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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

ExxonMobil Must Review Production Increase

ExxonMobil said it still needs review before ensuring it can raise Cepu Block oil production to 300 thousand barrels per day (bpd).

During his trip to the United States, Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Ignatius Jonan was in the company of Senior Vice President of Exxon Mobil Corporation Mark W Albers. In the meeting it was said that Banyu Urip Field production, Cepu Block can be boosted to 300 thousand bpd from the current 200 thousand bpd. ExxonMobil responded positively by conducting a further field development potential.

"In terms of production of 300,000 bpd, we will evaluate the capacity of CPF (central processing facility) and existing wells," said Vice President of Public and Government Affairs of ExxonMobil Cepu Limited Erwin Maryoto. If realized, this is the second time the production of Cepu Block is ramped up.

As is known, initially Cepu Block is only targeted to produce oil of 185 thousand bpd. However, then at the insistence of Commission VII of the House of Representatives after considering the proposal of ExxonMobil, the production of this block was requested to be raised to an average of 200 thousand bpd.

But this increased production requires approval of a revised environmental impact assessment from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. According to Erwin, his party has obtained the environmental permit and allowed to produce oil up to 220 thousand bpd higher than the target on the work plan and budget (WP & B) of 200 thousand bpd.

"Permission is up to 220 thousand bpd. Currently we are producing in the range of more than 200 thousand bpd, "he said.

Increased production to 200 thousand bpd does not require the addition of a significant tool. Because the production capacity of existing facilities can still be adjusted. Similarly, the floating production, storage, and ofiloading (FPSO) capacity of Rimang Crow, which is designed with the assumed peak of Cepu Block production of 185,000 bpd, is anticipated by oil pickup using larger tankers.

The Banyu Urip field is expected to generate 450 million barrels of oil during the project's operational life. In the last few decades, Banyu Urip Field is the largest oil project in Indonesia. Currently, the composition of shares in Cepu Block is ExxonMobil Cepu Limited as the operator owns 45% shares, PT Pertamina EP Cepu 45%, and four Regional Owned Enterprises 10%. The four BUMDs are PT Blora Patragas Hulu, PT Petrogas Jatim Utama Cendana, PT Asri Darma Sejahtera and PT Sarana Patra Hulu Cepu. Minister Jonan hopes that increased production can have a positive impact on Indonesia.

"With the increase in production, I hope to be able to give a double effect to the surrounding area through the development of national and local companies, opening up jobs to community development," he said.

In addition to discussing Cepu Block, Jonan also expects ExxonMobil to make the downstream sector as a new investment land in Indonesia. Some of the offered investments include opening a Public Filling Station (SPBU) or aromatic development in Indonesia. Currently, PT ExxonMobil Lubricants Indonesia (PT ELMI) representing ExxonMobil company has developed downstream and petrochemical sectors in Indonesia.

Encourage Investment

Not only ExxonMobil, Jonan also met with other oil and gas companies, ChevronConocoPhilips, Schlumberger, and Baker Hughes GE Company. Jonan asked the entire company to boost its investment in Indonesia. While visiting Chevron, Jonan was greeted by President Chevron North America Exploration and Production Jeff Shellebarger and President of Chevron Environmental Management Company Mary Boroughs.

The meeting discussed the development of deep-sea gas in Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan, known as Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD). IDD's first project, Bangka Field, has been in production since August 2016. Meanwhile, Gendaho-Gehem Field is targeted to start production in 2022. The discussions are held together.

"One of them is to discuss the development of IDD and the cooperation of the use of facilities (Float Production Unit / FPU) Jangrik with Eni for gas from Gendalo-Gehem," he said. Jonan wants the IDD Project to begin immediately.

When meeting ConocoPhilips CEO Ryan Lance, Jonan discusses the continued management of the South Jambi B Block, whose contract expires in 2020. ConocoPhillips is requested to submit a block management proposal with the option of partnering with PT Pertamina or other companies. ConocoPhillips stated immediately submit a proposal after conducting internal discussions including discussing economic issues.

In a meeting with Schlumberger Venture Fund Senior Vice President of Schlumberger Limited Imran Kizilbash, Jonan obtained two bids to increase oil and gas exploration and production activities in Indonesia.

First, through multiclient surveys in areas approved by the Government especially in the eastern offshore and upstream oil and gas management data management. Schlumberger also has an investment program in oil and gas field development as has been done in Latin America amounting to US $ 4.6 billion.

Jonan also met President & CEO Baker Hughes, Lorenzo Simonelli. At the meeting, Baker Hughes offered technology for upstream oil and gas activities, among others, reduction of cost drilling by utilizing digital technology through IntelliStream solution, as well as some enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technology in several oil and gas fields in Indonesia.

In addition, GE also offers barge power plant technology with comprehensive solutions that include gas infrastructure for islands with low electrification ratios and participation in geothermal development in Indonesia.


ExxonMobil Harus Kaji Peningkatan Produksi

ExxonMobil menyatakan masih perlu kajian sebelum memastikan dapat menaikkan produksi minyak Blok Cepu sampai 300 ribu barel per hari (bph).

Dalam lawatannya ke Amerika Serikat, Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan menemuni Senior Vice President Exxon Mobil Corporation Mark W Albers. Dalam pertemuan itu disampaikan bahwa produksi Lapangan Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu dapat digenjot menjadi 300 ribu bph dari saat ini 200 ribu bph. Pihak ExxonMobil merespon positif dengan segera melakukan kajian potensi pengembangan lapangan lebih lanjut.

“Terkait produksi 300 ribu bph, kami akan evaluasi kapasitas CPF (central processing facility) dan sumur-sumur yang ada dahulu,” kata Vice President Public and Government Affairs ExxonMobil Cepu Limited Erwin Maryoto. Jika terealisasi, maka ini kali kedua produksi Blok Cepu digenjot produksinya. 

Seperti diketahui, awalnya Blok Cepu hanya ditargetkan memproduksi minyak sebesar 185 ribu bph. Namun, kemudian atas desakan Komisi VII DPR RI setelah mempertimbangkan usulan ExxonMobil, produksi blok ini diminta dinaikkan menjadi rata-rata 200 ribu bph.

Tetapi peningkatan produksi ini membutuhkan persetujuan revisi analisis dampak lingkungan dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan. Menurut Erwin, pihaknya telah memperoleh izin lingkungan tersebut dan diperbolehkan memproduksi minyak hingga maksimal 220 ribu bph lebih tinggi dari target pada rencana keria dan anggaran (work plan and budget/WP&B) 200 ribu bph.

“Izinnya sampai dengan 220 ribu bph. Sekarang ini kami produksi di kisaran lebih dari 200 ribu bph," tutur dia. 

Peningkatan produksi sampai 200 ribu bph ini tidak membutuhkan penambahan alat yang cukup signifikan. Pasalnya, kapasitas produksi fasilitas yang ada masih dapat disesuaikan. Demikian juga kapasitas fasilitas produksi, penampungan, dan bongkar muat terapung (floating production, storage, and ofiloading/FPSO) Gagak Rimang yang didesain dengan asumsi puncak produksi Blok Cepu 185 ribu bph,sudah diantisipasi dengan pengambilan minyak menggunakan kapal tanker yang lebih besar.

Lapangan Banyu Urip diharapkan dapat menghasilkan 450 juta barel minyak selama masa operasi proyek. Dalam beberapa dekade terakhir, Lapangan Banyu Urip merupakan proyek minyak terbesar di Indonesia. Saat ini, komposisi saham di Blok Cepu adalah ExxonMobil Cepu Limited sebagai operator memiliki saham 45%, PT Pertamina EP Cepu 45%, serta empat Badan Usaha Milik Daerah 10%. Keempat BUMD itu yaitu PT Blora Patragas Hulu, PT Petrogas Jatim Utama Cendana, PT Asri Darma Sejahtera, dan PT Sarana Patra Hulu Cepu. Menteri Jonan berharap peningkatan produksi dapat memberi dampak positif bagi Indonesia. 

“Dengan peningkatan produksi, saya harap mampu memberikan efek ganda bagi daerah sekitar melalui pengembangan perusahaan nasional dan lokal, membuka lapangan pekerjaan hingga pengembangan masyarakat,” ujarnya.

Selain membahas Blok Cepu, Jonan juga mengharapkan ExxonMobil bisa menjadikan sektor hilir sebagai lahan investasi baru di Indonesia. Beberapa investasi yang ditawarkan seperti membuka Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Umum (SPBU) atau pengembangan aromatik di Indonesia. Saat ini, PT ExxonMobil Lubricants Indonesia (PT ELMI) mewakili perusahaan ExxonMobil telah mengembangkan sektor hilir dan petrokimia di Indonesia. 

Dorong Investasi

Tidak hanya ExxonMobil, Jonan juga menemui petinggi perusahaan migas lain, yakni ChevronConocoPhilips, Schlumberger, dan Baker Hughes GE Company. Jonan meminta seluruh perusahaan ini untuk mendongkrak investasinya di Indonesia. Ketika berkunjung ke Chevron, Jonan disambut President Chevron North America Exploration and Production Jeff Shellebarger dan President Chevron Environmental Management Company Mary Boroughs. 

Pertemuan ini membahas pengembangan gas laut dalam di Kutai Basin, Kalimantan Timur yang dikenal dengan Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD). Proyek pertama IDD, yakni Lapangan Bangka, telah berproduksi sejak Agustus 2016. Sementara itu, Lapangan Gendaho-Gehem ditargetkan akan mulai produksi pada 2022. Diskusi dilakukan bersama.

“Salah satunya adalah membahas terkait perkembangan IDD dan kerjasama penggunaan fasilitas (Floating Production Unit/FPU) Jangrik dengan Eni untuk gas dari Gendalo-Gehem,” kata dia.  Jonan menginginkan Proyek IDD segera dimulai.

Saat bertemu CEO ConocoPhilips Ryan Lance, Jonan membahas kelanjutan pengelolaan Blok South Jambi B yang kontraknya akan habis pada tahun 2020. ConocoPhillips diminta segera mengajukan proposal pengelolaan blok tersebut dengan opsi berpartner dengan PT Pertamina atau perusahaan lainnya. ConocoPhillips menyatakan segera menyampaikan proposal setelah melakukan pembahasan internal termasuk membahas masalah keekonomian.

Dalam pertemuan dengan Senior Vice President Schlumberger Venture Fund Schlumberger Limited Imran Kizilbash, Jonan memperoleh dua tawaran dalam meningkatkan kegiatan eksplorasi dan produksi migas di Indonesia. 

Pertama, melalui multiclient survey di daerah yang disetujui oleh Pemerintah khususnya di daerah timur offshore dan manajemen pengelolaan data hulu migas. Kemudian, Schlumberger juga mempunyai program investasi dalam pengembangan lapangan migas seperti yang telah dilakukan di Amerika Latin sebesar US$ 4,6 miliar.

Jonan juga menemui President & CEO Baker Hughes, Lorenzo Simonelli. Pada pertemuan tersebut, Baker Hughes menawarkan teknologi untuk kegiatan hulu migas antara lain pengurangan cost drilling dengan memanfatkan teknologi digital melalui solusi IntelliStream, serta beberapa teknologi enhanced oil recovery (EOR) pada beberapa lapangan migas di Indonesia. 

Di samping itu, GE juga menawarkan teknologi barge power plant dengan solusi komprehensif yang meliputi infrastruktur gas untuk pulau-pulau dengan rasio elektrifikasi yang masih rendah dan keikutsertaan dalam pengembangan panas bumi di Indonesia.

Investor Daily, Page-48, Monday, August 1, 2017

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