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Friday, August 4, 2017

Gas Price Proposed

The Coordinating Ministry of Economy offers solutions to reduce gas prices so that fertilizer producers can compete in the global market. The condition of excess fertilizer production capacity and low gas prices make domestic fertilizer companies still difficult to export.

Edy Putra Irawady, Deputy of Commerce and Industry of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, said that the fertilizer industry can not export because the selling price from Malaysia is US $ 190 per ton. Meanwhile, domestic fertilizer production cost alone can reach US $ 260 per ton.

"So indeed I have said there are 14 fertilizer factories. Just give the subsidized gas price up to US $ 3 per MMBtu for seven existing factories, "he said

Meanwhile, the remaining seven plants are advised not to do their own production or leased to private.

"Please go to commercial. So it's a win-win solution. "

Meanwhile, President Director of PT Pusri Palembang, Mulyono Prawiro, said that the low gas price in a country must be followed by the growth of the fertilizer industry, such as the United States (US) and Iran which is developing fertilizer industry. From data of PT Pusri Palembang, a subsidiary of PT Pupuk Indonesia, the production capacity reaches 228 million tons per year and the world fertilizer consumption is only 177 million tons per year.

As a result, the price of urea-based fertilizers dropped dramatically to US $ 192 per tonne last year. This also occurs in the types of ammonia and NPK fertilizers. Meanwhile, the cost of urea fertilizer production in Indonesia is far above the selling price of US $ 240 tons.

One of the reasons for the difficulty of competing Indonesian fertilizer is the domestic gas selling price of US $ 5.15 per MMBtu or about US $ 149 per ton. In the US and Venezuela the selling price of gas is only US $ 2.4 per MMBtu and US $ 1 MMBtu respectively.

Although Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No.16 / 2016 on Pricing and Specific Gas User Practices has been issued, gas prices in Indonesia are still higher than prices paid by other international urea fertilizer producers. The high price of gas suppresses Indonesia's competitiveness.


Harga Gas Diusulkan

Kementerian Koordinator bidang Perekonomian menawarkan solusi agar harga gas bisa ditekan sehingga produsen pupuk dapat bersaing di pasar global. Kondisi kelebihan kapasitas produksi pupuk serta harga gas rendah membuat perusahaan pupuk di dalam negeri masih sulit melakukan ekspor. 

Edy Putra Irawady, Deputi Bidang Perniagaan dan Industri Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian, menuturkan industri pupuk tidak dapat melakukan ekspor karena harga jual dari Malaysia sekitar US$ 190 per ton. Sementara itu, biaya produksi pupuk di dalam negeri saja dapat mencapai US$ 260 per ton. 

“Jadi memang pernah saya bilang ada 14 pabrik pupuk. Berikan saja subsidi harga gas hingga US$ 3 per MMBtu untuk tujuh pabrik yang ada,” ujarnya

Adapun, tujuh pabrik sisanya disarankan tidak melakukan produksi sendiri atau disewakan ke swasta. 

“Silahkan diberikan ke komersial. Jadi itu win-win solution-nya.”

Sementara itu, Direktur Utama PT Pusri Palembang Mulyono Prawiro mengatakan rendahnya harga gas di suatu negara pasti diikuti oleh pertumbuhan industri pupuk, misalnya Amerika Serikat (AS) dan Iran yang sedang mengembangkan industri pupuk. Dari data PT Pusri Palembang, anak usaha PT Pupuk Indonesia, kapasitas produksi mencapai 228 juta ton per tahun dan konsumsi pupuk dunia hanya 177 juta ton per tahun. 

Akibatnya, harga pupuk jenis urea turun drastis hingga US$ 192 per ton mulai tahun lalu. Ini juga terjadi di jenis pupuk amoniak dan NPK. Sementara itu, biaya produksi urea Pupuk Indonesia jauh di atas harga jual tersebut, yakni US$ 240 ton.

Salah satu penyebab sulitnya pupuk Indonesia bersaing adalah harga jual gas di dalam negeri sebesar US$5,15 per MMBtu atau kira-kira US$149 per ton. Di AS dan Venezuela harga jual gas masing-masing hanya US$ 2,4 per MMBtu dan US$1 MMBtu.

Meskipun Peraturan Menteri ESDM No.16/2016 tentang Tata Cara Penetapan Harga dan Pengguna Gas Bumi Tertentu telah diterbitkan, harga gas di Indonesia masih lebih tinggi daripada harga yang dibayar produsen pupuk urea internasional lainnya. Tingginya harga gas menekan daya saing Indonesia. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Friday, August 4, 2017

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