, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Scramble 'Black Gold' Time in Wonocolo - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Scramble 'Black Gold' Time in Wonocolo

The area of ​​traditional oil mines in Wonocolo Village, Kedewan Subdistrict, Bojonegoro still continues to burst to this day. Oil fields that have been more than 100 years old is still used by the local community.

After entering the village of Wonocolo, you can immediately see the traditional oil wells scattered in the hills. Well drilling is done using simple tools, such as wooden poles and diesel engines to move the pipe.

Based on data of PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 subsidiaries of PT Pertamina currently there are about 700 oil wells in Wonocolo. However, only about 40 wells are actively producing. Currently, the area of ​​the traditional oil wells produces 400 barrels per day (bpd).

Government and Public Relation Assistant Manager of PT Pertamina EP Asset IV Pandjie Galih Anoraga said that the crude oil from Wonocolo is sold to Pertamina EP Asset IV at 70% price and Indonesian Crude Price (ICP).

"Oil from Wonocolo is sold to Pertamina," he said.

With oil prices around US $ 50 per barrel, the total value of crude oil sales from Wonocolo Village is around Rp 182 million per day (assuming Rp 13,000 per US $).

About 250 old wells in the hills of the mountains Kendeng it is a relic of the Netherlands. To avoid illegal drilling activities, the Wonocolo area is now managed by Pertamina EP Asset IV. To defend the historical value of the traditional 'black gold' mining area, the government established Wonocolo as an oil and gas tourism village in 2016.

With traditional hillside views and oil drilling activities, the region can attract tourists who want to see first hand oil drilling activities with simple tools. Wonocolo transformed into a tourist village with oil-like concept of oil area in Texas, United States.

To attract more tourists, the managers of Wonocolo Village have made a crossroad for Offroad with jeep vehicles. You can Offroad to enjoy the hilly area while walking along the old wells using a jeep. In addition, visitors can also see the rock museum. Despite the low oil prices, residents in Wonocolo Village are still doing the drilling of the old well.

Oil price fluctuations are not new. Precisely the characteristic of the black liquid price is up and down. In fact, when oil was first discovered and drilled in an oil field in Pennsylvania, the US in the 19th century, the price of black liquor was US $ 30 per barrel.

However, soon the price touched US $ 1 cent per barrel. Get down drastically. At that time, the 'price war' between the producer or the driller with the oil buyer company continued to operate. Even some say the oil business is loaded with cartels. So, do not be surprised if the price of oil can be cheaper than the price of water and at other times the price could soar high into the clouds.

The traditional oil well drilling activities at Wonocolo are inversely proportional to Banyu Urip Field, Cepu Block. PT ExxonMobil Cepu Limited, as operator of Banyu Urip Field, is able to lift oil from the earth's stomach by 201,000 bph with just 35 wells. Meanwhile, oil production in Wonocolo with 700 wells only produced 400 bpd.

A very contrasting scene, between the use of advanced technology and the traditional way. The optimal management of Wonocolo Village is believed to attract more tourists. The hilly terrain, offroad tracks, traditional oil drilling activities, the history of the Dutch oil company, the rock museum and the natural beauty of Wonocolo Village will be a magnet for tourists who want to know the history of oil in Indonesia.


Mengais Sisa ‘Emas Hitam’ di Wonocolo

Wilayah tambang minyak tradisional di Desa Wonocolo, Kecamatan Kedewan, Bojonegoro masih terus menyembur hingga saat ini. Ladang minyak yang telah berusia lebih dari 100 tahun itu masih dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat setempat.

Setelah masuk ke wilayah Desa Wonocolo, Anda bisa langsung melihat sumur-sumur minyak tradisional yang bertebaran di perbukitan. Pengeboran sumur dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat-alat sederhana, seperti tiang-tiang dari kayu dan mesin diesel untuk menggerakkan pipa.

Berdasarkan data PT Pertamina EP Aset 4 anak usaha PT Pertamina saat ini ada sekitar 700 sumur minyak di Wonocolo. Namun, hanya sekitar 40 sumur yang aktif berproduksi. Saat ini, wilayah sumur minyak tradisional itu menghasilkan 400 barel per hari (bph).

Government dan Public Relation Assistant Manager PT Pertamina EP Asset IV Pandjie Galih Anoraga mengatakan bahwa minyak mentah dari Wonocolo tersebut dijual ke Pertamina EP Asset IV dengan harga 70% dan harga minyak Indonesia (Indonesia Crude Price/ICP). 

"Minyak dari Wonocolo dijual ke Pertamina," katanya.

Dengan harga minyak sekitar US$ 50 per barel, total nilai penjualan minyak mentah dari Desa Wonocolo sekitar Rp 182 juta per hari (dengan asumsi Rp 13.000 per US$).

Sekitar 250 sumur tua di wilayah perbukitan pegunungan Kendeng itu merupakan peninggalan Belanda. Untuk menghindari kegiatan pengeboran illegal, wilayah Wonocolo kini dikelola oleh Pertamina EP Asset IV. Untuk mempertahankan nilai sejarah wilayah penambangan ‘emas hitam’ tradisional itu, pemerintah menetapkan Wonocolo sebagai desa wisata minyak dan gas bumi pada 2016. 

Dengan pemandangan perbukitan serta aktivitas pengeboran minyak secara tradisional, wilayah itu dapat menarik para wisatawan yang ingin melihat secara langsung kegiatan pengeboran minyak dengan alat sederhana. Wonocolo diubah menjadi desa wisata minyak dan gas dengan konsep seperti kawasan minyak di Texas, Amerika Serikat.

Untuk semakin menarik wisatawan, pengelola Desa Wonocolo telah membuat jalan lintas untuk Offroad dengan kendaraan jip. Anda bisa Offroad untuk menikmati wilayah perbukitan sambil menyusuri sumur-sumur tua menggunakan jip. Selain itu, pengunjung juga bisa melihat museum bebatuan. Kendati harga minyak masih rendah, penduduk di Desa Wonocolo masih tetap melakukan kegiatan pengeboran sumur tua tersebut.

Fluktuasi harga minyak bukan hal baru. Justru ciri khas dari cairan hitam itu harga yang naik turun. Bahkan, saat pertama kali minyak ditemukan dan dibor di kawasan minyak di Pennsylvania, AS pada abad 19, harga cairan hitam pekat itu US$ 30 per barel.

Namun, tidak lama kemudian harga menyentuh US 1 sen per barel. Turun drastis. Saat itu, ‘peperangan harga’ antara produsen atau pengebor dengan perusahaan pembeli minyak terus berlanggsung. Bahkan beberapa kalangan menyebutkan bisnis minyak penuh dengan kartel. Jadi, tidak heran jika harga minyak bisa lebih murah dari harga air dan pada waktu lain harga bisa membumbung tinggi jauh ke awan.

Kegiatan pengeboran sumur minyak secara tradisional di Wonocolo berbanding terbalik dengan Lapangan Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu. PT ExxonMobil Cepu Limited, sebagai operator Lapangan Banyu Urip, mampu mengangkat minyak dari perut bumi sebanyak 201.000 bph hanya dengan 35 sumur. Sementara itu, produksi minyak di Wonocolo dengan 700 sumur hanya menghasilkan 400 bph.

Sebuah pemandangan yang sangat kontras, yaitu antara pemakaian teknologi canggih dan cara tradisional. Pengelolaan Desa Wonocolo secara optimal diyakini bakal menarik wisatawan lebih banyak lagi. Wilayah perbukitan, lintasan offroad, aktivitas pengeboran minyak secara tradisional, sejarah perusahaan minyak Belanda, museum bebatuan, dan keindahan alam di Desa Wonocolo bakal menjadi magnet bagi para wisatawan yang ingin mengetahui sejarah minyak di Indonesia.

Kontan, Page-18, Wednesday, August 23, 2017

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