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Monday, July 10, 2017

Three Projects Will Contribute 13,600 Bph

Three upstream oil and gas development projects are projected to start operating by the end of 2017 so as to increase the production of ready-to-sell oil or lifting by 13,600 barrels per day.

Deputy for Operations of Oil and Gas Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (SKK Migas) Fataryani Abdurahman said based on the government's approved plan of development (PoD), three upstream oil and gas projects will provide additional production.

Map of Working Area/block Oil and Gas

First, drilling two wells in the Ketapang Block (Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Limited) will increase oil production by 8,000 barrels per day (bpd). The well of Ketapang Block is targeted to start spraying oil in September 2017.

In June 2017, the Ketapang Block production touched 17,600 bpd or higher than the target set in the work plan and budget (WP & B) of 15,600 bpd.

"Petronas Ketapang II, 8,000 bph has been approved by PoD, is in the process of drilling. If it can be done soon then September is finished, "he said.

Secondly, the additional production from the Rokan Block (Chevron Pacific Indonesia) is the Sturdy and Kelok Project which will add 2,600 bph of oil production in September or October 2017.

The addition of production is the result of well drilling (infill well). According to him, the project has actually been planned for a long time, but the problem of overlapping new land can be solved. Because the land is a protected forest.

Third, the Petapahan project in the Rokan Block could provide an additional 3,000 bpd of oil production. The project has been planned since last year, but the procurement process is only done this year. Meanwhile, production realization and Rokan Block currently reach 226,500 bph or 28% of the total national production of 808,800 bpd.

"It's a project for water injection to push the oil. Can increase to 3,000 bpd, "he said.

For the realization of other activities there are changes due to budget adjustment of contractors of cooperation contracts (KKKS). But in terms of production is still in accordance with the target set.


Drilling development stage was realized as much as 74 wells from 223 wells or 33% of the target. Realization of work over of 351 activities and 907 activities or achieved 39%.

Then, 26,595 wells from the target of 57,512 wells or 46% achieved in the first half of 2017. Meanwhile, for well closing activities, 25% or 46 activities were achieved from 186 activities.

From production development drilling results, there are additional oil and condensate production volumes of 3,865 bpd and 119 million standard cubic feet per day / MMscfd gas. Meanwhile, oil and condensate production of 12,133 bpd and gas 83 MMscfd of gas from re-work and well maintenance.

Meanwhile, the realization of average daily oil lifting during the first half of 2017 was 802,000 bpd from the target of 815.000 bpd and gas 6,338 MMscfd from the target of 6,440 MMscfd in APBN 2017.

In addition, the already operational project, namely the Cricket Field (Eni Muara Bakau BV) with production of 450 MMscfd from the first week of July 2017 and condensate 1,500-2,000 bpd. Fataryani hopes that several other projects that start production will contribute to the achievements of national oil lifting.


Tiga Proyek Akan Berkontribusi 13.600 Bph

Tiga proyek pengembangan hulu minyak dan gas bumi diproyeksikan akan mulai beroperasi pada akhir 2017 sehingga mampu menambah produksi minyak siap jual atau lifting sebanyak 13.600 barel per Hari.

Deputi Operasi Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Fataryani Abdurahman mengatakan, berdasarkan rencana pengembangan (plan of development/ PoD) yang telah disetujui pemerintah, terdapat tiga proyek hulu migas yang akan memberikan tambahan produksi.

Pertama, pengeboran dua sumur di Blok Ketapang (Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Limited) akan menambah produksi minyak sebanyak 8.000 barel per hari (bph). Sumur dari Blok Ketapang itu ditargetkan mulai menyemburkan minyak pada September 2017.

Pada Juni 2017, produksi Blok Ketapang menyentuh 17.600 bph atau lebih tinggi dari target yang ditetapkan dalam rencana kerja dan anggaran (work plan and budget/WP&B) yakni 15.600 bph.

“Petronas Ketapang II, 8.000 bph sudah disetujui PoD-nya, sedang dalam proses pengeboran. Kalau bisa secepatnya maka September selesai," ujarnya.

Kedua, tambahan produksi dari Blok Rokan (Chevron Pacific Indonesia) yakni Proyek Kokoh dan Kelok yang akan menambah produksi minyak sebanyak 2.600 bph pada September atau Oktober 2017.

Penambahan produksi merupakan hasil dari pengeboran sumur sisipan (infill well). Menurutnya, proyek itu sebenarnya telah direncanakan sejak lama, tetapi masalah tumpang tindih lahan baru bisa diselesaikan. Pasalnya, lahan tersebut berstatus hutan lindung.

Ketiga, proyek Petapahan di Blok Rokan yang bisa memberi tambahan produksi minyak 3.000 bph. Proyek tersebut sudah direncanakan sejak tahun lalu, tetapi proses pengadaan baru dilakukan pada tahun ini. Adapun, realisasi produksi dan Blok Rokan saat ini mencapai 226.500 bph atau 28% dari total produksi nasional yakni 808.800 bph.

“Ini proyek untuk water injection [injeksi air] untuk dorong minyak. Bisa tingkatkan sampai 3.000 bph,” katanya.

Untuk realisasi kegiatan lainnya terdapat perubahan karena penyesuaian anggaran kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS). Namun dari sisi produksi masih sesuai target yang ditetapkan.


Pengeboran tahap pengembangan terealisasi sebanyak 74 sumur dari 223 sumur atau 33% dari target. Realisasi kerja ulang (work over) sebanyak 351 kegiatan dan 907 kegiatan atau tercapai 39%.

Kemudian, perawatan sumur sebanyak 26.595 dari target 57.512 sumur atau tercapai 46% di paruh pertama 2017. Sementara itu, untuk kegiatan penutupan sumur, tercapai 25% atau 46 kegiatan dari 186 kegiatan.

Dari hasil produksi pengeboran pengembangan, terdapat volume produksi minyak dan kondensat tambahan sebanyak 3.865 bph dan gas 119 million standard cubic feet per day/MMscfd. Sementara itu, hasil produksi minyak dan kondensat 12.133 bph dan gas 83 MMscfd gas dari kerja ulang dan perawatan sumur.

Sementara itu, realisasi rerata lifting minyak harian selama semester I/2017 sebanyak 802.000 bph dari target 815.000 bph dan gas 6.338 MMscfd dari target 6.440 MMscfd dalam APBN 2017.

Selain itu, proyek yang sudah beroperasi, yakni lapangan Jangkrik (Eni Muara Bakau BV) dengan produksi 450 MMscfd mulai pekan pertama Juli 2017 dan kondensat 1.500-2.000 bph. Fataryani berharap agar beberapa proyek lainnya yang mulai produksi turut berkontribusi terhadap capaian lifting minyak nasional. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, July 10, 2017

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