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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Jonan Want to Bost Production of Cepu Block

The government expects domestic oil production to increase. But the government also does not want to spend more money to invest in oil production activities in Indonesia. One of them to boost production from Cepu block. In a meeting with Exxon Mobil Corporation's Senior Vice President Mark W. Albers, in the United States last week, Energy Minister Ignatius Jonan hoped that Cepu Block production would increase to 300,000 barrels per day (bpd).

In fact, currently, the production of Cepu Block with Exxon Mobil as operator has reached the maximum capacity of 200,000 bpd. In order to increase production to 300,000 bpd, investment in Cepu block must be increased.

"If it can be increased a lot without significant investment please If it can be 300,000, yes, 300,000 bpd But if you have to increase investment up to 50% from now, I do not want," said Jonan, in his office, Tuesday (8/1).

That way, Cepu's production target is only targeted to reach 200,000 bph this year. Cepu production is one of the mainstay in meeting Indonesian oil lifting. Until June 2017, Indonesia's oil lifting has just reached 802,000 bpd. The target of this year's oil lifting is 815,000 bpd.

Vice President of Public and Government Affairs ExxonMobil Indonesia Erwin Maryoto said the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (LHK) has issued a production permit Banyu Urip with a capacity of 220,000 bpd. But it is evaluating production to 300,000 bpd.


Jonan Ingin Genjot Produksi Blok Cepu

Pemerintah berharap produksi minyak dalam negeri terus meningkat. Namun pemerintah juga tidak ingin mengeluarkan dana lebih besar lagi untuk berinvestasi dalam kegiatan produksi minyak di Indonesia. Salah satunya untuk menggenjot produksi dari blok Cepu. Dalam pertemuan dengan Senior Vice President (SVP) Exxon Mobil Corporation Mark W. Albers, di Amerika Serikat pekan lalu, Menteri Energi ESDM Ignasius Jonan berharap, produksi Blok Cepu meningkat hingga 300.000 barel per hari (bph).

Padahal saat ini, produksi Blok Cepu dengan Exxon Mobil sebagai operator sudah mencapai kapasitas maksimal sebesar 200.000 bph. Agar meningkatkan produksi hingga mencapai 300.000 bph, maka investasi di blok Cepu harus ditingkatkan. 

"Kalau bisa ditingkatkan banyak tanpa investasi signifikan silahkan. Kalau bisa 300.000, ya, 300.000 bph. Tapi kalau harus ditingkatkan lagi investasi hingga 50% dari sekarang, saya tidak mau," kata Jonan, di kantornya, Selasa (8/1).

Dengan begitu, target produksi Cepu hanya ditargetkan mencapai 200.000 bph tahun ini. Produksi Cepu ini menjadi salah satu andalan dalam memenuhi lifting minyak Indonesia. Hingga Juni 2017, lifting minyak Indonesia baru saja mencapai 802.000 bph. Sementara target Lifting minyak tahun ini sebesar 815.000 bph.

Vice President Public and Goverment Affairs ExxonMobil Indonesia Erwin Maryoto bilang, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (LHK) sudah mengeluarkan izin produksi Banyu Urip dengan kapasitas 220.000 bph. Tetapi pihaknya mengevaluasi produksi sampai 300.000 bph.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, August 2, 2017

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