, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Residents of Heavy Equipment Seals Owned by Pertamina EP Contractors - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Residents of Heavy Equipment Seals Owned by Pertamina EP Contractors

Irritated No Notice, Worry Cause Damaged Road
Pertamina EP Claim Already Post a Letter to Village Government

The heavy equipment belonging to Pertamina EP sub contractor located at T-junction Soko, Bangilan Sub-district, Tuban Regency, was sealed by local residents on Saturday (15/7).

Based on the info, the sealing was done when the crane type heavy equipment was moving to oil drilling in Senori sub-district. The reason for the residents to seal, because moving is not accompanied by permission and notification To the citizens. In addition, residents are also worried that the move could damage public facilities, especially roads.

Appeared on the heavy equipment is plastered with paper that reads "We refuse heavy equipment on the highway that is not capacity."

Wakid one of the residents who said in the sealing, said that the heavy equipment will be brought to the drilling of oil in the Tapen well area of ​​Pertamina EP in Senori.

"After the driver we ask, it will lead to oil drilling to Senori Sub-district," he said. "Therefore we seal, because there is no notice to the citizens," he said.

Wiji, one of Sidodadi village's devices, Bangilan Sub-district, confirmed the action. Even so, he admitted if until now the Village Government does not know the owner of the heavy equipment.

"Therefore, there has been no notice from the owners of heavy equipment, but the Village Government only heard information if there will be heavy equipment pertamina moving to Senori Sub-district We are still waiting for the information because if there is a heavy equipment moving company usually ask Permission to local residents, "he said.

Related to this matter, Field Manager of Pertamina Ep Asset 4 Cepu, Heru Irianto when claimed to have received no report related to the sealing of heavy equipment by residents. Mentioned about the absence of notice and permission to the district and village, he claimed to have sent a letter.

"So far there has been no report if there is heavy equipment detention in Bangilan, but if related we seem to have sent a letter to Bangilan Sub-district," said Heru.


Warga Segel Alat Berat Milik Sub Kontraktor Pertamina EP

Kesal Tidak Ada Pemberitahuan, Khawatir Sebabkan Jalan Rusak
Pertamina EP Klaim Sudah Layangkan Surat ke Pemerintah Desa  

Alat berat milik sub kontraktor Pertamina EP yang berada di pertigaan Soko, Kecamatan Bangilan, Kabupaten Tuban, disegel warga setempat, Sabtu (15/7).

Berdasarkan info, penyegelan itu dilakukan saat alat berat jenis crane tersebut hendak moving ke pengeboran minyak di Kecamatan Senori. Adapun alasan warga melakukan penyegelan, karena moving tersebut tidak disertai izin dan pemberitahuan kepada warga. Selain itu, warga juga khawatir jika moving itu bisa merusak fasilitas milik umum, khususnya jalan.

Tampak pada alat berat tersebut ditempeli kertas oleh warga yang bertuliskan "Kami menolak alat berat masuk di jalan raya yang bukan kapasitas."

Wakid salah satu warga yang ikul dalam penyegelan tersebut, mengatakan bahwa alat berat itu akan dibawa menuju pengeboran minyak di wilayah Sumur Tapen Pertamina EP di Senori.

"Setelah sopirnya kita tanyakan, ternyata akan menuju ke pengeboran minyak ke Kecamatan Senori," katanya. "Oleh karena itu kami segel, karena tidak ada pemberitahuan ke warga," katanya.

Wiji, salah satu perangkat desa Sidodadi, Kecamatan Bangilan, membenarkan adanya aksi tersebut. Meski begitu, ia mengaku jika sampai saat ini Pemerintah Desa belum tahu pemilik alat berat tersebut.

"Sebab, selama ini belum ada pemberitahuan dari pihak pemilik alat berat. Pihak Pemerintah Desa hanya mendengar informasi jika akan ada kegiatan moving alat berat pertamina menuju ke Kecamatan Senori. Kita masih menunggu info tersebut. Sebab, kalau ada moving alat berat biasanya perusahan datang meminta izin ke warga setempat," katanya.

Terkait hal tersebut, Field Manager Pertamina Ep Asset 4 Cepu, Heru Irianto saat mengaku belum menerima laporan terkait adanya penyegelan alat berat oleh warga. Disinggung soal belum adanya pemberitahuan dan izin kepada pihak kecamatan dan desa, ia mengklaim sudah melayangkan surat. 

"Sejauh ini belum ada laporan jika ada penahanan alat berat di Bangilan, tapi jika terkait sepertinya kami sudah mengirimkan surat kepada pihak Kecamatan Bangilan," kata Heru.

Harian Bangsa , Page-9, Monday, July 17, 2017

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