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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The price of oil is hot

The price of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil continues to strengthen. Thursday (27/7), at 18.30 WIB, WTI oil price of September 2017 delivery contract on the New York Mercantile Exchange rose 0.20% to US $ 48.80 per barrel-compared to the previous day. In fact, the price of oil this time soared 4.11% in a week.

Oil prices continued to rise as Energy Information Administration (EIA) released crude inventories in the United States (US) fell 7.21 million barrels per day last week. This is the lowest level since January 6, 2017. In addition, crude oil stocks in the State of Uncle Sam also reduced to 483.8 million barrels last week. Gasoline reserves fell to 2302 million barrels. Support for oil prices is getting stronger as Nigeria's oil production slows again. This is in line with the leaking oil pipeline of Shell, which contributes Nigeria's oil export of 180,000 barrels per day.

"So far the sentiment is positive, said Research & Analyst Monex Investindo Futures Agus Chandra

Supply Over

Meanwhile, Research & Analyst Asia Tradepoint Futures Deddy Yusuf Siregar said the price of oil is still likely to strengthen up to US $ 49.15 per barrel. If oil can penetrate the price, then oil trend enter the bullish phase. However, supply flood fears still come from some OPEC members, such as Nigeria, Iraq and Libya. The three countries had the freedom to do production.

"For the long term, there is still potential for correction if the three countries are still free of production," Deddy said, Thursday (28/7) oil price will move in the range of US $ 47.75 to US $ 49, 15 per barrel, while Agus predicts, until the next week oil price will move in the range of US $ 42.62-US $ 50, 78 per barrel.


Harga Minyak Semakin Panas

Harga minyak mentah West Texas Intermediate (WTI) terus menguat. Kamis (27/7), pukul  18.30 WIB, harga minyak WTI kontrak pengiriman September 2017 di New York Mercantile Exchange naik 0,20% menjadi US$ 48,80 per barrel dibanding hari sebelumnya. Bahkan, harga minyak kali ini melesat 4,11% dalam sepekan. 

Harga minyak terus naik lantaran Energy Information Administration (EIA) merilis jumlah persediaan minyak mentah di Amerika Serikat (AS) turun 7,21 juta barel per hari pada pekan lalu. Ini merupakan level terendah sejak 6 Januari  2017. Selain itu, stok minyak mentah di Negeri Paman Sam juga berkurang menjadi 483,8 juta barel pekan lalu. 

     Cadangan bensin pun turun menjadi 2302 juta barel. Sokongan bagi harga minyak semakin kuat lantaran produksi minyak Nigeria kembali melambat. Hal ini seiring bocornya pipa minyak milik Shell, yang menyumbang ekspor minyak Nigeria sebesar 180.000  barel per hari. 

"Sejauh ini sentimennya positif, kata Research & Analyst Monex Investindo Futures  Agus Chandra

Banjir Pasokan 

Sementara, Research & Analyst Asia Tradepoint Futures Deddy Yusuf Siregar menyebut, harga  minyak masih berpeluang menguat hingga US$ 49,15 per barel. Jika minyak bisa menembus harga tersebut, maka tren minyak masuk fase bullish. Namun, kekhawatiran banjir pasokan tetap datang  dari beberapa anggota OPEC, seperti Nigeria, Irak dan Libia. Tiga negara tadi mendapat kebebasan melakukan produksi. 

"Untuk jangka panjang harga minyak masih ada potensi koreksi jika ketiga  negara tersebut masih bebas produksi, tambah Deddy.  Menurut, hasil analisa Deddy, harga  minyak hari kamis (28/7) akan bergerak di kisaran US$ 47,75-US$ 49,15 per barel. Sedangkan Agus meramal, hingga sepekan ke depan harga minyak akan bergerak di rentang US$ 42,62-US$ 50, 78 per barel. 

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, July 28, 2017

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