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Thursday, July 6, 2017

The Abadi Field Project in Masela Block Begins Starting

One year and three months stopped operations, the Masela Field Abadi project started showing signs of resuming. Vice President of Corporate Services of lnpex Corporation Nico Muhyiddin said that Inpex, as the operator of Masela Block, has obtained an official letter from the government to hold pre front end engineering design (feed).

To start the pre feed, lnpex is conducting a market survey. In the survey simultaneously conducted a study and data collection of prospective buyers of gas produced by Masela Block later. In addition, Inpex mapping technically, commercially and socially. It is expected that the whole process can be completed soon.

"Market surveys have to be completed this month," said Nico, Wednesday (6/7).


After the market survey is completed, Inpex will proceed to the bidding process by direct appointment, This is in accordance with the provisions of the 007 Revision 4 Working Guidelines.

"Inpex will follow the 007 Revision Workflow Guidelines that will be effective July 28," Nico said.

If the winning bidder has been obtained, Inpex can start a pre feed, which is targeted this year as well. Previously lnpex has proposed five clauses of Masela block project work. Namely, the addition of LNG plant capacity from 7.5 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) to 9.5 MTPA, 10-year contract addition, 15% internal rate of return, cost recovery during exploration and licensing from the government.


Proyek Lapangan Abadi di Blok Masela Mulai Berjalan

Satu tahun tiga bulan berhenti beroperasi, proyek Lapangan Abadi Blok Masela mulai menunjukkan tanda-tanda dimulai lagi. Vice President Corporate Service lnpex Corporation Nico Muhyiddin mengatakan, Inpex selaku operator Blok Masela sudah mendapatkan Surat resmi dari pemerintah untuk menggelar pre front end engineering design (feed).

Untuk memulai pre feed, lnpex sedang melakukan survei pasar. Dalam survei tersebut sekaligus dilakukan Studi dan pengumpulan data calon-calon pembeli gas hasil produksi Blok Masela nanti.  Selain itu, Inpex melakukan pemetaan secara teknikal, komersial dan sosial. Diharapkan seluruh proses ini bisa selesai segera. 

"Survei market sudah harus selesai bulan-bulan ini," tegas Nico, Rabu (6/7). 

Setelah survei market selesai, lnpex akan melanjutkan ke proses tender dengan penunjukkan langsung, Hal tersebut sesuai ketentuan dalam Pedoman Tata Kerja 007 Revisi 4. 

"lnpex akan mengikuti Pedoman Tata Kerja 007 revisi yang akan efektif 28 Juli nanti," ujar Nico. 

Jika perusahaan pemenang tender sudah didapat, Inpex bisa memulai pre feed, yang targetnya tahun ini juga. Sebelumnya lnpex telah mengajukan lima klausul pengerjaan proyek blok Masela. Yakni penambahan kapasitas kilang LNG dari 7,5 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) menjadi 9,5 MTPA, penambahan kontrak selama 10 tahun, internal rate of return 15%, cost recovery selama masa eksplorasi dan perizinan dari pemerintah.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, July 6, 2017

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