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Friday, August 11, 2017

Permissions Can be the Worst

Upstream Oil and Gas Investors Still Doubt

Licensing of the oil and gas sector in Indonesia scored the worst of the 18 components of the assessment of the Indonesia Resource Management Index. Overall Indonesia is ranked 12th out of 89 countries studied with the predicate of Satisfactory Index of Indonesian Resource Governance issued Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI), on Thursday (10/8), in Jakarta.

Responding to the predicate Satisfactory, the oil and gas sector business actors provide a note. In a discussion that coincided with the launch of the index by NRGI, the present speakers were Indonesia Country Manager NRGI Emanuel Bria and Expert Staff of the Minister of National Development Planning for Institutional Relations Diani Sadia Wati.

Also present is the Coordinator of Indonesian Publish What You Pay Indonesia Maryati Abdullah, Deputy Executive Director of the Indonesian Coal Enterpreneurs Association (APBI) Hendra Sinadia, and practitioner of Bimasena Energy Society Ananda Idris.

Emanuel said, overall, the oil and gas sector of Indonesia has scored 68 out of 100 points and the predicate is Satisfactory. In the Asia-Pacific region, Indonesia's resource governance is ranked third after Australia and India. While satisfactory, there is a record of what needs to be improved in Indonesia's governance of resources.

"There is still inconsistency with the rules made with the implementation. This is very closely related to the control and weak supervision of corruption. The lowest score is licensing and predicate very weak, "said Emanuel.

There are five types of NRGI assessments related to Good Predicate Good governance index or highest for a score of 75 and above, while the predicate is Satisfied at a score of 60-74. Weak Rank gets 45-59, Very Weak 30-44, and at worst predicated Failed to score less than 30.

NRGI recommends a number of things to improve the governance of resources in Indonesia, namely simplification of licensing, enforcement of rules, and transparency regarding the true ownership of the resource sector companies in Indonesia. It is also recommended to improve the contract disclosure between entrepreneurs and the government in terms of natural resource management.

Diani admitted, the problem of licensing in Indonesia is quite complicated. This is in line with Indonesia's enormous legislation, both at the central and regional levels. It is encouraging the simplification of regulations and licensing involving cross-ministries and agencies.

"From 2001 to April 2016 there were 106,717 regulations in Indonesia, ranging from law, central regulation, to local regulations. Not a few overlap. National Planning and Development Agency (Bappenas) is working to simplify the regulation. In the sector of licensing and investment in 20 ministries, we have revoked 324 regulations by the end of 2016 and 75 regulations are improved, "Diani said.

Reality on the ground

Related to the satisfactory status in terms of governance of the oil and gas sector of Indonesia, Idris argues, it is different from the reality in the field. According to him, the revision of Law No. 22/2001 on Oil and Gas that did not end soon raises doubts among upstream oil and gas investors. Similarly, the problem of revamped oil and gas revenues and cost recovery schemes is a profit sharing based on gross production (gross split).

According to the records of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA), upstream oil and gas companies must take care of 373 types of permits from 19 ministries and agencies, both at the central and regional levels.

In the government's exposure related to the performance of oil and gas sector semester 1-2017, some time ago, the target of oil ready production (lifting) in APBN 2017 of 815.000 barrel per day has not been reached. Until the end of June 2017, the realization of 802,000 barrels per day.


Perizinan Dapat Nilai Terburuk

Investor Hulu Migas Masih Ragu

Perizinan sektor minyak dan gas bumi di Indonesia mendapat skor terburuk dari 18 komponen penilaian tentang Indeks Tata Kelola Sumber Daya Indonesia. Secara keseluruhan Indonesia berada di peringkat ke-12 dari 89 negara yang diteliti dengan predikat Memuaskan Indeks Tata Kelola Sumber Daya Indonesia itu dikeluarkan Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI), Kamis (10/8), di Jakarta.

Menanggapi predikat Memuaskan itu, pelaku usaha sektor minyak dan gas bumi memberikan catatan. Dalam diskusi yang bersamaan dengan peluncuran indeks oleh NRGI, narasumber yang hadir adalah Indonesia Country Manager NRGI Emanuel Bria dan Staf Ahli Menteri Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional Bidang Hubungan Kelembagaan Diani Sadia Wati. 

Hadir juga Koordinator Nasional Publish What You Pay Indonesia Maryati Abdullah, Deputi Direktur Eksekutif Asosiasi Pengusaha Batubara Indonesia (APBI) Hendra Sinadia, dan praktisi Bimasena Energy Society Ananda Idris.

Emanuel mengatakan, secara keseluruhan, sektor minyak dan gas bumi (migas) Indonesia mendapat nilai 68 dari 100 poin dan predikat Memuaskan. Di kawasan Asia Pasifik, tata kelola sumber daya di Indonesia ada di peringkat ketiga setelah Australia dan India. Kendati memuaskan, ada catatan mengenai hal yang harus diperbaiki dalam tata kelola sumber daya Indonesia. 

”Masih ada ketidak konsistenan aturan yang dibuat dengan pelaksanaannya. Ini sangat erat kaitannya dengan kontrol dan pengawasan yang lemah terhadap korupsi. Skor yang paling rendah adalah perizinan dan berpredikat sangat lemah,” kata Emanuel.

Ada lima jenis penilaian NRGI terkait indeks tata kelola Predikat Baik atau yang tertinggi untuk skor 75 dan di atasnya, sedangkan predikat Memuaskan pada skor 60-74. Peringkat Lemah mendapat 45-59, Sangat Lemah 30-44, dan paling buruk berpredikat Gagal untuk skor kurang dari 30.

NRGI merekomendasikan sejumlah hal untuk memperbaiki tata kelola sumber daya di Indonesia, yaitu penyederhanaan perizinan, penegakan aturan, dan transparansi mengenai kepemilikan sebenarnya dari perusahaan sektor sumber daya di Indonesia.  Direkomendasikan juga perbaikan keterbukaan kontrak antara pengusaha dan pemerintah dalam hal pengelolaan sumber daya alam. 

Diani mengakui, masalah perizinan di Indonesia tergolong pelik. Hal itu sejalan dengan peraturan perundangan di Indonesia yang sangat banyak, baik di tingkat pusat maupun daerah. Pihaknya sedang mendorong penyederhanaan peraturan dan perizinan yang melibatkan lintas kementerian dan lembaga.

”Sejak 2001 sampai April 2016 ada 106.717 peraturan di Indonesia, mulai dari undang-undang, peraturan tingkat pusat, sampai peraturan daerah. Tidak sedikit yang tumpang tindih. Bappenas sedang berupaya menyederhanakan peraturan tersebut. Di sektor perizinan dan investasi di 20 kementerian, kami sudah mencabut 324 peraturan sampai akhir 2016 dan 75 peraturan diperbaiki,” ujar Diani.

Kenyataan di lapangan

Terkait status Memuaskan dalam hal tata kelola sektor migas Indonesia, Idris berpendapat, hal itu berbeda dengan kenyataan di lapangan. Menurut dia, revisi Undang-Undang No 22/2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi yang tidak segera selesai menimbulkan keraguan di kalangan investor hulu migas. Begitu pula soal bagi hasil migas yang berubah dan skema biaya operasi yang dipulihkan (cost recovery) menjadi bagi hasil berdasarkan produksi bruto (gross split).

Menurut catatan Asosiasi Perminyakan Indonesia (IPA), perusahaan hulu migas harus mengurus 373 jenis izin dari 19 kementerian dan lembaga, baik di pusat maupun daerah.

Dalam paparan pemerintah terkait kinerja sektor migas semester 1-2017, beberapa waktu lalu, target produksi siap jual (lifting) minyak di APBN 2017 sebesar 815.000 barrel per hari belum tercapai. Sampai akhir Juni 2017, realisasinya 802.000 barrel per hari.

Kompas, Page-18, Friday, August 11, 2017

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