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Monday, August 14, 2017

Order Ensure Price of Gas to Consumer Does Not Increase

The selling price of gas from PGN to consumers such as PLN and industries in Batam certainly did not rise, following the increase of natural gas price from ConocoPhillips (COPI) in Grissik, South Sumatra to PT PGN in Batam.

As long as the price of gas on the consumer side does not increase, the principle of energy as the driving force of the economy is still running consistently according to the President's direction. The discussions of the gas price change are entirely B to B process, and have been going on since 2012, so it has nothing to do with the meeting of EMR Minister Ignatius Jonan with CEO ConocoPhillips on a recent visit to Houston, USA.

This was explained by Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar, responding to news related to the increase of gas selling price from COPI to PGN. Based on the Letter of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 5882/12 / MEM.M / 2017 dated July 31, 2017, there was a change in the selling price of natural gas from ConocoPhillips (Grissik) for sales to PT PGN in Batam Region, from US $ 2.6 / Mmbtu to USS 3.5 / mmbtu for the volume of 27.27-50 billion british thermal units per day (BBTUD) until 2019.

Based on the letter, the selling price of PGN to PLN, Independent Power Producer (IPP) and other buyers in Batam remained unchanged

"The letter stating the price of the gas stated explicitly that PGN is not allowed to raise the selling price of natural gas to the buyer after the approval of this price. Although the price of COPI to PGN rises, but the price from PGN to the consumer does not rise. The government remains pro growth, "said Arcandra Tahar.

The selling price of PGN to PLN and IPP Batam remains within the range of US $ 3.08 - 5.7 per mmbtu, depending on usage. Similarly, the industry price is still around US $ 5.7 per mmbtu. The price refers to Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree No. 3191 K / 12 / MEM / 2011 on PT PGN Gas Sales Price to PT PLN Batam and IPP of PT PLN Batam.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources added that the price change was only on the supply side of the gas price of COPI to PGN, and the price in the consumer there is no increase. The change was agreed by both parties because the COPI price of US $ 2.6 per mmbtu was relatively low compared to other gas contracts with the same gas source.

"It's been through a reasonable B to B process to maintain fairness on the supply side. Importantly, the price on the consumer side does not go up, "said Arcandra. The policy is part of the energy paradigm as development capital. Moreover, the state gas revenues will increase with the change.


Perintah Pastikan Harga Gas ke Konsumen Tidak Naik

Harga jual gas dari PGN ke konsumen seperti PLN dan industri di Batam dipastikan tidak naik, menyusul kenaikan harga jual gas bumi dari ConocoPhillips (COPI) di Grissik, Sumatera Selatan ke PT PGN di Batam.

Selama harga gas di sisi konsumen tidak naik, maka prinsip energi sebagai penggerak perekonomian masih berjalan konsisten  sesuai arahan Presiden. Pembahasan perubahan harga jual gas tersebut sepenuhnya proses B to B, dan sudah berlangsung sejak tahun 2012, sehingga tidak ada hubungannya dengan pertemuan Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan dengan CEO ConocoPhillips dalam rangkaian kunjungan ke Houston, AS, belum lama ini.

Demikian dijelaskan Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar, menanggapi berita terkait kenaikan harga jual gas dari COPI ke PGN. Berdasarkan Surat Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Nomor 5882/12/MEM.M/ 2017 tanggal 31 Juli 2017, terdapat  perubahan harga jual gas bumi dari ConocoPhillips (Grissik) untuk penjualan kepada PT PGN di Wilayah Batam, dari US$ 2,6/mmbtu menjadi USS 3,5/mmbtu untuk volume 27,27-50 billion british thermal unit per day (BBTUD) hingga tahun 2019.

Masih berdasarkan surat tersebut, harga jual PGN kepada PLN, Independent Power Producer (IPP) dan pembeli lain di Batam tetap atau tidak mengalami perubahan

“Surat penetapan harga gas tersebit menyatakan secara eksplisit bahwa PGN tidak diperbolehkan untuk menaikkan harga jual gas bumi kepada pembeli setelah adanya persetujuan harga ini. Meski harga COPI ke PGN naik, tetapi harga dari PGN ke konsumen tidak naik. Pemerintah tetap pro growth,” ungkap Arcandra Tahar.

Harga jual PGN ke PLN dan IPP Batam tetap dalam range US$ 3,08 - 5,7 per mmbtu, tergantung pemakaian. Demikian halnya dengan industri harganya masih sekitar US$ 5,7 per mmbtu. Harga tersebut mengacu Keputusan Menteri ESDM Nomor 3191 K/12/ MEM/ 2011 tentang Harga Jual Gas Bumi PT PGN kepada PT PLN Batam dan IPP Pemasok Listrik PT PLN Batam.

Wakil Menteri ESDM menambahkan, perubahan harga itu hanya di sisi supply yaitu harga gas COPI ke PGN, dan harga di konsumen tidak ada kenaikan. Perubahan disepakati kedua pihak karena harga COPI sebesar US$ 2,6 per mmbtu Itu relatif rendah dibandingkan kontrak gas lainnya dengan sumber gas yang sama.

“Sudah melalui proses B to B yang wajar untuk menjaga fairness di sisi supply. Yang penting, harga di sisi konsumen tidak naik,” ucap Arcandra. Kebijakan tersebut adalah bagian dari paradigma energi sebagai modal pembangunan. Apalagi penerimaan gas bumi bagian negara pun akan meningkat dengan perubahan tersebut.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, August 12, 2017

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