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Friday, August 18, 2017

Government Reject Proposal of incentives Total E & P lndonesie


The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources rejects all incentives proposed by Total E & P Indonesia to remain in the management of the Mahakam Block starting January 1, 2017. Nevertheless, the French oil and gas company remains interested.

EMR Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arcandra Tahar, said the three requests for incentives demanded were totally rejected. Third These incentives are investment credit of 17%, acceleration of depreciation to two years, and parts of production Must be set aside before deducting the cost (First Tranche Petroleum / FTP) 0%.

"Three of their requests, the government refused. We have said, they have received, "he said in Jakarta, Monday (14/8) night.

Arcandra is reluctant to disclose the reasons for this rejection. However, regulation becomes one of the causes. Such as  FTP incentive 0%, said it can not be granted because FTP must be met by oil and gas company according to the applicable regulation.

Mahakam Block

Nevertheless, Total E & P Indonesie is still interested to participate in managing the Mahakam Block starting January 1, 2018. As is known, Total Production Contract (PSC) in Mahakam Block is completed by the end of this year. Starting next year, Mahakam Block is operated by PT Pertamina which holds 100% participating interest (PI). It does not limit the number of shares of participation that may be removed from Pertamina and its price.

"Please B to B (business to business / business negotiations) with Pertamina But Pertamina must be the majority," said Arcandra. Pertamina must also remain an operator because the Mahakam Block is 100% handed over to this government-owned company. 

     Earlier, he said Total E & P Indonesie sent a letter expressing interest in buying a 39% stake in participation Mahakam block. This 39% share is a joint for Total and Inpex Corporation which each have a share 19.5%, if the proposal is approved.

Although Pertamina does not mind as an operator, Total does not want Mahakam Block shares if it is below 39%. Previously, Arcandra asserted Total also share the obligations as a manager company Mahakam block if it finally has the right of participation in the oil and gas block off the coast of East Kalimantan. Together with Pertamina, Totals must go with the signature bonus payment to the government. Then, Total also has mandatory Participating shareholder investment participation for the region by 10%.

"Follow (bear 10%), not banned all Pertamina. If the fair, all come to bear, "he explained. This matter Because the government promises local governments can get 10% stake with capital is borne by the oil and gas company managing the block first and without interest.

Maximum 30%

Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam said the negotiations with Total E & P Indonesie have been running at the working team level. Related to the amount of shares to be released Pertamina, it still refers to the Letter sent by the Ministry of EMR when Sudirman Said is still serving as Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, which is 30%.

"If the size of [shares] we still refer to Letter of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources and in accordance with the direction of Vice Minister of EMR," he said.

According to him, the negotiation of the sale and purchase of shares with Total E & P Indonesie is no time limit. However, it hopes a deal on the acquisition of these shares can be achieved before Pertamina's contract in the Mahakam Block is effective on  January 1, 2018.

"Let the January 1, 2018 is clear," said Alam.

     Previously, it was known that Pertamina had signed a new Mahakam Bloc contract valid from January 1, 2018 By the end of 2015. Under the contract, the company promised a signature bonus of US$ 41 million. It is also acceptance The state of the production bonus includes US$ 5 million from a cumulative production of 500 million barrels of oil equivalent, amounting to US$ 4 million Cumulative production of 750 million barrels of oil equivalent, and US$ 4 million from a cumulative production of 1,000 million barrels of oil equivalent.

As for the first three-year investment plan, Pertamina pledged US $ 75.3 million. The details are respectively US $ 1.3 million, then US $ 33.5 million, and US $ 40.5 million. Currently, Pertamina begins to manage the Mahakam block for the preparation of operator switching. This is to keep the oil and gas production in the block is not free fall.



Pemerintah Tolak Usulan lnsentif Total E&P lndonesie

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral menolak seluruh usulan insentif yang diminta Total E&P lndonesie untuk tetap  bergabung dalam pengelolaan Blok Mahakam mulai 1 Januari 2017. Meski demikian, perusahaan migas asal Prancis ini tetap berminat terlibat.

Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, tiga permintaan insentif yang diminta Total seluruhnya ditolak. 

   Ketiga insentif ini yakni, investment credit sebesar 17%, percepatan depresiasi menjadi dua tahun saja, dan bagian produksi yang harus disisihkan sebelum dikurangi biaya (First Tranche Petroleum/FTP) 0%.

“Tiga permintaan mereka, pemerintah menolak. Kami sudah sampaikan, mereka sudah terima,” kata dia di Jakarta, Senin (14/8) malam.

Arcandra enggan membeberkan alasan penolakan ini. Namun, regulasi menjadi salah satu penyebabnya. Seperti insentif FTP 0%,  dikatakannya tidak bisa dikabulkan karena FTP wajib dipenuhi oleh perusahaan migas sesuai regulasi yang berlaku.

Meski demikian, Total E&P Indonesie tetap berminat untuk ikut mengelola Blok Mahakam mulai 1 Januari 2018. Seperti diketahui, kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/PSC) Total di Blok Mahakam selesai di akhir tahun ini. Mulai tahun depan, Blok Mahakam dioperasikan PT Pertamina yang memegang hak partisipasi (Participating Interest/PI) 100%. 

    Pihaknya tidak membatasi berapa saham partisipasi yang boleh dilepas Pertamina serta besaran harganya. 

“Silahkan B to B (business to business/negosiasi bisnis) dengan Pertamina Tetapi Pertamina harus mayoritas,” tegas Arcandra.  Pertamina juga harus tetap menjadi operator karena Blok Mahakam 100% diserahkan ke perusahaan milik pemerintah ini.

     Sebelumnya, dikatakannya Total E&P Indonesie mengirimkan surat yang menyatakan minatnya membeli 39% saham partisipasi Blok Mahakam. Saham 39% ini merupakan gabungan untuk Total dan Inpex Corporation yang masing-masing memiliki jatah 19,5%, jika usulan itu disetujui.

Meski tidak keberatan Pertamina sebagai operator, Total tidak menginginkan saham Blok Mahakam jika di bawah 39%. Sebelumnya, Arcandra menegaskan Total juga turut menanggung kewajiban-kewajiban sebagai perusahaan pengelola Blok Mahakam jika akhirnya memiliki hak partisipasi di blok migas di lepas pantai Kalimantan Timur ini. Bersama Pertamina, Total harus ikut menanggung pembayaran bonus tanda tangan ke pemerintah. Kemudian, Total juga memiliki mandatori turut memikul beban investasi saham partisipasi bagi daerah sebesar 10%.

“Ikutlah (menanggung 10%), tidak ditalangi Pertamina semua. Kalau fair-nya, semua ikut menanggung,” jelasnya. Hal ini lantaran pemerintah menjanjikan pemerintah daerah dapat memperoleh saham 10% dengan modalnya ditanggung oleh perusahaan migas pengelola blok terlebih dahulu dan tanpa bunga.

Maksimal 30%

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, negosiasi dengan Total E&P Indonesie sudah berjalan pada tataran 

working team. Terkait besaran saham yang akan dilepas Pertamina, pihaknya masih mengacu pada Surat yang dikirimkan Kementerian ESDM ketika Sudirman Said masih menjabat sebagai Menteri ESDM, yakni 30%. 

“Kalau besarnya [saham] kami tetap mengacu Surat Menteri ESDM dan sesuai juga dengan arahan Wakil Menteri ESDM,” kata dia.

Menurutnya, negosiasi jual beli saham dengan Total E&P Indonesie ini tidak ada batasan waktu. Namun, pihaknya berharap kesepakatan soal akuisisi saham ini dapat dicapai sebelum kontrak Pertamina di Blok Mahakam mulai efektif pada 1 Januari 2018. 

“Biar 1 Januari 2018 sudah jelas,” ujar Alam.

Sebelumnya, seperti diketahui Pertamina telah meneken kontrak baru Blok Mahakam yang berlaku mulai 1 Januari 2018 pada akhir 2015 lalu. Dalam kontrak itu, perseroan menjanjikan bonus tanda tangan US$ 41 juta. Selain itu juga penerimaan negara dari bonus produksi meliputi US$ 5 juta dari kumulatif produksi 500 juta barel setara minyak, sebesar US$ 4 juta dari kumulatif produksi 750 juta barel setara minyak, dan US$ 4 juta dari kumulatif produksi 1.000 juta barel setara minyak.

Sementara untuk rencana investasi tiga tahun pertama, Pertamina menjanjikan dana sebesar US$ 75,3 juta. Rinciannya secara  berurutan US$ 1,3 juta, kemudian US$ 33,5 juta, dan US$ 40,5 juta. Saat ini, Pertamina mulai ikut mengelola Blok Mahakam untuk persiapan peralihan operator. Hal ini untuk menjaga agar produksi migas di blok tersebut tidak terjun bebas.

Investor Daily, Page-18, Wednesday, August 16, 2017

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