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Thursday, August 24, 2017

ESDM Rombak Gross Split Rules

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is confirmed to issue a revised Ministerial Regulation 8/2017 on gross split this week. Revisions were made, even though the beleid was only seven months old.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar said that the revision aims to encourage investors to increase investment in upstream oil and gas sector. This is due to a 26 percent decline in oil and gas investment after world oil prices tumbled. Until this week, world oil prices held in the range of USD 48 per barrel.

Domestically, oil and gas investments also slumped by 27 percent, following the downward trend in world oil and gas investment. With this revision, it is expected that Oil and Gas Cooperation Contractors (KKKS) are interested to continue investing in Indonesia. The new investment is very important because Indonesia's oil and gas reserves are only able to meet the needs over the next 12 years.

The government is conducting an auction on seven oil and gas working areas. A total of 12 contractors took the auction document and no one has entered the offer. The auction announcement of seven oil and gas blocks is targeted for completion next September.

There are a number of points changed in the ministerial regulations. Among other things, progressive oil prices, cumulative production, production stages, H2S impurities, and infrastructure availability.

Although altered, Arcandra believes that the gross split scheme provides optimal benefits to the government as the owner and KKKS as the manager of oil and gas blocks. One of the benefits of contractor can be more efficient in developing oil and gas field.


ESDM Rombak Aturan Gross Split

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) dipastikan menerbitkan revisi Peraturan Menteri 8/2017 tentang gross split pekan ini. Revisi pun dilakukan, meski beleid itu baru berusia tujuh bulan.

Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar menuturkan, revisi tersebut bertujuan mendorong investor untuk meningkatkan investasi di sektor hulu migas. Sebab, terjadi penurunan investasi migas 26 persen setelah harga minyak dunia anjlok. Hingga pekan ini, harga minyak dunia bertahan di kisaran USD 48 per barel.

Di dalam negeri, investasi migas juga merosot hingga 27 persen, mengikuti tren turunnya investasi migas dunia. Dengan revisi ini, diharapkan Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) migas tertarik untuk melanjutkan investasi di Indonesia. lnvestasi baru sangat penting karena cadangan migas Indonesia hanya mampu memenuhi kebutuhan selama 12 tahun ke depan.

Pemerintah sedang melakukan lelang terhadap tujuh wilayah kerja migas. Sebanyak 12 kontraktor mengambil dokumen lelang dan belum ada yang memasukkan penawaran. Pengumuman lelang terhadap tujuh blok migas tersebut ditargetkan selesai September mendatang.

Ada sejumlah poin yang diubah dalam peraturan menteri. Di antaranya, progresif harga minyak, kumulatif produksi, tahapan produksi, impuritas H2S, dan ketersediaan infrastruktur.

Meski diubah,  Arcandra meyakini bahwa skema gross split memberikan keuntungan yang optimal kepada pemerintah selaku pemilik dan KKKS sebagai pengelola blok migas. Salah satu manfaatnya kontraktor dapat lebih efisien dalam mengembangkan lapangan migas.

Jawa Pos, Page-6, Thursday, August 24, 2017

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