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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Suko Hartono Appointed as President Director of Pertagas

After being vacant since mid-2016, Suko Hartono, who started his career at PT Perusahaan Gas Negara, was elected President Director of PT Pertamina Gas, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina. The position of President Director of Pertagas was previously empty since mid-2016 after the abandonment of Hendra Jaya who retired. After that, in early 2017, was appointed Toto Nugroho.

However, the post of Pertagas President Director was again empty after last month Toto Nugroho was appointed to the Senior Vice President of Pertamina Integrated Supply Chain in charge of imports of crude oil, fuel oil and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

The man born in Madiun, 48 years ago it has been 20 years serving in PGN with various assignments such as General Manager SBU Distribution Region I West Java and the assignment in the environment of a subsidiary of PGN.

President Commissioner of Pertagas Yenni Andayani said the appointment of Suko is not merely considering the corporate aspect. The reason is that the synergy of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) oil and gas sector could be better.

"Especially in the holding synergy [holding company] BUMN Migas is expected to be better again," her said.

Suko said it would adjust Pertagas's vision and mission with the company. He also said it would prioritize new pipeline projects, optimize existing pipelines, and ensure operations according to aspects safety. 

"I will align with Pertamina's vision and mission."

The appointment of Suko is expected to facilitate the synergy of Pertagas and PGN as fellow gas players in the country. Both companies, for example, are still building a gas pipeline on the same segment, Duri-Dumai

The construction of the Duri-Dumai gas pipeline constructed by Pertamina through Pertamina Gas and PGN since August 2016 has been delayed to 2018. The Government has issued a Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. 4975 K / 12 / MEM / 2016 PGN and Pertagas must build together the gas infrastructure along with their joint support. Through that beleid, the Duri-Dumai pipeline project is targeted to operate in Q1 / 2017.

Director of Infrastructure and Technology of Perusahaan Gas Negara Dilo Seno Widagdo said the two companies have agreed that both of them will invest and deliver gas according to the segment.

Constraints at this time, he admitted it is difficult to complete the physical development this year with the condition of land that has not been free. He estimates that physical development takes 18 months or is completed around the first half of 2018.

     Based on the assignment, PGN is assigned to reach industries in South Sumatra, Riau and Jambi areas as it requires acceleration.


Suko Hartono Ditunjuk Jadi Presiden Direktur Pertagas

Setelah sempat kosong sejak medio 2016, Suko Hartono yang mengawali karir di PT Perusahaan Gas Negara dipilih menjadi Presiden Direktur PT Pertamina Gas, anak perusahaan PT Pertamina. Jabatan Presiden Direktur Pertagas sebelumnya sempat kosong sejak pertengahan 2016 setelah ditinggalkan Hendra Jaya yang memasuki masa pensiun. Setelah itu, pada awal 2017, ditunjuk Toto Nugroho.

Namun, jabatan Presiden Direktur Pertagas kembali kosong setelah bulan lalu Toto Nugroho ditunjuk menempati Senior Vice President Integrated Supply Chain Pertamina yang mengurusi impor minyak mentah, bahan bakar minyak, dan liquefied petroeleum gas (LPG).

Pria kelahiran Madiun, 48 tahun lalu ini tercatat sudah 20 tahun mengabdi di PGN dengan berbagai penugasan seperti General Manager SBU Distribusi Wilayah I Jawa Bagian Barat Serta penugasan di lingkungan anak perusahaan PGN.

Komisaris Utama Pertagas Yenni Andayani mengatakan, penunjukan Suko bukan sekadar mempertimbangkan aspek korporasi. Alasannya, agar sinergi badan usaha milik negara (BUMN) sektor migas bisa semakin baik.

“Khususnya dalam sinergi holding [induk usaha] BUMN Migas diharapkan bisa lebih balk lagi," katanya.

Suko mengatakan, pihaknya akan menyesuaikan visi dan misi Pertagas dengan perseroan. Dia pun menyebut pihaknya akan memprioritaskan berbagai proyek pipa baru, mengoptimalkan ruas pipa yang sudah ada, serta memastikan operasi sesuai dengan aspek keselamatan. "Saya akan selaraskan dengan visi dan misi Pertamina."

Penunjukkan Suko diharapkan mampu mempermudah sinergi Pertagas dan PGN sebagai sesama pemain gas di Tanah Air. Kedua perusahaan itu misalnya, masih membangun pipa gas pada ruas yang sama yaitu Duri-Dumai 

Proyek pembangunan pipa gas ruas Duri-Dumai yang dibangun Pertamina melalui Pertamina Gas dan PGN sejak Agustus 2016 molor ke 2018. Pemerintah telah menerbitkan Keputusan Menteri ESDM No. 4975 K/12/MEM/2016 PGN dan Pertagas harus membangun bersama infrastruktur gas berikut penunjangnya secara bersama-sama. Melalui beleid tersebut pun, ditargetkan ruas pipa Duri-Dumai bisa beroperasi pada Kuartal l/2017.

Direktur Infrastruktur dan Teknologi Perusahaan Gas Negara Dilo Seno Widagdo mengatakan, kedua badan usaha telah menyepakati agar keduanya berinvestasi dan menghantarkan gas sesuai dengan ruasnya.

Kendala saat ini, dia mengakui sulit untuk menyelesaikan pembangunan fisik di tahun ini dengan kondisi lahan yang belum bebas. Dia memperkirakan bahwa pembangunan fisik menghabiskan waktu 18 bulan atau rampung di sekitar semester I /2018.

     Berdasarkan penugasan, PGN ditugaskan untuk mencapai industri di wilayah Sumatra Selatan, Riau, dan Jambi karena memerlukan percepatan.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Tuesday, July 18, 2017

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