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Friday, August 11, 2017

Support PLN to Buy JTB Gas

The Government of Bojonegoro Regency supports PLN to purchase Jambaran-Tiung Biru (JTB) gas in its area, as it will increase the regional revenue from the acquisition of Profit Sharing Fund (DBH) of gas.

"The District Government supports PLN to purchase the Jambaran-TBR gas, because it will increase the income of the producing regions through the DBH gas," said Head of Regional Revenue Agency of Bojonegoro Regency Herry Sudjarwo, Thursday (10/8).

He said it was responding to PLN's agreement to purchase the Jambaran-TBR gas delivered by the ESDM Ministry in Jakarta on August 8.

The gas pricing of Jambaran-TBR to PLN Gresik Region amounted to US $ 7.6 per MMBTU "flat" along the contract, delivered in the Letter of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 5939/12 / MEM.M / 2017 dated August 1, 2017.

According to him, the revenue generating regions from the DBH gas reaches 12 percent greater than the DBH of oil which is only 6 percent. The distribution of Profit Sharing Funds (DBH) reaches 30 percent with details of 12 percent producing regions, districts / municipalities in provinces of 12 percent and 6 percent.

While the distribution of profit sharing fund (DBH) of oil is only 15 percent, with details of 6 percent producing regions, all districts / municipalities in provinces producing 6 percent and 3 percent province.

In addition, the "cost recovery" of the Jambaran-TBR gas field development that has to be paid for producing areas is smaller than the development of the Cepu Block oil project.

"Gas production will add regional revenue through the Profit Share Fund (DBH) of gas is quite large compared to revenue from profit sharing funds (DBH) of oil," he said.

He explained that the oil and gas revenue sharing fund from the Jambaran-TBR field gas field gas production with Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) operator will be obtained by 2019.

"The 2019 gas revenue sharing (DBH) forecasts for the Jambaran-TBR gas production in 2019," he said.

The development of the Jambaran-TBR gas field in Bojonegoro with an investment of around US $ 1.5 billion will produce 330 MMSCFD of gas with sales of 172 MMSCFD for 16 years. Of the 172 MMSCFD utilization of the gas, 100 MMSCFD will be distributed to PLN Gresik Region at US $ 7.6 per MMBTU flat during the contract period, and 72 MMSCFD for industries in Central Java and East Java.

Gas from Tiung Biru Jambaran field will also be connected with Gresik-Semarang pipe along 267 km with a diameter of 28 inches. Pipe Gresik-Semarang with an investment of approximately US $ 515 million is planned to be completed by 2018.


Dukung PLN Beli Gas JTB

Pemerintah Kabupaten Bojonegoro, mendukung PLN membeli gas Jambaran-Tiung Biru (JTB) di daerahnya, karena akan meningkatkan pendapatan daerah dari perolehan Dana Bagi Hasil (DBH) gas.

“Pemerintah Kabupaten mendukung PLN membeli gas Jambaran-TBR, sebab akan meningkatkan pendapatan daerah penghasil melalui DBH gas,” kata Kepala Badan Pendapatan Daerah Pemkab Bojonegoro Herry Sudjarwo, Kamis (10/8).

Ia menyatakan hal itu menanggapi adanya kesepakatan PLN untuk membeli gas Jambaran-TBR yang disampaikan Kementerian ESDM di Jakarta, pada 8 Agustus.

Penetapan harga gas Jambaran-TBR ke PLN Wilayah Gresik sebesar US$ 7,6 per MMBTU “flat” sepanjang kontrak, disampaikan di dalam Surat Menteri ESDM Nomor 5939/12/MEM.M/2017 tanggal 1 Agustus 2017 .

Menurut dia, perolehan pendapatan daerah penghasil dari DBH gas besarnya mencapai 12 persen Iebih besar dibandingkan DBH minyak yang hanya 6 persen. Pembagian Dana Bagi Hasil (DBH) gas mencapai 30 persen dengan rincian daerah penghasil 12 persen, kabupaten/kota di provinsi 12 persen dan provinsi 6 persen.

Sedangkan pembagian Dana Bagi Hasil (DBH) minyak besarnya hanya 15 persen, dengan rincian daerah penghasil 6 persen, semua kabupaten/kota di provinsi daerah penghasil 6 persen dan provinsi 3 persen.

Selain itu “cost recovery” pengembangan lapangan gas Jambaran-TBR yang harus dibayar daerah penghasil lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan pengembangan proyek minyak Blok Cepu. 

“Produksi gas akan menambahkan pendapatan daerah melalui Dana Bagi Hasil (DBH) gas cukup besar dibandingkan pendapatan dari Dana Bagi Hasil (DBH) minyak” katanya menegaskan. 

Ia menjelaskan Dana Bagi Hasil (DBH) minyak dan gas dari produksi gas lapangan Jambaran-TBR dengan operator Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) akan diperoleh daerahnya pada 2019. 

“Perkiraan perolehan Dana Bagi Hasil (DBH) gas 2019 karena produksi gas Jambaran-TBR pada 2019,” katanya menegaskan.

Pengembangan Iapangan gas Jambaran-TBR di Bojonegoro dengan investasi sekitar US$ 1,5 miliar akan memproduksikan gas sebesar 330 MMSCFD dengan penjualan sebesar 172 MMSCFD selama 16 tahun. Dari 172 MMSCFD pemanfaatan gas tersebut, 100 MMSCFD akan disalurkan ke PLN Wilayah Gresik dengan harga US$ 7,6 per MMBTU flat selama masa kontrak, dan 72 MMSCFD untuk industri di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur. 

Gas dari lapangan Jambaran Tiung Biru nantinya juga akan terkoneksi dengan pipa Gresik-Semarang sepanjang 267 km dengan diameter 28 inchi. Pipa Gresik-Semarang dengan investasi sekitar US$ 515 juta direncanakan selesai pada 2018.

Duta Masyarakat, Page-16, Friday, August 11, 2017

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