also tasked to build infrastructure

"We emphasize that the oil and gas bill needs to be integrated where the gas is, where is the infrastructure, where the market is. To be an economical project. "

Previously, President Director of PGN Jobi Triananda Hasjim hoped that through the new Oil and Gas Law the company's position as a gas company could be strengthened. The company's position as an open company should not be an obstacle because the government is in control.

The draft of Oil and Gas Draft Law proposed by Commission VII mentioned that there will be a special oil and gas business entity which is directly and responsible to the President.


Giliran Pertamina Diminta Masukan

PT Pertamina dan PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. meminta dukungan bisnis dalam revisi Undang-Undang No. 22/2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi. Rancangan Undang-Undang (RUU) Migas itu masih dalam tahap harmonisasi di Badan Legislasi. Setelah jajaran direksi PGN, kini giliran Pertamina yang bertemu Badan Legislasi membahas RUU Migas.

Direktur Utama Peitamina Elia Massa Manik mengatakan, dalam rapat belum dibahas tentang induk perusahaan seperti yang telah disinggung oleh Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN). Menurutnya, dalam rapat lebih banyak dibahas prospek posisi perseroan di era mendatang khususnya sebagai perusahaan minyak nasional.

Dia menilai, perseroan menginginkan gerak yang lebih lincah sebagai korporasi. Bila dibandingkan dengan perusahaan minyak Malaysia, Petronas, Pertamina masih tertinggal. Sebagai Contoh, dari sisi cadangan minyak, Pertamina hanya memiliki 3,4 miliar barel, sedangkan Petronas 12 miliar barel. Kemudian, dari sisi rerata belanja modal selama 5 tahun, Pertamina hanya membelanjakan sekitar US$20 miliar ketika Petronas mencapai US$ 80 miliar.

Penyebabnya, ruang gerak yang kurang sehingga mempengaruhi kecepatan dalam membuat keputusan. Petronas, mampu lebih gesit karena bisa membuat keputusan, sedangkan Pertamina perlu restu dari Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) dan Kementerian BUMN.

“Seperti Petronas, dalam satu body Petronas bisa membuat keputusan, sedangkan kita tidak bisa. Kita harus ikut ikut prosedur di Kementerian ESDM dan Kementerian BUMN ujarnya usai rapat di Badan Legislasi DPR, Rabu (12/7).

Dan sisi pengembangan infrastruktur gas, perseroan terus membangun infrastruktur. Namun, masih dibahasnya RUU Migas, dia menyebut perlu detail rencana terkait lokasi lapangan, infrastruktur yang dibutuhkan berikut pasarnya sehingga pengembangan infrastruktur sesuai dengan keekonomian perseroan.

Hal lain yang juga penting, dia menekankan, agar rencana pengembangan infrastruktur Pertamina tidak berbenturan dengan rencana pengembangan infrastruktur PGN yang juga bertugas membangun infrastruktur

“Kita tekankan dalam RUU Migas perlu terintegrasi di mana gasnya, di mana infrastruktur, di mana pasarnya. Supaya proyek ekonomis."

Sebelumnya, Direktur Utama PGN Jobi Triananda Hasjim berharap agar melalui UU Migas yang baru posisi perseroan sebagai perusahaan gas bisa diperkuat. Posisi perseroan sebagai perusahaan terbuka seharusnya tidak menjadi hambatan karena pemerintah memegang kendali.

Pada draf RUU Migas yang diajukan Komisi VII menyebut bahwa nantinya akan ada Badan Usaha Khusus Migas yang berkedudukan langsung dan bertanggung jawab kepada Presiden.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Thursday, July 13, 2017

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