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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

New Problem Comes to Kepodang Block

From the beginning, Kepodang Field, the Muriah Block was troubled. The development plan was revised because there was a pipeline project. Unfortunately, the gas pipeline project was abandoned

The Field of Kepodang, Block Muriah, in Jepara, Central Java, started when Petronas Carigali bought 80% of Muriah block in the year from BP Muriah Limited, a subsidiary of BP in 2003. In 2004, the oil and gas block plan of development (POD) was approved by the Susilo administration Bambang Yudhoyono.

At that time, POD is using upstream scheme. This means that in addition to developing upstream oil and gas, Petronas may also distribute gas. In 2009, PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk as the Kalimantan-Java transmission pipeline concession holder (Kalija) submitted a request to the government for the distribution of the Kepodang Block gas using a downstream scheme.

This means that Petronas can not distribute its own gas, but through the pipeline owned by Bakrie & Brothers. Tit for tat. In 2010, PoD Kepodang was changed into a downstream scheme by Director General of Oil and Gas at Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Evita Legowo.

The problem, Bakrie & Brothers did not immediately build Kalija gas pipeline along the 200 km. On the other hand, starting September 2015, Petronas should start gas production in Kepodang Block.

Under such conditions, in December 2014, Saka Energi acquired 20% stake in Sunny Ridge Offshore M Limited's Kepodang Block (North Star Pacific affiliate). The parent company of Saka Energy, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Tbk, also purchased 80% of Kalija shares from BNBR by the end of 2014. The Kalija project development was completed and completed in the third quarter of 2015 along with Kepodang field production.

Nevertheless, new problems arise: next year the production of Kepodang Block will stop because the gas reserves are exhausted. Whereas Petronas and PLN are bound by Gas Sales and Purchase Agreement (PJBG) until 2026. Now, the oil and gas blocks are declared powers.

President Director of Saka Energi, Tumbur Parlindungan stated that the Kepodang Block is still producing gas, but without mentioning the amount of production. Senior Manager of Corporate Affairs & Administration Petronas Carigali Indonesia Andiono Setiawan explained that Petronas is still discussing with SKK Migas, Ministry of ESDM and a number of other parties to change the contents of the contract.


Problem Baru Datang di Blok Kepodang  

Sejak awal, Lapangan Kepodang, Blok Muriah penuh masalah. Rencana pengembangan sempat direvisi karena ada proyek pipa. Sialnya, saat itu proyek pipa gas itu terbengkalai

Lapangan Kepodang, Blok Muriah, di Jepara, Jawa Tengah berawal saat Petronas Carigali membeli 80% saham Blok Muriah tahun dari BP Muriah Limited, anak usaha BP, tahun 2003. Tahun 2004, plan of development (POD) blok migas ini disetujui oleh pemerintahan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Saat itu, POD ini menggunakan skema hulu. Artinya selain mengembangkan hulu migas, Petronas juga boleh mendistribusikan gas. Tahun 2009, PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk sebagai pemegang konsesi pipa transmisi Kalimantan-Jawa (Kalija) mengajukan permintaan ke pemerintah agar distribusi gas Blok Kepodang menggunakan skema hilir. 

Artinya Petronas tidak bisa mendistribusikan sendiri gas, melainkan melalui pipa milik Bakrie & Brothers. Gayung bersambut. Tahun 2010, PoD Kepodang diubah menjadi menggunakan skema hilir oleh Dirjen Migas Kementerian ESDM Evita Legowo.

Persoalannya, Bakrie & Brothers tidak segera membangun pipa gas Kalija sepanjang 200 km itu. Di sisi lain, mulai September 2015, Petronas harus memulai produksi gas di Blok Kepodang.

Di saat kondisi seperti itu, Desember 2014, Saka Energi mengakuisisi 20% saham Blok Kepodang milik Sunny Ridge Offshore M Limited (afiliasi North Star Pacific). Induk usaha Saka Energy, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Tbk, juga membeli 80% saham Kalija dari BNBR pada akhir tahun 2014. Pembangunan proyek Kalija pun berjalan dan tuntas pada kuartal III- 2015 bersamaan dengan produksi Lapangan Kepodang.

Kendati begitu, problem baru muncul: tahun depan produksi Blok Kepodang akan berhenti karena cadangan gas sudah habis. Padahal Petronas dan PLN terikat Perjanjian Jual Beli Gas (PJBG) hingga tahun 2026. Kini, blok migas itu dinyatakan kahar.

Direktur Utama Saka Energi, Tumbur Parlindungan menyatakan, Blok Kepodang masih memproduksi gas, namun tanpa menyebutkan jumlah produksi. Senior Manager Corporate Affairs & Administration Petronas Carigali Indonesia Andiono Setiawan menjelaskan, Petronas masih membahas dengan SKK Migas, Kementerian ESDM dan sejumlah pihak lain untuk mengubah isi kontrak. 

Kontan, Page-18, Tuesday, August 15, 2017

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