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Thursday, August 31, 2017

Toll Fee Gas Arun-Belawan falls

Downstream Regulatory Agency (BPH) of Oil and Gas lowered the tariff for transportation aka toll fee transmission for the Arun-Belawan gas pipeline which operated by PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas). 

     In its decision, BPH Migas set a toll fee of the transmission line from Arun-Belawan to US $ 1.54 per MSCF. Jugi Prajogio, a member of the BPH Migas Committee, said that with the stipulation, the toll fee for the transmission of the Arun-Belawan segment is down around US $ 1 per MSCF.

"Domain BPH sets the toll fee transmission, formerly US $ 2.53 MSCF, now US $ 1.54 MSCF. It down about US $ 1 MSCF," he said Wednesday (30/8).

The determination of tariff for natural gas transportation through pipeline shall be determined based on Regulation of BPH Migas No 03/2017 concerning Tariff of Gas Transportation through Transmission Pipe of Arun (Aceh) to Belawan (North Sumatra) to PT Pertamina Gas at 22 August 2017. This determination was signed by the Head of BPH Migas M. Fanshurullah Asa.

This Regulation of BPH Migas revokes and declares the Minister of Oil and Gas Regulation No. 15 / TARIF / BPH MIGAS / KOM / 2014 regarding the Initial Determination of the Gas Transportation Tariff through the Transmission Line of Arun Belawan to PT Pertamina Gas.

Through the determination of the tariff of natural gas transportation of the Arun-Belawan transmission line is a real form of work BPH Migas supports the policy of the President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo who requested that the price of natural gas in Indonesia more rational and enjoyed by the people.

"Our step is to help the industry and PLN get a rational gas price," said Hari Pratoyo, BPH Migas Committee.

Hari Pratoyo said, BPH Migas can only mengefisiensikan gas prices to the end user through the determination of toll fee rates according to their authority. However, for the gas price of a Business Entity whose process must be regasified or using LNG, of course BPH Migas can not regulate the regasification rate.

"Regasification rates and LNG prices for end users in North Sumatra are set business to business (B to B)," he said.


Tarif Toll Fee Gas Arun-Belawan

Badan Pengatur Hilir (BPH) Migas menurunkan tarif pengangkutan alias toll fee transmisi untuk ruas pipa gas Arun-Belawan yang dioperasikan oleh PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas). 

    Dalam keputusannya, BPH Migas menetapkan toll fee ruas transmisi dari Arun-Belawan menjadi US$ 1,54 per MSCF. Jugi Prajogio, Anggota Komite BPH Migas mengatakan dengan penetapan tersebut, toll fee transmisi ruas Arun-Belawan turun sekitar US$ 1 per MSCF. 

"Domain BPH menetapkan toll fee transmisi, dulu US$ 2,53 MSCF, sekarang US$ 1,54 MSCF. Ini turun sekitar US$ 1 MSCF,"katanya Rabu (30/8).

Penetapan tarif pengangkutan gas bumi melalui pipa ditetapkan berdasarkan Peraturan Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH Migas) No 03/2017 tentang Tarif Pengangkutan Gas Bumi Melalui Pipa Ruas Transmisi Arun (Aceh) ke Belawan (Sumatera Utara) untuk PT Pertamina Gas pada 22 Agustus 2017. Penetapan ini ditandatangani oleh Kepala BPH Migas M. Fanshurullah Asa.

Peraturan BPH Migas ini sekaligus mencabut dan menyatakan tidak berlakunya Keputusan Kepala BPH Migas Nomor 15/TARIF/BPH MIGAS/ KOM/2014 tentang Penetapan Initial Tarif Pengangkutan Gas Bumi Melalui Pipa Ruas Transmisi Arun Belawan kepada PT Pertamina Gas.

Melalui penetapan tarif pengangkutan gas bumi ruas transmisi Arun-Belawan ini merupakan bentuk kerja nyata BPH Migas mendukung kebijakan Presiden RI , Joko Widodo yang meminta agar harga gas bumi di Indonesia lebih rasional dan dinikmati rakyat banyak.

“Langkah kami ini untuk membantu industri dan PLN mendapatkan harga gas yang rasional," kata Hari Pratoyo, Komite BPH Migas.

Hari Pratoyo bilang, BPH Migas hanya bisa mengefisiensikan harga gas kepada end user lewat penetapan tarif toll fee sesuai kewenangannya. Namun, untuk harga gas dari Badan Usaha yang prosesnya harus diregasifikasi atau memakai LNG, tentu saja BPH Migas tidak bisa mengatur tarif regasifikasi.

“Tarif regasifikasi dan harga LNG untuk end user di Sumatera Utara ditetapkan secara business to business (B to B)," katanya.

Kontan, Page-18, Thursday, August 31, 2017

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