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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Shell Add Gas Station and Factory Expansion

PT Shell Indonesia is increasingly aggressive to increase the number of Public Filling Station (SPBU) in Indonesia. The global oil and gas company already has 80 gas stations in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi (Jabodetabek), Bandung and North Sumatra.

Wahyu lndrawanto, Retail Director of PT Shell Indonesia and Cluster General Manager of Retail Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong said, compared to Hong Kong and Singapore, the investment of additional gas stations is easier in Indonesia.

"This August we just open in Pondok Cabe Tangerang Selatan and in Jakarta Outer Ringroad (JORR) near Puri Indah, West Jakarta," said Wahyu, Monday (28/9).

After opening two gas stations, Shell will reopen eight to 10 gas stations in Jabodetabek, Bandung and Sumatra. If all is smoothly awakened, the total Shell filling stations by the end of the year could be 90-92 units. Shell gas station investment between Rp 10 billion to Rp 13 billion outside land and other assets. The addition of gas stations is done with two schemes.

First, with the Dealer Own Dealer Operate (DODO) partnership, it means that partners from Shell will build and operate the gas station. Secondly, under the scheme of the Company Owned Dealer Operated (CODO) program, it means that Shell owns land or rents and gas stations are built by Shell. While operating the company's partners as retailers.

"Of the 80 gas stations today, there are two that DODO," he said.

But consumers will not see the difference between DODO and CODO, because the Shell service is relatively no different. In addition to increasing the number of retail outlets, Shell is also expanding its OXO Express Release network for two-wheelers and four-wheeler and Shell Select / Deli2Go convenience stores to meet customer needs and support the overall gas station business.

"This year Oil Change Express and Select / Deli2Go will be present more at Shell filling stations," he explained.

Shell is also serious in the lubricant business. Dian Andyasuri, Director of Lubricants at PT Shell Indonesia, said that Shell's lubricant production at Bekasi factory has reached 85 percent from a capacity of 136 million tons per year.

"As our representative said when meeting with the Minister of Industry, we will expand the second phase of lubricant plant in Bekasi," he said.

Shell's lubricant customers are increasingly growing. Not just motor vehicles, but ship industry, power plant and mine.


Shell Tambah SPBU dan Ekspansi Pabrik

PT Shell Indonesia semakin agresif menambah jumlah Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Umum (SPBU) di Indonesia. Perusahaan migas global tersebut sudah memiliki 80 SPBU di Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi (Jabodetabek), Bandung dan Sumatra Utara.

Wahyu lndrawanto, Direktur Ritel PT Shell Indonesia dan Cluster General Manager Ritel Indonesia, Singapura, Hong Kong bilang, dibandingkan Hong Kong dan Singapura, investasi penambahan SPBU lebih mudah di Indonesia. 

"Bulan Agustus ini kami baru buka di Pondok Cabe Tangerang Selatan dan di Jakarta Outer Ringroad (JORR) dekat Puri Indah, Jakarta Barat,“ ungkap Wahyu, Senin (28/9).

Setelah membuka dua SPBU itu, Shell akan membuka kembali delapan sampai 10 SPBU di Jabodetabek, Bandung dan Sumatra. Jika semua  mulus terbangun, total SPBU Shell sampai akhir tahun bisa menjadi 90-92 unit. Investasi SPBU Shell antara Rp 10 miliar sampai Rp 13 miliar di luar lahan dan aset lain. Penambahan SPBU tersebut dilakukan dengan dua skema. 

Pertama, dengan kemitraan Dealer Own Dealer Operate (DODO), artinya mitra dari Shell akan membangun dan mengoperasikan SPBU. Kedua, dengan skema program Company Owned Dealer Operated (CODO), artinya Shell memiliki tanah atau menyewa dan SPBU dibangun oleh Shell. Sementara yang mengoperasikan mitra perusahaan tersebut sebagai peritel. 

"Dari 80 SPBU saat ini, ada dua yang DODO," ujarnya.

Namun konsumen tidak akan melihat perbedaan antara DODO dan CODO, karena pelayanan Shell relatif tidak berbeda. Selain menambah jumlah SPBU, Shell juga sedang memperluas jaringan Ganti Oli Express untuk kendaraan roda dua maupun roda empat dan convenience store Shell Select/Deli2Go untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan dan mendukung bisnis SPBU secara keseluruhan. 

"Tahun ini Ganti Oli Express dan Select/Deli2Go akan hadir lebih banyak di SPBU Shell," terang dia.

Shell juga serius di bisnis pelumas. Dian Andyasuri, Direktur Pelumas PT Shell Indonesia, menyatakan saat ini produksi pelumas Shell di pabrik Bekasi sudah mencapai 85% dari berkapasitas 136 juta ton per tahun. 

"Seperti yang disampaikan perwakilan kami saat bertemu dengan Menteri Perindustrian, kami akan ekspansi tahap kedua pabrik pelumas di Bekasi," ungkap dia. 

Saat ini pelanggan pelumas Shell semakin banyak. Bukan kendaraan bermotor saja, tapi industri kapal, pembangkit dan tambang.

Kontan, Page-18, Tuesday, August 29, 2017

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