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Saturday, September 23, 2017

Deputy Minister of EMR Officially BD HCML Field

Contractor of the Sarna Work Contract (KKKS) Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML), Wednesday (20/9), officially operates the BD field. Vice Minister of EMR Arcandra Tahar marked the inauguration by splitting the pitcher at the Karapan Fleet Sterling III Floating Production Storage (FPSO), which is off the coast of Sampang, Madura.

This activity was attended by Sampang Regent Fadillah Budiono, Head of Sampang DPRD KH Imam Ubaidillah, Deputy Head of SKK Migas Sukandar, Assistant of Operations of Main Military Commander of Army IV, Colonel Aris Hariadi W, General Manager HCML Huang Chunlin, Upstream Directorate of Directorate General Oil and Gas Ministry ESDM Mr. Tunggal, and other officials. On that occasion, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar in his speech appreciated HCML and all related parties on the completion of this project.

"The production of this project also contributes to the increase of national oil and gas production," he said.

The peak production of BD's field is 100 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) and 7,000 barrels of condensate per day. Gas distribution to PT PGN started on 26 Ju1i 2017. The gas by PGN is utilized to support industrial activities in East Java. Currently gas absorption ranges from 30-40 MMSCFD and condensate at 3,000 barrels per day.

"Production will increase gradually. It is expected that early 2018 peak production is achieved," said Arcandra.

Based on recent developments, BD field gas buyers are PT Inti Alasindo Energy of 40 MMSCfD and PT PGN of 60 MMSCFD. For PT Inti Alasindo Energy cooperates with Pertagas as a transporter to distribute BD field gas to end users.

"Hopefully with this gas distribution to domestic buyers indirectly can help lift the regional economy," said Arcandra.

The Government is committed to create a conducive investment climate. One of them revised the ESDM ministerial regulation on gross split, to replace the current cost recovery scheme. Hopefully, this new policy scheme could be more efficient for upstream oil and gas business in Indonesia. The realization of upstream oil and gas projects can also be faster.

"The support of all parties, including the local government is very important," he said.

He said the local government is expected to help speed up the permits issued and not issue regulations that do not have added value to the upstream oil and gas industry.


Wakil Menteri ESDM Resmikan Lapangan BD HCML

Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sarna (KKKS) Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML), Rabu (20/9), resmi mengoperasikan lapangan BD. Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar menandai peresmian dengan memecah kendi di Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) Karapan Armada Sterling III, yang berada di lepas Pantai Kabupaten Sampang, Madura.

Kegiatan ini dihadiri Bupati Sampang Fadillah Budiono, Ketua DPRD Sampang KH Imam Ubaidillah, Wakil Kepala SKK Migas Sukandar, Asisten Operasi Komandan Pangakalan Utama TNI Angkatan Laut IV, Kolonel Laut Aris Hariadi W, General Manager HCML Huang Chunlin, Direktur Hulu Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan gas Kementerian ESDM Tunggal, dan pejabat lainnya. Dalam kesempatan itu, Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar dalam sambutannya mengapresiasi HCML dan seluruh pihak terkait atas selesainya proyek ini. 

"Produksi proyek ini turut berkontribusi pada peningkatan produksi migas nasional," katanya.

Produksi puncak Iapangan BD sebesar 100 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD) dan 7.000 barel kondensat per hari. Penyaluran gas ke PT PGN dimulai pada tanggal 26 Ju1i 2017. Gas tersebut oleh PGN dimanfaatkan untuk mendukung kegiatan industri di Jawa Timur.  Saat ini penyerapan gas berkisar 30-40 MMSCFD dan kondensat sebesar 3.000 barel per hari. 

"Produksi akan meningkat secara bertahap. Diharapkan awal 2018 produksi puncak tercapai," kata Arcandra.

Berdasarkan perkembangan terakhir, pembeli gas lapangan BD adalah PT Inti Alasindo Energy sebesar 40 MMSCfD dan PT PGN sebesar 60 MMSCFD. Untuk PT Inti Alasindo Energy bekerja sama dengan Pertagas sebagai transporter untuk menyalurkan gas lapangan BD kepada para end user.

"Semoga dengan disalurkannya gas ini ke pembeli domestik secara tidak langsung dapat membantu mengangkat perekonomian daerah," kata Arcandra.

Pemerintah berkomitmen untuk membuat iklim investasi yang kondusif. Salah satunya merevisi peraturan menteri ESDM mengenai gross split, untuk menggantikan skema cost recovery yang selama ini berjalan. Harapannya, skema kebijakan baru ini bisa lebih mengefisienkan bisnis hulu migas di Indonesia. Realisasi proyek hulu migas juga bisa lebih cepat. 

"Dukungan semua pihak, termasuk pemerintah daerah sangat penting," katanya.

Dia mengatakan, pemerintah daerah diharapkan dapat membantu mempercepat izin yang dikeluarkan dan tidak mengeluarkan peraturan yang tidak memiliki nilai tambah untuk industri hulu migas.

Harian Bangsa, Page-4, Saturday, Sept 23, 2017

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