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Friday, August 25, 2017

Indonesia Consider Selling Tuna Block to Vietnam

The Government examines the gas sales obsi produced from Tuna Block, Natuna Islands, to Vietnam. This is because if sold domestically, the gas price from Tuna Block will be very high considering the location of blocks on the border of Indonesia, Vietnam and Malaysia.

The gas sales scheme to Vietnam is also part of an agreement signed by the Government of Indonesia and Vietnam. In addition to the sale and purchase of coal, cooperation between the two countries also includes the utilization of gas in the region across the border of the continent.

Discussion on cooperation between Indonesia and Vietnam especially in the utilization of gas in continental cross-border region was initiated by the Directorate General of Oil and Gas (DG Migas) since March 2017. The meeting of The 7th Indonesia-Vietnam Joint Commission on Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation (JC-ESTC) was held in Hanoi, Vitenam on 12 August 2017.

At JC-ESTC yesterday both sides will support and facilitate companies from both countries in implementing oil and gas exploration and exploitation cooperation projects, seeking new cooperation opportunities, especially Tuna Project in Natuna Sea, provision of oil and gas technical services, and coal utilization cooperation.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said it would still study the problem of gas utilization in the Tuna Block. However, the consideration of selling gas to Vietnam is emerging because of the location of a block deep at the border. Construction of pipes is possible, but the price of gas is estimated to be quite high.

"If you build a pipe to Indonesia, it is more expensive, the economy will not be comparable. Well, we see an opportunity for the field to be developed and there [comparable] to the economy then flowed to it [Vietnam], "he said in Jakarta, Wednesday (24/8) night.

Although made into liquefied natural gas / LNG, gas prices to Indonesia will remain high. Because, to be utilized, there needs to be LNG shelter and regasification facilities.

"So the economy does not enter if to Indonesia"


Still Exploration

Meanwhile, Head of Programs and Communications Division of SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher said that the Tuna Block managed by Premiere Oil is still at the exploration stage. The oil and gas contractor is still in the preparation stage of developing a plan of development (POD), including the scheme and timeline for its development.

So it can not be sure how the amount of gas production and when the target operation (on stream) from the Tuna Block. Both of these can only be determined after the review in POD has been completed.

"Currently, Indonesia-Vietnam cooperation in the field of gas utilization will include a joint study for the utilization and construction of gas infrastructure at the border, a feasibility study of gas pipeline connectivity in each border region, and supervision of SKK Migas and Petrovietnam or its affiliated companies to undertake Utilization of gas in the border region, this MSP will not reduce any party related to the Maritime border as well as their rights and obligations in their respective maritime zones according to UNCLOS 1982 is in the stage of a gas monetization study of the Tuna Block between Premier Oil and Petrovietnam already in Phase of discussion MOU / MOA (memorandum of understanding), "said Vishnu.

In its official website, Premiere Oil said it is still evaluating the two-field development scenario in the Tuna Block, the Sea Horse and Sea Lion. This assessment includes whether the gas will be transported via the West Natuna Transportation System (WNTS) Pipe to Indonesia and Singapore, or flowed through existing infrastructure in Vietnam.


Indonesia Pertimbangkan Jual Gas Blok Tuna ke Vietnam

Pemerintah mengkaji obsi penjualan gas yang diproduksi dari Blok Tuna, Kepulauan Natuna, ke Vietnam. Hal ini lantaran jika dijual ke dalam negeri, harga gas dari Blok Tuna ini akan sangat tinggi mengingat lokasi blok di perbatasan Indonesia, Vietnam, dan Malaysia.

Skema penjualan gas ke Vietnam ini juga merupakan bagian dari kesepakatan yang diteken Pemerintah Indonesia dan Vietnam. Selain soal jual beli batubara, kerja sama kedua negara juga mencakup pemanfaatan gas pada wilayah lintas batas kontinen.

Pembahasan kerjasama Indonesia dan Vietnam terutama di pemanfaatan gas pada wilayah lintas batas kontinen di inisiasi oleh Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Ditjen Migas) sejak Maret 2017 lalu. Kemudian dilakukan pertemuan The 7th Indonesia-Vietnam Joint Commission on Economic, Scientific, and Technical Cooperation (JC-ESTC) di Hanoi, Vitenam pada 12 Agustus 2017. 

Pada JC-ESTC kemarin kedua pihak akan mendukung dan memfasilitasi perusahaan-perusahaan dari kedua negara dalam mengimplementasikan proyek kerja sama eksplorasi dan eksploitasi migas, mencari peluang kerja sama baru khususnya Proyek Tuna di Laut Natuna, penyediaan jasa teknis migas, dan kerjasama pemanfaatan batubara.

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan pihaknya masih akan mengkaji soal pemanfaatan gas di Blok Tuna tersebut. Namun, pertimbangan menjual gas ke Vietnam ini muncul lantaran lokasi blok yang jauh di perbatasan. Pembangunan pipa memang dimungkinkan, namun harga gasnya ditaksir akan cukup tinggi.

“Kalau membangun pipa sampai ke Indonesia, itu lebih mahal, ke ekonomiannya tidak akan sebanding. Nah, kami melihat ada peluang agar lapangan itu bisa di develop dan ada [sebanding] ke ekonomian maka dialirkan ke sana [Vietnam],” kata dia di Jakarta, Rabu (24/8) malam.

Sekalipun dibuat menjadi gas alam cair/LNG, harga gas ke Indonesia tetap akan tinggi. Pasalnya, untuk bisa dimanfaatkan, perlu ada fasilitas penampungan dan regasifikasi LNG.

“Jadi keekonomiannya tidak masuk kalau ke Indonesia ” 

Masih Eksplorasi

Sementara itu Kepala Divisi Program dan Komunikasi SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher mengatakan, Blok Tuna yang dikelola Premiere Oil masih pada tahap eksplorasi. Kontraktor migas ini masih dalam tahap persiapan menyusun rencana pengembangan (plan of development/POD), termasuk skema dan tata waktu pelaksanaan pengembangannya.

Sehingga belum dapat dipastikan berapa besaran produksi gas dan kapan target operasi (on stream) dari Blok Tuna. Kedua hal ini baru bisa ditentukan setelah kajian dalam POD selesai. 

“Saat ini kan kerja sama Indonesia-Vietnam di bidang pemanfaatan gas diantaranya akan mencakup studi bersama untuk pemanfaatan dan pembangan infrastruktur gas di perbatasan, studi kelayakan konektivitas pipa gas di masing-masing wilayah perbatasan, dan pengawasan SKK Migas dan Petrovietnam atau perusahaan afiliasinya untuk melakukan pemanfaatan gas di wilayah perbatasan, MSP ini tidak akan mengurangi pihak manapun yang berkaitan dengan perbatasan Maritim serta hak dan kewajiban mereka di zona maritim masing-masing sesuai dengan UNCLOS 1982 sedang dalam tahap kajian monetisasi gas dari Blok Tuna antara Premier Oil dengan Petrovietnam dan sudah dalam tahap pembahasan MOU/MOA (nota kesepahaman),” tutur Wisnu.

Dalam laman resminya, Premiere Oil menyatakan masih mengevaluasi skenario pengembangan dua lapangan di Blok Tuna, yakni Kuda Laut dan Singa Laut. Kajian ini termasuk apakah gas akan dibawa melalui Pipa West Natuna Transportation System (WNTS) ke Indonesia dan Singapura, ataukah dialirkan melalui infrastruktur eksisting di Vietnam.

Investor Daily, Page-15, Friday, August 25, 2017

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