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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Pertamina Want to Sign Tiung Biru

PT Pertamina and PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) have signed a head of agreement (HOA) gas supply Jambaran Tiung Biru, August 8, 2017 and then at the Office of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). However, until now the agreement gas sale and purchase has not been signed.

Pertamina EP President Director Cepu Adriansyah disclosed that the gas sale and purchase agreement for Tiung Biru Field can be signed as long as the process of releasing the participating interest right of participating interest of Exxon is completed. Understandably, only Pertamina EP Cepu approved the sale price of Tiung Biru gas to PLN.

According to Adriansyah, if to sign the agreement, it means for all gas. Whereas in Tiung Biru there is still Exxon.

"If I sign but Exxon has not finished B to B (business to business), we must supply, for example until 2020 must supply 172 mmscfd, new commitment from Cepu, while Exxon is only part, we can not" Adriansyah.

Even so he is optimistic, in the next two months signed a gas sale and purchase agreement with PLN. Currently Pertamina is still conducting business to business (B to B) talks with Exxon for all rights to participation of Tiung Biru bia owned by Pertamina.

Discussion is still related to Exxon's participation price valuation of 41.4% in Tiung Biru and the takeover of drilling plans.

 "We have six wells, three Exxons and three of us." In the beginning, Exxon should be drilled, so its preparation adds to Exxon all, and when it's taken over, it should be shifted to all of us, it needs a contract renovation, it needs to be discussed first.

In addition, with the current investment value of Tiung Biru changing, Pertamina EP Cepu needs to evaluate Exxon's contracts. If there is an overpriced contract, Pertamina will renegotiate the contract and even re-tender.

According to him, it needs to be seen again all. "There is a match, some are not, some are too expensive, if we think we renegotiate or we re-tender, if the re-tender we count the time because next year start drilling should be," explained Adriansyah. Pertamina EP Cepu is scheduling the drilling of two wells by the middle of next year and September 2018.


Pertamina Ingin Meneken Tiung Biru

PT Pertamina dan PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) telah melakukan penandatangan head of agreement (HOA) pasokan gas Jambaran Tiung Biru, 8 Agustus 2017 lalu di Kantor Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM). Namun, hingga kini perjanjian jual beli gas belum diteken. 

Direktur Utama Pertamina EP Cepu Adriansyah mengungkapkan, perjanjian jual beli gas untuk Lapangan Tiung Biru bisa diteken asalkan proses melepas hak partisipasi alias participating interest Exxon selesai. Maklum, hanya Pertamina EP Cepu yang menyetujui harga jual gas Tiung Biru ke PLN.

Menurut Adriansyah, jika sampai menandatangani perjanjian, artinya untuk semua gas. Padahal di Tiung Biru ini masih ada Exxon. 

"Kalau saya tanda-tangan tapi Exxon belum kelar B to B (business to business)-nya, kami wajib pasok. Misalnya sampai tahun 2020 wajib supplai 172 mmscfd. Komitmen baru dari Cepu, sementara Exxon baru sebagian, kami belum bisa," jelas Adriansyah.

Biarpun begitu ia optimistis, dalam dua bulan ke depan menandatangani perjanjian jual beli gas dengan PLN. Saat ini Pertamina masih melakukan pembicaraan business to business (B to B) dengan Exxon agar seluruh hak partisipasi Tiung Biru bia dimiliki Pertamina.

Pembicaraan masih terkait valuasi harga hak partisipasi Exxon sebesar 41,4% di Tiung Biru dan pengambilalihan rencana pengeboran.

 "Rencananya enam sumur, tiga Exxon dan tiga kami. Di awal mestinya Exxon yang mengebor, jadi persiapannya add pada Exxon semua. Ketika diambil-alih, ini mesti dialihkan ke kami semua, ini perlu novasi kontrak, ini perlu dibicarakan dulu," katanya.

Selain itu, dengan nilai investasi Tiung Biru saat ini berubah, Pertamina EP Cepu perlu mengevaluasi kontrak-kontrak Exxon. Jika ada kontrak terlalu mahal, Pertamina akan melakukan renegosiasi kontrak bahkan melakukan tender ulang.

Menurutnya, hal itu perlu dilihat lagi semua. "Ada yang cocok, ada yang tidak, ada yang terlalu mahal, kalau menurut kami renegosiasi lagi atau kami tender ulang. Kalau tender ulang kami hitung waktunya karena tahun depan mulai pengeboran seharusnya," jelas Adriansyah. Pertamina EP Cepu menjadwalkan pemboran dua sumur pada pertengahan tahun depan dan September 2018.

Kontan, Page-18, Wednesday, August 30, 2017

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