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Thursday, August 10, 2017

Sertecpet Technology Solutions Oil and Gas Upgrades Lifting

MEDIA Group signed a memorandum of understanding with an Ecuadorian oil technology company, Sertecpet. Company
It has a more efficient and inexpensive oil drilling pump tool.

The MoU was signed by Deputy Chairman of Media Group Lestari Moerdijat with CEO of President Sertecpet Holding Angel Eduardo Lopez. Chairman of Media Group Surya Paloh participated as a witness memorandum of understanding between the two parties.

In signing it, also featured a prototype called Smart Jet Pump. The inventor of this tool is Ecuadorian and its products have been patented in several countries, such as the United States, Russia, and Canada.

Sertecpet CEO Eduardo Lopez said the product has now been used in several countries in Latin America, the Middle East and North Africa. One pumping machine can drill about 9,000 barrels per day.

"This product can produce more oil per barrel per day from existing drilling systems," Eduardo said at Media Group office, The Plaza Building, Central Jakarta, yesterday.

Sertecpet CEO Eduardo Lopez

His Smart Jet Pump product, Eduardo claims, can reduce the cost of producing high-yield oil drilling. This is the answer to the old oil well production in Indonesia.

Eduardo assesses that Asian markets, especially Indonesia, are very potential for their products. With a pump owned by Sertecpect, the oil and gas company does not take long to replace the technology in an old well. The transition from the new technology takes only one to two years. This is very fast compared to 5 years to 7 years using another machine.

"It is important to be able to share with private companies as well as internationally and locally about the capacity to supply all these technologies,".


Teknologi Sertecpet Solusi Peningkatan Lifting Migas

MEDIA Group menandatangani nota kesepahaman dengan perusahaan teknologi minyak asal Ekuador, Sertecpet. Perusahaan
itu memiliki produk alat pompa pengeboran minyak yang lebih efisien dan murah.

Penandatanganan nota kesepahaman dilakukan Deputy Chairman Media Group Lestari Moerdijat dengan CEO President Sertecpet Holding Angel Eduardo Lopez. Chairman Media Group Surya Paloh turut sebagai saksi nota kesepahaman antara kedua pihak.

Dalam penandatanganan itu, turut ditampilkan prototipe bernama Smart Jet Pump. Penemu alat ini ialah orang Ekuador dan produknya telah dipatenkan di beberapa negara, seperti Amerika Serikat, Rusia, dan Kanada.

CEO Sertecpet Eduardo Lopez menjelaskan produknya kini telah dipakai di beberapa negara di Amerika Latin, Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara. Satu mesin pompa dapat mengebor sekitar 9.000 barel per harinya.

“Produk ini bisa menghasilkan lebih banyak minyak per barel per harinya dari sistem pengeboran yang sudah ada,” kata Eduardo di kantor Media Group, Gedung The Plaza, Jakarta Pusat, kemarin.

Produk Smart Jet Pump miliknya, klaim Eduardo, bisa menekan biaya produksi pengeboran minyak dengan hasil tinggi. Hal ini menjadi jawaban produksi minyak sumur-sumur tua di Indonesia.

Eduardo menilai pasar Asia, khususnya Indonesia, sangat potensial bagi produknya. Dengan pompa milik Sertecpect, perusahaan migas tidak butuh waktu lama untuk mengganti teknologi di sumur yang sudah tua. Peralihan dari teknologi baru itu hanya membutuhkan satu hingga dua tahun. Ini tergolong sangat cepat daripada 5 tahun hingga 7 tahun dengan menggunakan mesin lain.

“Sangat penting untuk bisa berbagi dengan perusahaan swasta maupun internasional dan lokal tentang kapasitas penyediaan semua teknologi ini,”.

Media Indonesia, Page-13, Thursday, August 10, 2017

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