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Monday, July 24, 2017

The New Rule of the ESDM Minister Causes Controversy

The new Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) NO 42/2017 regulation on Business Control in Business Activities in ESDM Sector sparked controversy. This rule can complicate the movement of energy business.

In such a regulation, energy companies are required to obtain permission if they reimburse directors and commissioners to share transfer.

"It's better just to report it, no need to get approval," said Deputy Executive Director of Indonesian Coal Producers Association (APBI) Hendra Sinadia, Friday (21/7).

The sale of shares and the replacement of the board is a corporate action. If this has to wait for government approval it is feared this could hamper corporate action. Entrepreneurs are also doubtful with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources's ability to handle this. Because the current number of companies with Mining Business License (IUP) reached 10,818. The number of companies holding Contract of Work 34

Meanwhile, the company holding the Coal Mining Concession Working Agreement (PKP2B) is 73, then there is a Contractor Cooperation Contract (KKKS) in the oil and gas sector 68, as well as private power plants amounting to 40. Vice Chairman of the Indonesian Processing and Refining Association (APSI), Jonathan Handojo also questioned This policy motif.

"This Minister wants to be a sole ruler?" He said half-questioned.

Jonathan suspects the background of the emergence of this rule the government has often been deceived fake companies that want to enjoy natural resources. Daily Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Private Electric Manufacturers (ASI) Arthur Simatupang said, this rule can be troublesome businessmen.

"Making uncertainty," he said.

Energy Observer Fahmi Radhi considers that ESDM Minister should not take care of corporate actions.

"This could trigger moral hazard in any decision-making," he said

However, APBI and APLSI have not planned to sue this rule. They are now awaiting the hearing and socialization of this rule.


Aturan Baru Menteri ESDM Menyebabkan Kontroversi

Aturan baru Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) No 42/2017 tentang Pengawasan Pengusahaan pada Kegiatan Usaha di Sektor ESDM memantik kontroversi. Aturan ini bisa menyulitkan gerak pelaku bisnis energi.

Dalam aturan itu semisal, perusahaan bidang energi wajib mendapatkan izin jika melakukan penggantian direksi dan komisaris hingga pengalihan saham. 

"Sebaiknya hanya melaporkan saja. Tidak perlu mendapat persetujuan," kata Deputi Direktur Eksekutif Asosiasi Produsen Batubara Indonesia (APBI) Hendra Sinadia, Jumat (21/7).

Penjualan saham dan penggantian pengurus merupakan aksi korporasi. Jika ini harus menunggu persetujuan pemerintah dikhawatirkan ini bisa menghambat aksi korporasi. Pengusaha juga sangsi dengan kemampuan Kementerian ESDM mengurusi hal ini. Pasalnya, saat ini jumlah perusahaan dengan Izin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP) mencapai 10.818. Adapun jumlah perusahaan pemegang Kontrak Karya 34

Adapun perusahaan pemegang Perjanjian Karya Pengusahaan Pertambangan Batubara (PKP2B) ada 73, lalu ada Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) bidang migas 68, serta pembangkit listrik swasta jumlahnya ada 40. Wakil Ketua Asosiasi Pengolahan dan Pemurnian Indonesia (APSI), Jonathan Handojo juga mempertanyakan motif kebijakan ini. 

"Ini Menteri mau menjadi penguasa tunggal?" kata dia setengah bertanya. 

Jonathan menduga latar belakang munculnya aturan ini pemerintah selama ini sering tertipu perusahaan palsu yang hendak menikmati sumber daya alam. Ketua Harian Asosiasi Produsen Listrik Swasta Indonesia (ASI) Arthur Simatupang bilang, aturan ini bisa menyusahkan pebisnis. 

"Membuat ketidakpastian," ujar dia.

Pengamat Energi Fahmi Radhi menilai, tidak semestinya Menteri ESDM mengurusi corporate actions. 

"Ini bisa memicu moral hazard dalam setiap pengambilan keputusan," kata dia

Meskipun begitu, APBI maupun APLSI belum berencana untuk menggugat aturan ini. Mereka kini sedang menunggu audiensi dan sosialisasi atas aturan ini.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, July 22, 2017

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