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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Continue to Increase Oil and Gas Production in Bukit Tua

The Bukit Tua block of oil and gas fields is still sweet to Petronas (Petroliam Nasional Berhad), a Malaysian company playing in upstream oil and gas sector in Indonesia. From the oil and gas field on the north coast of Madura Island, Petronas operations show a positive performance. Since the signing of PSC [production sharing contrast] contract with Indonesian government through SKK Migas in 1998, there are already five oil and gas wells producing.

Total gas production from the five wells reached 37 mmsfd [million standart cubic feet per day]. Its oil production is around 15,000 barrels per day [bph]. The results that make Petronas increasingly eager to lift the fortune from the bowels of the earth. Two drilling points are currently underway with a target of 4,000 bpd.

"We expect oil production to be boosted to an optimum yield of 20,000 bpd, while gas production is up to 50 mmsfd," he said. Senior Manager of Corporate Affairs and Administrative PC Muriah, Andiono Setiawan in Gresik, Wednesday (27/9).

The two new wells are all located in the Bukit Tua field, which is the result of exploration in 2012. The two new wells are scheduled to open in February 2018.

"Our target in 2018 is to maximize gas production to 50 mmsfd and oil production up to 20,000 bpd." he said.

During this time, the production gas from the Bukit Tua field is channeled to PT PLN to support electricity supply in East Java through PT PJU [Petrogas Jatim Utama], BUMD owned by East Java Provincial Government. Petronas itself, in cooperation contract with PT PJU, maximum supply gas up to 50 mmsfd. 

     But so far the supply from Petronas to PJU only about 37 mmsfd. To channel gas production from the Bukit Tua field, Petronas built a 110 km-long seabed pipe from a 70 mmsfd Onshore Receiving Facilities (ORF) facility located in Maspion Industrial Area, Manyar, Gresik.

In addition, Petronas also uses FPSO units (floating production storage and offloading), a floating unit used to extract oil in the ocean as well as process it into finished oil and directly discharged into Pertamina.


Terus Genjot Produksi Migas di Bukit Tua

Lapangan minyak dan gas Bukit Tua blok Ketapang masih berasa manis bagi Petronas (Petroliam Nasional Berhad), perusahaan asal Malaysia yang bermain di sektor hulu migas di Indonesia. Dari lapangan migas di pantai utara Pulau Madura itu, kegiatan operasi Petronas menunjukkan kinerja positif. Sejak ditandatanganinya kontrak PSC [production sharing contrast) dengan pemerintah Indonesia melalui SKK Migas tahun 1998 silam, sudah ada lima sumur migas yang berproduksi.

Total produksi gas dari lima sumur itu mencapai 37 mmsfd [million standart cubic feet per day). Sedang produksi minyaknya berkisar 15.000 barel per hari [bph). Hasil itu membuat Petronas semakin bersemangat mengangkat rejeki dari perut bumi. Dua titik pengeboran sedang dikerjakan saat ini dengan target 4.000 bph.

"Kami berharap produksi minyak dapat digenjot hingga hasil optimum 20.000 bph. Sedang produksi gas hingga 50 mmsfd," kata Senior Manager Corporate Affairs and Administrative PC Muriah, Andiono Setiawan di Gresik, Rabu (27/ 9).

Dua sumur baru yang disiapkan itu semuanya juga berada di lapangan Bukit Tua, yang merupakan hasil eksplorasi tahun 2012. Dua sumur baru tersebut dijadwalkan beroperasi Februari 2018 mendatang. 

"Target kami di 2018 memang itu. Memaksimalkan produksi gas sampai 50 mmsfd dan produksi minyak hingga 20.000 bph." kata dia.

Selama ini, gas produksi dari lapangan Bukit Tua dialirkan ke PT PLN untuk mendukung penyediaan listrik di Jawa Timur melalui PT PJU [Petrogas Jatim Utama), BUMD milik Pemerintah Provinsi Jatim. Petronas sendiri, dalam kontrak kerjasamanya dengan PT PJU, maksimal menyuplai gas hingga 50 mmsfd. 

     Tapi selama ini suplai dari Petronas ke PJU baru sekitar 37 mmsfd. Untuk mengalirkan produksi gas dari lapangan Bukit Tua, Petronas membangun pipa dasar laut sepanjang 110 km dari fasilitas penerimaan darat atau Onshore Receiving Facilities (ORF) berkapasitas 70 mmsfd yang terletak di Kawasan Industri Maspion, Manyar, Gresik.

Selain itu, Petronas juga menggunakan unit FPSO (floating production storage and offloading), unit terapung yang digunakan untuk mengambil minyak di lautan sekaligus memprosesnya menjadi minyak jadi dan langsung dialirkan ke Pertamina.

Surya, Page-17, Thursday, Sept 28, 2017

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