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Thursday, August 24, 2017

Revision of Split Gross Split Rules This Week

The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (ESDM) continues to encourage investment in the upstream oil and gas (oil and gas) sector. To attract investors, this week the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will issue Revised Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 8 of 2017 on Gross Split Distribution Contract.

The gross split scheme is believed to provide optimal benefits. Both to the government as the owner of the assets, as well as the Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS) as the asset manager in the form of oil and gas blocks. With a gross split scheme, contractors will also be more efficient in developing oil and gas fields. So that their benefits can be more optimal.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar said there were several points in the revision of the Ministerial Regulation. For example, split-related progressive oil and gas prices, cumulative oil and gas production, production stages, H2S impurities and infrastructure availability for optimal investment. This revision is expected to give more assurance to the Contractors of Cooperation Contracts (KKKS) in Indonesia.

"The revision of the Ministerial Regulation on gross split is a government initiative to encourage investment acceleration in upstream oil and gas," said Arcandra, in a written statement on Wednesday (23/8).

Just a note, due to the weakening world oil prices of oil and gas investment globally continues to show downward trend. By 2016, the value of global investment in the oil and gas sector has fallen by about 26%. While in the country, oil and gas investment last year also plummeted by 27%.

Arcandra said, through the revision of Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 8 of 2017 is expected KKKS can immediately take investment decisions. This is important, given the oil and gas reserves, especially oil in Indonesia is only enough to meet national needs over the next 12 years.

Currently the government is conducting an auction on seven oil and gas working areas. A total of 12 contractors have taken the tender documents. But the contractors have not entered a price offer. The auction announcement of seven oil and gas blocks is targeted for completion in September 2017.

In accordance with the rules related to gross split, the amount of profit sharing for petroleum for the country amounts to 57%. While contractors 43%, While for the share of natural gas, the division for the country 52% and contractors 48%.


Revisi Aturan Gross Split Terbit Pekan ini

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Alam (ESDM) terus berupaya mendorong investasi di sektor hulu minyak dan gas (migas). Untuk menarik minat investor, pekan ini rencananya Kementerian ESDM akan menerbitkan Revisi Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 8 tahun 2017 tentang Kontrak Bagi Hasil Gross Split.

Skema gross split diyakini akan memberikan keuntungan optimal. Baik kepada pemerintah sebagai pemilik aset, maupun Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) sebagai pengelola aset berupa blok-blok migas tersebut. Dengan skema gross split, para kontraktor juga akan semakin efisien dalam mengembangkan lapangan migas. Sehingga keuntungan mereka dapat lebih optimal.

Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, terdapat beberapa poin dalam revisi Peraturan Menteri tersebut. Misalnya progresif split terkait harga migas, kumulatif produksi migas, tahapan produksi, impuritas H2S dan ketersediaan infrastruktur agar investasi mereka optimal. Revisi ini diharapkan semakin memberikan kepastian bagi para Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) di Indonesia. 

"Revisi Peraturan Menteri tentang gross split ini merupakan inisiatif pemerintah untuk mendorong percepatan investasi di hulu migas," kata Arcandra, dalam keterangan tertulis, Rabu (23/8).

Sekadar catatan, akibat pelemahan harga minyak dunia investasi migas secara global terus menunjukkan tren penurunan. Pada tahun 2016, nilai investasi global di sektor migas turun sekitar 26%. Sementara di dalam negeri, investasi migas pada tahun lalu juga anjlok hingga 27%.

Arcandra mengatakan, melalui revisi Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 8 tahun 2017 ini diharapkan KKKS dapat segera mengambil keputusan investasi. Hal ini penting, mengingat cadangan migas, khususnya minyak di Indonesia hanya cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nasional selama 12 tahun ke depan.

Saat ini pemerintah sedang melakukan lelang terhadap tujuh wilayah kerja migas. Sebanyak 12 kontraktor sudah mengambil dokumen lelang. Namun para kontraktor itu belum memasukkan penawaran harga. Pengumuman lelang terhadap tujuh blok migas tersebut ditargetkan selesai pada September 2017.

Sesuai aturan terkait gross split, besaran bagi hasil untuk minyak bumi bagi negara jumlahnya 57%. Sedangkan kontraktor 43%, Sementara untuk bagi hasil gas bumi, pembagian untuk negara 52% dan kontraktor 48%.

Kontan, Page-18, Thursday, August 24, 2017

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