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Saturday, August 12, 2017

Potential Investors are Targeting 9 Oil and Gas Blocks

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is still anxious to follow the tender process of oil and gas blocks. The government has confidence, the auction 15 blocks of oil and gas that took place since May 2017 and it will be followed by many devotees.

Indication of the number of enthusiasts seen during the process of purchasing the oil and gas block document. There are at least nine out of 15 oil and gas blocks auctioned in favor of potential buyers. Of course, 10 out of 15 oil and gas blocks are in the form of conventional oil and gas blocks, and 5 non-conventional oil and gas blocks.

"The enthusiasts have purchased the tender documents for nine oil and gas blocks," said Dadan Kusdiana, Head of Communications, Public Information Service and Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Of the number of buyers of the document that Dadan is optimistic that the auction of oil and gas blocks will be crowded. Unfortunately he is reluctant to mention any oil and gas blocks that have been targeted by potential investors. What is clear, he hopes the signing of block contracts will be realized this year.

One factor that makes the government sure the auction of oil and gas blocks this year will be sold due to the gross split scheme. Gross split scheme is only this time offered by the government.

"Gross Split offers a better mechanism to business entities," Dadan said

Director General of Oil and Gas at EMR Ministry Ego Syahrial added that there is still one oil and gas block that has not received an offer from investors.

"But, interest in 2017 is there, therefore the government extend the auction process until September," he said.

For non-conventional oil and gas blocks, document offer access alias bid document can be done until September 7, 2017. Then the process of participation document entry can be done until 14 September 2017.

As for conventional blocks, bid document access can be made until September 11, 2017. Delivery of documents of participation until September 18, 2017. For the record, the auction of oil and gas blocks lonely since 2009. Of the 47 blocks auctioned, only 17 blocks of interest. In 2015 of the 8 blocks auctioned, none of them are interested.


Calon Investor sedang Mengincar 9 Blok Migas

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) masih harap-harap cemas mengikuti proses tender blok migas. Pemerintah punya keyakinan, lelang 15 blok migas yang berlangsung sejak Mei 2017 lalu itu akan diikuti banyak peminat.

Indikasi banyaknya peminat terlihat saat proses pembelian dokumen blok migas. Setidaknya ada sembilan dari 15 blok migas yang dilelang diminati calon pembeli. Catatan saja, 10 dari 15 blok migas itu berupa blok migas konvensional, dan 5 blok migas non konvensional.

"Para peminat sudah membeli dokumen lelang untuk sembilan blok migas," kata Dadan Kusdiana, Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Layanan Informasi Publik dan Kerja Sama Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral.

Dari jumlah pembeli dokumen itulah Dadan optimistis lelang blok migas kali ini akan ramai peminat. Sayangnya dia enggan menyebut blok migas mana saja yang sudah diincar para calon investor. Yang jelas, dia berharap penandatanganan kontrak blok akan terealisasi tahun ini.

Salah satu faktor yang membuat pemerintah yakin lelang blok migas tahun ini akan laku karena adanya skema gross split. Skema gross split memang baru kali ini ditawarkan pemerintah. 

“Gross Split menawarkan mekanisme lebih baik ke badan usaha," kata Dadan

Direktur Jenderal Migas Kementerian ESDM Ego Syahrial menambahkan, masih ada satu blok migas yang belum mendapatkan penawaran dari investor. 

"Tapi, minat terhadap 2017 ini ada, oleh karena itu pemerintah memperpanjang proses Ielang sampai September," tuturnya.

Untuk blok Migas non konvensional, akses dokumen penawaran alias bid document bisa dilakukan sampai 7 September 2017. Lalu proses pemasukan dokumen partisipasi bisa dilakukan sampai 14 September 2017.

Sementara untuk blok konvensional, akses bid document bisa dilakukan sampai 11 September 2017. Penyerahan dokumen partisipasi sampai 18 September 2017. Sebagai catatan, lelang blok migas sepi sejak 2009. Dari 47 blok yang dilelang, hanya 17 blok yang diminati. Pada 2015 dari 8 blok yang dilelang, tidak satupun ada peminatnya.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, August 12, 2017

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