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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Upon Gas Margin Immediately Determined

The government is still asking for input from business actors related to the plan to limit the gas trading margin and the level of investment development before it is decided in the form of regulation.

Currently, the discussion on the revision of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 1 9/2009 on Gas Gas Business Activities Through Pipeline has entered the final stage. It will regulate downstream gas business, such as margin and internal rate of return (IRR).

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said the rules of margin restrictions and payback for gas transmission and distribution pipeline have entered the final stage. According to him, his side has socialized and asked for advice to business actors such as PT Perusahaan Gas Negara. PT Pertamina Gas, Indonesia Natural Gas Trader Association (INGTA), and other gas user associations.

In the revised draft of Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources no. 19/2009, stated that the government will guarantee the gas traders get the appropriate IRR, which is about 11%. The amount of IRR is expected to attract the interest of gas trading business to participate in gas pipeline infrastructure.

In addition to IRR, the government will also set a 7% commercial gas margin. The new formula of gas delivery tariff through pipes will also be regulated in the rules. Other components that are included in the regulation are the economic life of existing distribution pipelines and new pipes for 15 years.

In addition, the volume of gas used in accordance with the allocation or 60% of the initial design capacity of the larger distribution pipeline. Meanwhile, on the calculation of commercial margin will be set at approximately 7% of the price of gas in the upstream.

The 7% assumption also includes commodity management costs, marketing costs, and customer management, risk costs, and trade margins. When gas distribution through two business entities has a gas pipeline to reach the final consumer, the commercial margin of 7% is shared for the two business entities.

This formula has actually existed since the meeting of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources held in March 2017. Additional in the draft of the draft Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, the government prepares sanctions in the form of two written warnings, written termination as well as revocation of business license and cancellation of allocation and utilization of gas.

Sanctions are granted if the business actor violates all the provisions stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources on the price of the Downstream Gas. The impact of sanctions becomes a burden that also borne by business entities.

"It's all over. We asked for feedback [feedback] to all [business actors] he said, (31/7).

He considered that the enactment of the regulation will make the activities in the downstream sector of gas more efficient. However, he hopes that the regulation can support the development of gas pipelines.

"We actually support the infrastructure built with the Ministerial Regulation. That's our hope. In addition to guaranteed rate of return it Construction of the pipe, there is also a regulated margin, "he said.


Meanwhile, the Indonesian Natural Gas Association (INGTA) previously conveyed the association's official stance that Determination of the determination of the margin makes the business in the downstream line of gas more difficult to survive. The reason is that the government reduced the contract period of gas sale and sale starting 2008.

Duration of the contract that was originally guaranteed for 10 years, gradually dropped to 5 years, 3 years and is now a provision of renewal every 1 year. In addition, 92.8% of the gas price is a component of upstream costs and gas transportation costs to be paid to gas producers and holders of gas transportation licenses.

Thus, about 7.2% is used for thin operating costs, investments, and margins, although not detailed in terms of division. Therefore, the proposed commercial margin is 10%.

Secretary of Directorate General of Oil and Gas Susyanto said that the draft regulation has not been signed by ESDM Minister Ignasius Jonan. However, the final draft is almost complete after absorbing the aspirations of related parties.

"It's almost done, being socialized with stakeholders," he said.


Atas Margin Gas Segera Ditetapkan

Pemerintah masih meminta masukan dari pelaku usaha terkait dengan rencana pembatasan margin niaga gas dan tingkat pengembangan investasi sebelum diputuskan dalam bentuk regulasi.

Saat ini, pembahasan revisi Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 1 9/2009 tentang Kegiatan Usaha Gas Bumi Melalui Pipa sudah masuk tahap final. aturan itu akan mengatur bisnis hilir gas, seperti margin dan tingkat pengembalian investasi (internal rate of return/IRR).

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, aturan pembatasan margin dan pengembalian modal untuk pipa transmisi dan distribusi gas telah memasuki tahap akhir. Menurutnya, pihaknya telah melakukan sosialiasasi dan meminta saran kepada pelaku usaha seperti PT Perusahaan Gas Negara. PT Pertamina Gas, Indonesia Natural Gas Trader Association (INGTA), dan asosiasi pengguna gas Iainnya.

Dalam draf revisi Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 19/2009, disebutkan bahwa pemerintah akan menjamin pedagang gas mendapat IRR yang sesuai, yakni sekitar 11%. Besaran IRR itu diharapkan mampu menarik minat pelaku usaha niaga gas untuk turut serta dalam infrastruktur pipa gas.

Selain IRR, pemerintah pun akan menetapkan margin niaga gas sekitar 7%. Formula baru tarif penghantaran gas melalui pipa juga akan diatur dalam aturan itu. Komponen lain yang turut diatur dalam aturan tersebut yakni umur keekonomian pipa distribusi yang sudah ada dan pipa baru selama 15 tahun.

Selain itu, volume gas yang digunakan sesuai dengan alokasi atau 60% dari kapasitas desain awal pipa distribusi yang lebih besar. Sementara itu, pada perhitungan margin niaga akan ditetapkan kurang lebih 7% dari harga gas di hulu.

Asumsi 7% itu pun telah mencakup biaya pengelolaan komoditas, biaya pemasaran, dan pengelolaan pelanggan, biaya risiko, dan margin niaga. Bila penyaluran gas melalui dua badan usaha berfasilitas (memiliki pipa gas) untuk mencapai konsumen akhir, margin niaga sebesar 7% dibagi untuk dua badan usaha tersebut.

Formula ini sebenarnya sudah ada sejak rapat Kementerian ESDM yang digelar pada Maret 2017. Tambahan dalam materi draf Peraturan Menteri ESDM tersebut yakni pemerintah menyiapkan sanksi berupa dua kali peringatan tertulis, penghentian tertulis juga pencabutan izin usaha serta pembatalan penetapan alokasi dan pemanfaatan gas.

Sanksi diberikan bila pelaku usaha melanggar semua ketentuan yang diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM tentang Harga Gas Hilir itu. Dampak pemberian sanksi pun menjadi beban yang turut ditanggung badan usaha.

“Sudah sampai akhir. Tadi kila minta feedback [umpan balik] kepada semua [pelaku usaha] ujarnya, (31/7). 

Dia menilai dengan pemberlakuan regulasi tersebut akan membuat kegiatan di sektor hilir gas lebih efisien. Namun, dia berharap agar regulasi itu mampu mendukung pembangunan pipa gas. 

“Kita justru mendukung infrastruktur terbangun dengan Peraturan Menteri itu. Itu harapan kita. Selain dijamin Rate of return-nya pembangunan pipanya, juga ada margin yang diatur,” katanya.


Sementara itu, Indonesian Natural Gas Association (INGTA) sebelumnya menyampaikan sikap resmi asosiasi itu bahwa penetapan penetapan margin tersebut membuat pelaku usaha di lini hilir gas semakin sulit bertahan. Pasalnya, Pemerintah mereduksi masa kontrak jual beli gas mulai 2008.

Durasi kontrak yang semula dijamin selama 10 tahun, berangsur turun menjadi 5 tahun, 3 tahun dan kini menjadi ketentuan pembaruan setiap 1 tahun sekali. Selain itu, 92,8% dari harga gas merupakan komponen biaya di hulu dan biaya transportasi gas yang harus dibayar ke produsen gas serta pemegang izin transportasi gas.

Dengan demikian, sekitar 7,2% digunakan untuk biaya operasi, investasi, dan margin yang tipis kendati tidak dijelaskan secara rinci pembagiannya. Oleh karena itu, margin niaga yang diusulkan sebesar 10%.

Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Susyanto mengatakan, saat ini draf aturan tersebut belum diteken Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan. Namun, draf final hampir selesai setelah menyerap aspirasi pihak terkait.

“Sudah hampir selesai, sedang disosialisasikan dengan stakeholders," katanya.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-32, Wednesday, August 2, 2017

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