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Monday, August 21, 2017

Oil Production Costs Can Compete

The average cost of crude oil production in Indonesia is currently at 18 US dollars per barrel. With world crude oil prices in the range of 50 dollars per barrel, the cost of oil production in Indonesia is still considered competitive so it should still be attractive to investors.

The internal supervisor of the Oil and Gas Upstream Business Unit, Taslim Z Yunus, said it was trying to curb the rate of decline in national oil production. There are a number of short-term strategies for oil production to survive.

"There are challenges when the price of crude oil falls. Exploration can only be done companies that have large enough capital. To work around this, we encourage the acceleration of exploration into the field development plan, then start production, "said Taslim in Blora, Central Java, Saturday (19/8).

The target of ready-to-sell oil production by the end of this year is 825,000 barrels per day. As of July, the realization reached 794,000 barrels per day, while in June 801,000 barrels. The ratio of oil and gas reserves (oil and gas) replacement (RRR) this year is targeted 60 percent. Realization in July was 8.98 percent.

Taslim is optimistic that by the end of the year RRR could reach 68 percent by looking at developments in a number of oil fields. This is related to the approval of the development plan (POD) and further development plans (POFD) of several oil fields.

SKK Migas also keeps track of work areas based on risks. High risk working areas, such as in rural areas, areas with minimal facilities, or offshore, will be offered to foreign investors.

"If the region has been no discovery and investment is not too big, it will be prioritized for the national private and state-owned enterprises," he said.

Currently there are 86 working areas of oil and gas exploitation with the production stage of 71 working areas and the development stage of 15 working areas. The 137 exploration work areas consist of 94 active working areas and 43 termination working areas. In addition, there are 54 non-conventional working areas consisting of 44 active working areas and 10 termination working areas.

Field Manager Banyu Urip M Nurdin explained, currently oil production from the field was on average already above 200,000 barrels per day.

"Oil production from this field continues to rise and become one of the crutches of national oil production. We try to maintain the consistency of its production, "said Nurdin.

The oil field managed by the joint venture is owned by ExxonMobil Cepu Limited 45 percent, PT Pertamina EP Cepu 45 percent. And BUMD 10 percent. From this field, its contribution to ready-to-sell oil reaches 25 percent.

General Manager of PT Pertamina EP Asset IV, Didik Susilo explained that besides continuing to develop Cepu Block in Central Java, his side also developed Poleng Block in East Java to boost oil production.


Biaya Produksi Minyak Bisa Bersaing

Rata-rata biaya produksi minyak mentah di Indonesia saat ini sebesar 18 dollar AS per barrel. Dengan harga minyak mentah dunia pada kisaran 50 dollar AS per barrel, biaya produksi minyak di Indonesia dinilai masih bersaing sehingga seharusnya tetap menarik bagi investor.

Pengawas internal Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas), Taslim Z Yunus, mengatakan, pihaknya berusaha menahan laju penurunan produksi minyak nasional. Ada sejumlah strategi jangka pendek agar produksi minyak bisa bertahan. 

”Ada tantangan ketika harga minyak mentah jatuh. Eksplorasi hanya bisa dilakukan perusahaan yang punya modal cukup besar. Untuk menyiasatinya, kami mendorong percepatan dari eksplorasi ke rencana pengembangan lapangan, kemudian mulai produksi,” ujar Taslim di Blora, Jawa Tengah, Sabtu (19/8).

Target produksi minyak siap jual pada akhir tahun ini 825.000 barrel per hari. Per Juli, realisasinya mencapai 794.000 barrel per hari, sedangkan pada Juni 801.000 barrel. Adapun rasio rasio cadangan minyak dan gas bumi (migas) pengganti (RRR) tahun ini ditargetkan 60 persen. Realisasi pada Juli sebesar 8,98 persen.

Taslim optimistis sampai akhir tahun RRR bisa mencapai 68 persen dengan melihat perkembangan di sejumlah lapangan minyak. Hal itu terkait dengan persetujuan rencana pengembangan (POD) dan rencana pengembangan lebih lanjut (POFD) beberapa lapangan minyak.

SKK Migas juga tetap memetakan wilayah kerja berdasarkan risiko. Wilayah kerja dengan risiko tinggi, seperti di wilayah pedalaman, wilayah yang minim fasilitas, atau di lepas pantai, akan ditawarkan kepada investor asing. 

”Kalau wilayahnya sudah pernah ada penemuan dan investasinya tidak terlalu besar, itu akan diprioritaskan untuk swasta nasional dan BUMN,” ujarnya.

Saat ini terdapat 86 wilayah kerja eksploitasi migas dengan tahap produksi 71 wilayah kerja dan tahap pengembangan 15 wilayah kerja. Adapun 137 wilayah kerja eksplorasi terdiri dari 94 wilayah kerja aktif dan 43 wilayah kerja terminasi, Selain itu, ada 54 wilayah kerja non-konvensional yang terdiri dari 44 wilayah kerja aktif dan 10 wilayah kerja terminasi.

Manajer Lapangan Banyu Urip M Nurdin menjelaskan, saat ini produksi minyak dari lapangan itu rata-rata sudah di atas 200.000 barrel per hari. 

”Produksi minyak dari lapangan ini terus meningkat dan menjadi salah satu penopang produksi minyak nasional. Kami berusaha menjaga konsistensi produksinya,” kata Nurdin.

Lapangan minyak yang dikelola dengan sistem kerja sama tersebut sahamnya dimiliki ExxonMobil Cepu Limited 45 persen, PT Pertamina EP Cepu 45 persen. dan BUMD 10 persen. Dari lapangan ini, kontribusinya untuk minyak siap jual mencapai 25 persen.

General Manager Asset IV PT Pertamina EP Didik Susilo menjelaskan, selain terus mengembangkan Blok Cepu di Jawa Tengah, pihaknya juga mengembangkan Blok Poleng di Jawa Timur untuk mendorong produksi minyak siap jual.

Kompas, Page-18, Monday, August 21, 2017

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