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Friday, August 18, 2017

Pertamina Earn Revenue of US $ 20.5 Billion

PT Pertamina posted revenues of US $ 20.5 billion in the first half of 2017, up 19 percent from US $ 17.2 billion in the first semester of 2016.

Revenue growth is relatively lower when compared with the growth of crude oil prices Indonesia which rose 35% in the period of first semester 2016.

"Rising crude oil prices have become an incentive for upstream businesses. However, the increase in crude oil prices also affects the increase in cost of goods sold in the downstream sector which has a significant impact on the company's net profit, "said Pertamina Massa Manik President Director in Jakarta, Wednesday (16/8).

As a result of the oil price hike, Pertamina's net profit reached US $ 1.4 billion, down 24 percent from the first semester of 2016. To anticipate the external factors, Pertamina continues to run the company's efficiency program and added value creation through Break Through Project which has reached US $ 360 Million as well as other strategic initiatives.

In the upstream sector, oil and gas production rose 8% to 692 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day (mboepd) during the first half of 2017. The increase in oil and gas production consisted of oil which rose 12% to 343 mboepd in the first half of 2017. As for gas Earth increased by 4% by 2,022 million cubic feet per day (mmscfd).

In the marketing and trading sectors, sales of fuel oil (BBM) in the first half of 2017 rose 4% to 32.60 million kiloliters (kl). Non-fuel sales in the form of domestic gas, petrochemicals and lubricants rose 6% to 7.82 million kl. As of June 2017, the fuel sales portion of the series of gasoline series jumped and exceeded the premium of 57.6% versus 42.4%.


Pertamina Raup Pendapatan US$ 20,5 Miliar

PT Pertamina mencatatkan pendapatan sebesar US$ 20,5 miliar pada semester pertama 2017 atau tumbuh sebesar 19% jika dibandingkan dengan semester pertama 2016 yang tercatat US$ 17,2 miliar.

Pertumbuhan pendapatan itu relatif lebih rendah bila dibandingkan dengan pertumbuhan harga minyak mentah Indonesia yang naik 35% di periode semester pertama 2016. 

“Naiknya harga minyak mentah telah menjadi insentif bagi bisnis hulu. Namun, kenaikan harga minyak mentah tersebut juga berpengaruh pada peningkatan beban pokok penjualan di sektor hilir yang banyak berdampak pada perolehan laba bersih perusahaan,” kata Direktur Utama Pertamina Massa Manik di Jakarta, Rabu (16/8).

Akibat lonjakan harga minyak itu, laba bersih Pertamina menjadi US$1,4 miliar atau turun 24% daripada semester pertama 2016. Untuk mengantisipasi faktor eksternal itu, Pertamina tetap menjalankan program efisiensi perusahaan dan penciptaan nilai tambah melalui Break Through Project yang sudah mencapai US$ 360 juta serta inisiatif strategis lainnya.

Di sektor hulu, produksi minyak dan gas bumi mengalami kenaikan 8% menjadi 692 ribu barel setara minyak per hari (mboepd) sepanjang semester pertama 2017. Kenaikan produksi migas itu terdiri atas minyak yang naik 12% menjadi 343 mboepd pada semester pertama 2017. Adapun gas bumi naik 4% sebesar 2.022 juta kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd).

Di sektor pemasaran dan niaga, penjualan bahan bakar minyak (BBM) pada semester pertama 2017 naik 4% menjadi 32,60 juta kiloliter (kl). Penjualan non-BBM berupa gas domestik, petrokimia, dan pelumas naik 6% menjadi 7,82 juta kl. Per Juni 2017, porsi penjualan BBM perta series jenis gasolin melonjak dan sudah melampaui premium yakni 57,6% berbanding 42,4%.

Media Indonesia, Page-17, Friday, August 18, 2017

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