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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

EOR Policy Waiting for Rising Price

Other officials, other policies. The policy of applying increased oil production using enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technology is null. In fact, the Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources before IGN Wiratmaja Puja has drafted ESDM Minister Regulation concerning EOR or technology that can lift more oil from the earth. This technology in the medium time is believed to boost oil and gas production up, thereby reducing imports.

Data from the Directorate General (DGR) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources stated that if using current EOR technology, by 2032, Indonesia's oil production will be maintained at nearly 600,000 barrels per day. If it does not apply EOR technology, in 2024-2025 Indonesia's oil production reaches 300,000 barrels per day. While the year 2032 only amounted to 200,000 barrels per day.

Therefore, the use of EOR technology becomes important. The results of the use of this technology is only seen in the medium term, which is above the average of eight years. However, after ESDM Minister Ignasius Jonan changed the Director General of Oil and Gas to Ego Syahrial the policy changed. He said the application of EOR technology is not a priority. The government is still focusing on increasing production at this time. Ego says, the use of EOR technology can not increase oil production.

"One way to increase production by adding absorption point is to drill wells, not EOR," he said.

EOR can indeed maintain production, but the scale is small and its use is very specific or not all the field can implement it.

"It does not mean that the EOR is not implemented, the impact is there, but if we sort the priority scale, add the absorption point, work over" or re-work, after that EOR, "he said.

The cost of EOR itself is expensive, great. In 2012, Chevron began to apply the world's largest EOR surfactant in the Minas-Riau field. Total investment in EOR technology usage in this field reached US $ 15 billion.

"The EOR Ministerial Regulation is still in process, and when the oil price is competitive for the EOR, the Ministerial Regulation is ready," he said.

If the government issues the current EOR Ministerial Regulation, the Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKSK) may not directly use the technology.

"The use of EOR technology is strongly influenced by oil prices," he said.


Kebijakan EOR Tunggu Harga Naik

Lain pejabat, lain pula kebijakan. Kebijakan penerapan peningkatan produksi minyak memakai teknologi enhanced oil recovery (EOR) batal. Padahal, Dirjen Migas Kementerian ESDM sebelumnya IGN Wiratmaja Puja sudah merancang Peraturan Menteri ESDM soal EOR atau teknologi yang bisa mengangkat lebih banyak minyak dari dalam bumi. Teknologi ini dalam waktu menengah dipercaya bisa mendongkrak produksi migas naik, sehingga mampu mengurangi impor.

Data Direktorat Jenderal (Ditjen) Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM menyebutkan, jika menggunakan teknologi EOR saat ini, pada tahun 2032 nanti, produksi minyak Indonesia dipertahankan hampir mencapai 600.000 barel per hari. Jika tidak menerapkan teknologi EOR, pada tahun 2024-2025 produksi minyak Indonesia mencapai 300.000 barel per hari. Sementara tahun 2032 hanya sebesar 200.000 barel per hari.

Untuk itu, penggunaan teknologi EOR menjadi penting. Hasil penggunaan teknologi ini baru terlihat dalam jangka menengah, yaitu rata-rata di atas delapan tahun. Namun, setelah Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan mengganti Dirjen Migas mengadi Ego Syahrial kebijakan itu berubah. Dia bilang, penerapan teknologi EOR bukan menjadi prioritas. Pemerintah masih fokus meningkatkan produksi saat ini. Ego bilang, penggunaan teknologi EOR tidak bisa meningkatkan produksi minyak. 

"Salah satu cara menambah produksi dengan menambah titik serap, yakni melakukan pengeboran sumur, bukan EOR," katanya.

EOR memang bisa mempertahankan produksi, tapi skalanya kecil dan penggunaannya sangat spesifik atau tidak semua lapangan bisa menerapkan itu. 

"Bukan berarti EOR tidak dilaksanakan, dampaknya itu ada, tapi kalau kita mengurutkan skala prioritas, penambahan titik serap, work over" atau kerja ulang, setelah itu EOR," kata dia.

Biaya EOR sendiri memang mahal, besar. Pada tahun 2012 lalu, Chevron mulai menerapkan EOR surfaktan terbesar di dunia di lapangan Minas-Riau. Total investasi penggunaan teknologi EOR di lapangan ini mencapai US$ 15 miliar.

"Peraturan Menteri EOR masih berproses. Tiba saat harga minyak nanti kompetitif untuk dilakukan EOR, Peraturan Menteri sudah siap," katanya.

Jika pemerintah menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri EOR saat ini, Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKSK) belum tentu langsung menggunakan teknologi tersebut. 

"Penggunaan teknologi EOR memang sangat dipengaruhi harga minyak, " katanya.

Kontan, Page-18, Tuesday, August 15, 2017

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