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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Bojonegoro will get DBH Oil Rp 200 Billion

The government of Bojonegoro regency, East Java, will get Rp 200 billion for the third quarter (DBH) of oil and gas revenue, lower than the target set at Rp225 billion due to the new regulation of the Ministry of Finance.

Head of Bojonegoro Regency Revenue Agency, Herry Sudjarwo, in Bojonegoro, Tuesday, explained that according to Finance Minister Decree Noi 112 year 2017 for oil and gas DBH with 80 percent ceiling is reduced to 70 percent. In the region, the target for the acquisition of the third quarter of the oil and gas projection is projected at Rp 225 billion, therefore, due to the new PMK, the gain is only around Rp200 billion.

"The Ministry of Finance will transfer DBH oil and gas in the third quarter next week," he added. He further explained that according to Presidential Regulation (Perpres) no. 2016 on the translation of APBN 2017 for oil and gas DBH in the region is projected to Rp 903.3 billion. However, in Presidential Regulation no. 86 of 2017 on the translation of APBN 2017 changes in the amount of DBH acquisition the oil and gas sector was raised to Rp1,035 trillion, but in the distribution of oil and gas DBH decreased to only 70 percent.

"Yes DBH oil and gas in the APBN Changes rise, but the ceiling is lowered yes the same no change," he said.

He gave an illustration of the increase of oil and gas DBH in the Revised State Budget because of the influence of the increase in oil production in the region so that to Rp 1.035 trillion is no different from before. In the new provision of oil and gas DBH disbursement with 70 percent ceiling, the amount of oil and gas DBH is only Rp 724 billion, whereas the projected oil and gas DBH of Rp 903.3 billion with the ceiling of 80 percent acquisition of oil and gas DBH Rp 722 billion.

"Not to mention the acquisition of oil and gas DBH should be cut by Rp 147 billion (quarter I) due to the excess of saliva remaining in 2015 amounting to Rp 549.5 billion," he said.


Bojonegoro akan  Peroleh DBH Migas Rp 200 Miliar

Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur, akan memperoleh dana bagi hasil (DBH) migas triwulan III sekitar Rp 200 miliar, lebih rendah dari target yang ditetapkan sebesar Rp225 miliar karena ada ketentuan baru Kementerian Keuangan.

Kepala Badan Pendapatan Daerah Pemkab Bojonegoro Herry Sudjarwo, di Bojonegoro, Selasa, menjelaskan sesuai Peraturan Menteri Keuangan (PMK) Noi 112 tahun 2017 untuk DBH migas dengan pagu 80 persen diturunkan menjadi 70 persen. Di daerahnya, target perolehan DBH migas triwulan III diproyeksikan sebesar Rp 225 miliar, sehingga karena adanya PMK yang baru itu maka perolehan turun hanya sekitar Rp200 miliar.

“Kementerian Keuangan akan mentrasfer DBH migas triwulan III pekan depan,” ucapnya menambahkan. Lebih lanjut ia menjelaskan sesuai Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) No. 2016 tentang penjabaran APBN 2017 untuk DBH migas di daerahnya diproyeksikan sebesar Rp 903,3 miliar. Namun dalam Perpres No. 86 tahun 2017 tentang penjabaran APBN Perubahan 2017 besarnya perolehan DBH
migas daerahnya dinaikkan menjadi Rp1,035 triliun, tetapi dalam penyaluran DBH migas diturunkan menjadi hanya 70 persen.

“Ya DBH migas di dalam APBN Perubahan naik, tetapi pagu diturunkan ya sama saja tidak ada perubahan,” ujarnya.

Ia memberikan gambaran adanya kenaikan DBH migas di dalam APBN Perubahan karena pengaruh kenaikan produksi minyak di daerahnya sehingga menjadi Rp 1,035 triliun tidak ada bedanya dengan sebelumnya. Di dalam ketentuan yang baru penyaluran DBH migas dengan pagu 70 persen maka besarnya perolehan DBH migas hanya Rp 724 miliar, padahal proyeksi DBH migas Rp 903,3 miliar dengan pagu 80 persen perolehan DBH migas Rp 722 miliar. 

“Belum lagi perolehan DBH migas harus dipotong Rp 147 miliar (triwulan I) karena adanya kelebihan sisa salur pada 2015 sebesar Rp 549,5 miliar,” ucapnya.

Investor Daily, Page-23, Wednesday, Sept 27, 2017

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