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Friday, August 25, 2017

Total & Inpex Given Allotment of 39%

The government still offers 39% stake in Mahakam Block participation to PT Total E & P Indonesia Indoneie and lnpex Corporation after its contract expires on December 31, 2017.

Total is the operator of oil and gas blocks located in East Kalimantan with 50% ownership and 50% lnpex. However, starting January 1, 2018, PT Pertamina was appointed operator of the Mahakam Block.

Mahakam Block - East Borneo

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) Arcandra Tahar said that the space for the Mahakam Block contractor after the contract ends still refers to the desire of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources lgnasius Jonan with a maximum share of 39%. Total E & P lndonesie as operator and lnpex as partner with 50% ownership ownership in Mahakam block can control up to 39% stake in participation in 2018 through business scheme with Pertamina as its new contractor.

On the occasion of a working visit to the Mahakam Block, ESDM Minister Ignasius Jonan said Total and lnpex could get the right to manage in the Mahakam block through a business scheme with Pertamina.

The maximum share of 39% still leaves a space of 51% for Pertamina and 10% for local-owned enterprises entitled to a share offer of Mahakam Block participation. Although different from the decision issued in 2015, the existing contractor only gets 30% maximum space in Mahakam block, Jonan rate 39% will not be a problem because Pertamina still dominate share ownership participation.

"The ESDM Minister said that," said Arcandra, Wednesday (23/8).

According to him, if indeed Total and Inpex are still interested, open option through agreement to be achieved through business scheme.

"We ask Total talk b to b [business mechanism] with Pertamina," he said.

Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam said that the company still refers to the existing ownership share ownership limit of 30%. Talk of the old contractor part of the new contract is still running.

Syamsu explained, the discussion about shares of participation had already started. However, he hopes that the transaction can be completed when the new contract is valid on January 1, 2018 so that the implementation of activities in 2018 can be more optimum.

Based on SKK Migas data, the realization of gas production of Mahakam block until June 2017 is 1,504 MMscfd or 105% of target 1,430 MMscfd. Mahakam gas production contributes 20% to national gas production which touched 7.512 MMscfd


Total & Inpex Diberi Jatah Saham 39%

Pemerintah masih menawarkan porsi kepemilikan saham partisipasi Blok Mahakam sebesar 39% kepada PT Total E&P lndonesie dan lnpex Corporation setelah kontraknya berakhir pada 31 Desember 2017.

Total menjadi operator blok minyak dan gas bumi yang berlokasi di Kalimantan Timur itu dengan kepemilikan saham 50% dan lnpex 50%. Namun, mulai 1 Januari 2018, PT Pertamina ditunjuk menjadi operator Blok Mahakam.

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan bahwa ruang bagi kontraktor Blok Mahakam setelah kontrak berakhir masih mengacu pada keinginan Menteri ESDM lgnasius Jonan dengan bagian maksimum 39%. Total E&P lndonesie sebagai operator dan lnpex sebagai mitra dengan kepemilikan hak kelola [participating interest/Pl) sebesar 50% di Blok Mahakam bisa menguasai hingga 39% saham partisipasi pada 2018 melalui skema bisnis dengan Pertamina sebagai kontraktor barunya.

Dalam kesempatan kunjungan kerja ke Blok Mahakam, Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan mengatakan, Total dan lnpex bisa kembali mendapat hak kelola di Blok Mahakam melalui skema bisnis dengan Pertamina.

Adapun bagian maksimum 39% masih menyisakan ruang sebesar 51% untuk Pertamina dan 10% untuk badan usaha milik daerah yang berhak mendapat penawaran saham partisipasi Blok Mahakam. Meskipun berbeda dengan keputusan yang dikeluarkan pada 2015, yakni kontraktor existing hanya mendapat ruang maksimum 30% pada Blok Mahakam, Jonan menilai bagian 39% tidak akan menjadi masalah karena Pertamina tetap mendominasi kepemilikan saham partisipasi.

“Kata Menteri ESDM seperti itu,” kata Arcandra, Rabu (23/8).

Menurutnya, bila memang Total dan Inpex masih berminat, opsi terbuka melalui kesepakatan yang harus dicapai melalui skema bisnis. 

“Kita minta Total bicara b to b [mekanisme bisnis] dengan Pertamina,” katanya.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan bahwa perseroan masih mengacu pada batas kepemilikan saham partisipasi kontraktor existing, yaitu maksimal 30%. Pembicaraan tentang bagian kontraktor lama pada kontrak baru masih berjalan.

Syamsu menjelaskan, pembicaraan soal saham partisipasi itu sudah di mulai. Namun, dia berharap agar transaksi bisa diselesaikan ketika kontrak baru berlaku pada 1 Januari 2018 sehingga pelaksanaan kegiatan pada 2018 bisa lebih optimum.

Berdasarkan data SKK Migas, realisasi produksi gas Blok Mahakam hingga Juni 2017 sebesar 1.504 MMscfd atau 105% dari target 1.430 MMscfd. Produksi gas Mahakam berkontribusi sebesar 20% terhadap produksi gas nasional yang menyentuh 7.512 MMscfd

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-32, Friday, August 25, 2017

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