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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

ONWJ Participation Shares Completed November

The 10% share ownership stake in the Offshore North West Java Block located off Java's northern coast by the West Java SOEs don DKI Jakarta is expected to be completed by November 2017.

President Director of PT Migas Hulu Jabar Begin Troys said that PT Pertamina's due diligence due to the transfer of 10% Offshore North West Java Offshore Block (ONWJ) is currently underwritten.

Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) issued a letter of appointment of BUMD entitled to get a 10% ONWJ share offering on July 25, 2017. Begin hopes that the feasibility test process can be accelerated. The next process is the discussion of Joint Operation Agreement (JOA) which can be done in September. Thus, the process of reporting to SKK Migas is also stipulated by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan can be completed in November 2017.

He is optimistic that the process of transferring shares of participation can run smoothly because two weeks ago just made a discovery with the Directors of PT PHE ONWJ, the operator of the offshore oil and gas block.

In association with ONWJ Block, since it was signed on January 18, 2017 under a gross split contract scheme, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ becomes operator and controls 100% participation share. Referring to Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 37/2016 on the Participating Interest Offer of 10% to the Oil and Gas Territory, for new contracts, the contractor shall offer 10% of its working area shares to the local government on which the project is located.

"Our hope, in November we have already had PI [participating interest] in ONWJ he said.

With the BUMD's share offerings, he hopes that starting next year the ownership of shareholding participation can contribute to the local revenue (PAD) of West Java Province. As for, referring to Ministerial Regulation no. 37/2016, the contractor of the dominant share ownership share bear the value of the shares of BUMD's participation. Thus, BUMDs can repay without interest interest in partisipsai shareholding and still earn money every month.

"Returns must still guarantee the BUMD get guarantee for deposit to PAD," he said.


From the last discussion, BUMD West Java will not be the only company that manages 10% of ONWJ Block participation rights. Therefore, it will establish a joint venture company or (Special Purpose Vehicle / SPV) through PT Hulu Migas ONWJ to manage 10% of ONWJ Block cake.

In detail, the Jakarta Provincial Government through PT Jakarta Propertindo gets the remaining 20.29% share The West Java Provincial Government through Upstream Oil and Gas Jabar controls 79.91%, including Indramayu 4.71%, Subang 2.93%, Karawang 8.24% and Bekasi 1.70%.

SVP Upstream Business Development Pertamina Denie S. Tampubolon said that the company is still processing BUMD's appointment based on a letter sent by SKK Migas.

"We will follow up according to the appointment," he said.


Saham Partisipasi ONWJ Tuntas November

Kepemilikan saham partisipasi 10% di Blok Offshore North West Java yang berlokasi di lepas pantai utara Jawa oleh BUMD Jawa Barat don DKI Jakarta diharapkan tuntas pada November 2017.

Direktur Utama PT Migas Hulu Jabar Begin Troys mengatakan bahwa saat ini masih diiakukan uji kelayakan (due diligence) oleh PT Pertamina terhadap proses pengalihan 10% saham Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ).

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) menerbitkan surat penunjukkan BUMD yang berhak mendapat penawaran 10% saham ONWJ pada 25 Juli 2017. Begin berharap agar proses uji kelayakan itu bisa dipercepat. Proses berikutnya berupa pembahasan perjanjian kerja sama operasi (Joint Operation Agreement/JOA) yang dapat dilakukan pada September. Dengan demikian, proses pelaporan ke SKK Migas juga penetapan oleh Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan bisa tuntas pada November 2017.

Dia optimistis proses peralihan saham partisipasi itu dapat berjalan dengan lancar karena dua pekan lalu baru melakukan penemuan dengan Direksi PT PHE ONWJ, operator blok migas lepas pantai tersebut.

Terkait dengan Blok ONWJ, sejak ditandatangani pada 18 Januari 2017 dengan skema kontrak bagi hasil kotor (gross split), PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ menjadi operator dan menguasai saham partisipasi sebesar 100%. Mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 37/2016 tentang Penawaran Participating Interest 10% kepada Wilayah Migas, untuk kontrak baru, kontraktor wajib menawarkan 10% saham wilayah kerjanya kepada pemerintah daerah yang menjadi lokasi proyek.

“Harapan kita, November kita sudah resmilah punya PI [participating interest] di ONWJ  ujarnya. 

Dengan penawaran saham BUMD itu, dia berharap agar mulai tahun depan kepemilikan saham partisipasi bisa menyumbang terhadap pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) Provinsi Jawa Barat. Adapun, mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri No. 37/2016, kontraktor pemilik saham partisipasi dominan menanggung terlebih dahulu nilai saham partisipasi milik BUMD. Dengan demikian, BUMD bisa mencicil tanpa bunga nilai kepemilikan saham partisipsai dan tetap mendapat penghasilan setiap bulan.

“Pengembalian harus tetap menjamin BUMD mendapat jaminan untuk setoran ke PAD,” katanya.


Dari diskusi terakhir, BUMD Jawa Barat tidak akan menjadi satu-satunya perusahaan yang mengelola 10% hak partisipasi Blok ONWJ. Oleh karena itu pihaknya akan membentuk perusahaan patungan atau (Special Purpose Vehicle/SPV] melalui PT Hulu Migas ONWJ untuk mengelola 10% kue Blok ONWJ.

Rincinya, Pemerintah Provinsi DKI melalui PT Jakarta Propertindo mendapat porsi 20,29% sisanya Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat melalui Hulu Migas Jabar menguasai 79,91 %, termasuk Indramayu 4,71 %, Subang 2,93 %, Karawang 8,24% dan Bekasi 1,70%.

SVP Upstream Business Development Pertamina Denie S. Tampubolon mengatakan pihaknya masih memproses penunjukkan BUMD berdasarkan surat yang dikirimkan SKK Migas. 

“Kami akan menindaklanjuti sesuai dengan penunjukkan tersebut,” katanya. 

 Bisnis Indonesia, Page-32, Wednesday, August 23, 2017

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