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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Presidential Regulation of Gas Network Will Soon Rise

Construction of gas network became one of the flagship programs of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). Through the development of the gas network is expected to reduce state expenditure to import Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

      So it is no wonder every year the government continues to spend funds to build a gas network. Later the government also plans to issue a Presidential Regulation related gas network for the construction can be faster.

Director of Planning and Development of Infrastructure and Development of Oil and Gas Infrastructure of ESDM Alimuddin Baso said the presence of the Perpres placed the gas network into the national strategic project. Thus, all stakeholders, both central and local government, must support the gas network project.

"So there is no such thing as a permit, if it can be a day, why should a week, that is an example," said Alimuddin, Wednesday (27/7).

So far there have been one to two areas that are good enough in giving permission to build gas network.

"We are spreading that information, becoming a prototype for other areas," he said.

In addition to regulating the national strategic project, the Presidential Regulation of Gas Network will also regulate the allocation of gas which has been the obstacle to network development. Including the issue of toll fee will also be regulated in the Presidential Regulation.

"Until now, the toll fee has all regulation, and when we want to reach the toll tariff, there must be a trigger, the trigger must be regulated," said Alimuddin. The completion of this toll fee must be changed through regulation.

"So there is lex specialis in there, if we look for conventional way does not finish the problem," said Alimuddin.

This Presidential Regulation is being harmonized in the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights and is expected to be published soon.

"There is usually a discussion once again," he said. For information, the government since the end of 2016 has set the allocation of funds for the construction of gas networks in the 2017 Budget (APBN), the Government targets 57,000 household connections (SR) can be built this year. But until mid-2017, network construction has just begun.

"Just got a winner in April-May, so just started shopping goods, mobilization," he said.


Peraturan Presiden Jaringan Gas Akan Segera Terbit

Pembangunan jaringan gas menjadi Salah satu program unggulan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM). Melalui pembangunan jaringan gas tersebut diharapkan bisa menekan pengeluaran negara untuk impor Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) .

      Maka tidak heran setiap tahun pemerintah terus mengeluarkan dana untuk membangun jaringan gas. Belakangan pemerintah juga berencana menerbitkan Peraturan Presiden terkait jaringan gas agar pembangunan bisa lebih cepat.

Direktur Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan Pembangunan Infrastruktur Migas ESDM Alimuddin Baso mengatakan,  kehadiran perpres tersebut  menempatkan jaringan gas masuk dalam proyek strategis nasional. Dengan begitu suluruh pemangku kepentingan, baik pemerintah pusat maupun daerah harus mendukung proyek jaringan gas.

"Jadi tidak ada lagi misalnya harus ada izin. Kalau bisa sehari, kenapa harus sepekan, itu contoh," kata Alimuddin, Rabu (27/7).   

Sejauh ini sudah ada satu hingga dua daerah yang sudah cukup bagus dalam memberikan izin pembangunan jaringan gas.  

"Kami menyebarkan informasi itu, menjadi suatu prototipe untuk daerah lain, " katanya.

Selain mengatur soal proyek strategis nasional, Peraturan Presiden Jaringan Gas juga akan mengatur mengenai alokasi gas yang selama ini menjadi kendala pembangunan jaringan. Termasuk soal masalah toll fee juga akan diatur dalam Peraturan Presiden tersebut. 

"Selama ini toll fee punya regulasi semua. Ketika kami ingin mencapai tarif tol tentu harus ada trigger, ya trigger harus regulasi  juga," kata  Alimuddin. Penyelesaian mengenai toll fee ini memang harus diubah melalui regulasi. 

“Supaya ada lex specialis di situ, kalau kami mencari cara konvensional tidak selesai masalahnya,” ujar Alimuddin.

Peraturan Presiden ini sedang dalam harmonisasi di Kementerian Hukum dan HAM dan diharapkan bisa  segera terbit.

"Biasanya ada pembahasan sekali lagi," ujarnya. Sebagai informasi, pemerintah sejak akhir tahun 2016 telah menetapkan alokasi dana untuk pembangunan jaringan gas dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja (APBN) 2017, Pemerintah menargetkan Sebanyak 57.000 sambungan rumah tangga (SR) bisa dibangun pada tahun ini. Namun hingga pertengahan tahun 2017, pembangunan jaringan baru saja dimulai. 

"Baru saja dapat pemenang di bulan April-Mei, sehingga baru saja mulai belanja barang, mobilisasi," kata dia.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, July 27, 2017

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