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Friday, September 29, 2017

East Kalimantan Block and Attaka will be auctioned

The government will auction simultaneously East Kalimantan Block and Attaka Block after the second contract of the block is completed. PT Pertamina, which was assigned to manage post-contract completion, decided to release both blocks. It was considered economically heavy.

Director of Upstream Business Development Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Tunggal said it has not received a letter from Pertamina stating that the government-owned oil and gas company restores the management rights of East Kalimantan or Attaka Block. However, if Pertamina indeed removes it, these two blocks will be offered to other investors through an auction.

These two blocks, done in unitization. That is, the workmanship of these two blocks using the same production facilities. The two-block oil and gas production is also not separated.

"The Attaka block also, if returned Pertamina, yes auctioned," he said in Jakarta, Wednesday (27/9).

The auction called will be done once Pertamina sends an official letter. The government will hold special auctions for the East Kalimantan Block and the Attaka Block, so, the auction of this block will not have to wait for next year's auction next year.

"The special auction does not need to wait next year. If that [East Kalimantan and Attaka] is returned, prepare the data, announce the auction, direct the process, "explained Sole.

This is because the second contract of this block will be finished soon. Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam explained the two blocks weight to be managed economically. Therefore, it decided to return the two blocks to the government. However, for Attaka Block, the company will manage temporarily until the East Kalimantan Block is completed in 2018. This is because the Attaka Block contract is completed this year.

"During the interval, Pertamina will remain in the Attaka Block. In the future after the East Kalimantan Block also expires his contract, Pertamina will not manage the block [Attaka and East Kalimantan Blocks], such as the mechanisms of other blocks that expire, "he said.

He explained that both blocks are currently managed by Chevron Indonesia in a unitization unit. This is indeed because the oil and gas production from the Attaka Block is too small if managed without unitization. Thus, in the future, the management of this block still needs to be diunitisasi with East Kalimantan Block. Pertamina itself feels heavy if it has to work on two blocks.

"We think the two blocks are economically heavy for us to manage. Nothing else, other than economic factors, " Alam said.

East Kalimantan and Attaka blocks are operated by Chevron Indonesia. Only in East Kalimantan, Chevron holds 100% participation right. While in Attaka, Chevron and Inpex Corporation each have 50% participation rights. The East Kalimantan Block contract was signed on January 11, 1991 and will be completed on October 24, 2018. The Attaka Block contract commences on March 31, 1997 and ends on March 31, 2017.

Map of Working Area Oil and Gas

Based on data from Pertamina, East Kalimantan Block has an area of ​​6,177 square kilometers. In 2015, oil and gas reserves were recorded at 213 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMboe). While the oil and gas production of this block is 36.5 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day (kilo barrel oil equivalent per day / kboepd). Meanwhile, the 144.73 square kilometer Attaka Block is producing 4,900 boepd with 2.4 MMboe oil and gas reserves in 2015.

Immediately Signed

While for the other six blocks will be continued until the signing of production sharing contract (PSC). The signing of the sixth block contract had to wait for the Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 52 of 2017 which is a revision of Ministerial Regulation 8/2017 regarding the gross split contract. Because, if using the old beleid, the company needs additional incentives.

"Some oil and gas blocks, now existing Ministerial Regulation 52/2017, need to calculate again whether the incentive needs. Now assign SKK Migas to calculate again, "he said.

Admittedly, the sixth block of this contract needs to be signed immediately because almost the entire block finished his contract next year. It is now trying to sign a contract with Pertamina can be done as soon as possible. Pertamina also hopes the contract will be signed soon.

"If the problem of the target and other contracts, faster is certainly better," said Alam.

President Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Gunung Sardjono Hadi added that his party is ready to sign the termination block contract assigned to him. It has submitted a proposal for the development of these blocks to the ESDM Ministry. Then, with the issuance of Ministerial Decree 52/2017, the five blocks handed over to PHE have already reached a sufficient economy..

"So there is an additional 6-7% split [with Ministerial Regulation 52 / 20171. This is if we see from contractor take and NPV better, "he said.

Map of Working Area Oil and Gas

It also will continue to make efficiency. As is known, the government commissioned Pertamina to manage eight working areas that will expire its contract, including East Kalimantan Block and Attaka. The other six blocks are BlokTuban, East Java (JOB Pertamina-PetroChina Eastjava); Ogan Komering Block, South Sumatera (JOB Pertamina-Talisman); Sanga-Sanga Block, East Kalimantan (Saka Energi); Southeast Sumatra Block (SES), Lampung (CNOOC SES Limited); Middle East Block (Total E & P Indonesie); and North Sumatra Offshore Block, Aceh (Pertamina).


Blok East Kalimantan dan Attaka akan Dilelang

Pemerintah akan melelang secara bersamaan Blok East Kalimantan dan Blok Attaka pasca kontrak kedua blok tersebut selesai. PT Pertamina yang ditugaskan mengelola pasca kontrak selesai, memutuskan untuk melepas kedua blok ini Iantaran dinilai berat secara keekonomian. 

Direktur Pembinaan Usaha Hulu Direktorat jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Tunggal mengatakan, pihaknya belum menerima surat dari Pertamina yang menyatakan bahwa perusahaan migas milik pemerintah itu mengembalikan hak pengelolaan Blok East Kalimantan ataupun Attaka. Namun, jika memang Pertamina melepasnya, dua blok ini akan ditawarkan ke investor lain melalui lelang.

Kedua blok ini, dikerjakan secara unitisasi. Artinya, pengerjaan dua blok ini menggunakan fasilitas produksi yang sama. Produksi migas dua blok ini juga tidak dipisahkan. 

“Blok Attaka juga, kalau dikembalikan Pertamina, ya dilelang,” kata dia di Jakarta, Rabu (27/9).

Lelang disebutnya akan dilakukan begitu Pertamina mengirim surat resmi. Pemerintah akan menggelar lelang khusus untuk Blok East Kalimantan dan Blok Attaka, sehingga, lelang blok ini tidak perlu menunggu lelang periode berikutnya di tahun depan.

“Lelang khusus itu tidak perlu menunggu tahun depan. Kalau memang itu [East Kalimantan dan Attaka] dikembalikan, siapkan datanya, umumkan lelang, langsung proses,” jelas Tunggal. 

Hal ini karena kontrak kedua blok ini akan segera selesai. Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam menjelaskan, kedua blok ini berat untuk dikelola secara keekonomian. Karenanya, pihaknya memutuskan mengembalikan kedua blok ini kepada pemerintah. Namun khusus untuk Blok Attaka, perseroan akan mengelola untuk sementara sampai kontrak Blok East Kalimantan selesai pada 2018. Hal ini mengingat kontrak Blok Attaka rampung tahun ini.

“Selama waktu jeda tersebut, Pertamina akan tetap di Blok Attaka. Ke depan setelah Blok East Kalimantan juga habis masa kontraknya, Pertamina tidak akan mengelola blok tersebut [Blok Attaka dan East Kalimantan], seperti mekanisme blok-blok lain yang habis masa kontraknya," tutur dia.

Dijelaskannya, kedua blok tersebut saat ini dikelola Chevron Indonesia secara unitisasi. Hal ini memang lantaran produksi migas dari Blok Attaka terlalu kecil jika dikelola tanpa unitisasi. Sehingga, ke depan, pengelolaan blok ini tetap perlu diunitisasi dengan Blok East Kalimatan. Pertamina sendiri merasa berat jika harus menggarap dua blok.

“Menurut kami, dua blok tersebut yang secara keekonomian berat untuk kami kelola. Tidak ada yang lain, selain faktor keekonomian,” kata Alam.

Blok East Kalimantan dan Attaka sama-sama dioperasikan oleh Chevron Indonesia. Hanya saja di East Kalimantan, Chevron memegang hak partisipasi 100%. Sementara di Attaka, Chevron dan Inpex Corporation masing-masing memiliki hak partisipasi 50%. Kontrak Blok East Kalimantan diteken pada 11 Januari 1991 dan akan selesai pada 24 Oktober 2018. Kontrak Blok Attaka dimulai pada 31 Maret 1997 dan berakhir pada 31 Maret 2017.

Berdasarkan data Pertamina, Blok East Kalimantan memiliki luas area 6.177 kilometer persegi. Pada 2015 lalu, cadangan migas ini tercatat sebesar 213 juta barel setara minyak (million barrel oil equivalent/ MMboe). Sementara produksi migas blok ini yakni sebesar 36,5 ribu barel setara minyak per hari (kilo barrel oil equivalent per day/kboepd). Sementara Blok Attaka seluas 144,73 kilometer persegi tercatat memproduksi 4.900 boepd dengan cadangan migas 2,4 MMboe pada 2015. 

Segera Diteken

Sementara untuk enam blok lainnya akan dilanjutkan sampai tanda tangan kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/ PSC). Penandatanganan kontrak keenam blok ini sempat harus menunggu Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 52 Tahun 2017 yang merupakan revisi Peraturan Menteri 8/2017 soal kontrak gross split. Pasalnya, jika menggunakan beleid lama, perseroan membutuhkan tambahan insentif.

“Beberapa blok migas, sekarang sudah ada Peraturan Menteri 52/ 2017, perlu hitung lagi apakah perlu insentif. Sekarang tugaskan SKK Migas untuk hitung lagi," ujarnya.

Diakuinya, kontrak keenam blok ini perlu segera diteken lantaran hampir seluruh blok selesai kontraknya pada tahun depan. Pihaknya kini berupaya agar penandatanganan kontrak dengan Pertamina bisa segera dilakukan secepatnya. Pertamina juga berharap kontrak segera diteken. 

“Kalau masalah target kontrak dan lainya, lebih cepat tentu lebih baik,” kata Alam.

Presiden Direktur PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Gunung Sardjono Hadi menambahkan, pihaknya siap meneken kontrak blok terminasi yang ditugaskan kepadanya. Pihaknya telah mengirimkan proposal rencana pengembangan blok-blok ini kepada Kementerian ESDM. Kemudian, dengan terbitnya Peraturan Menteri 52/2017, lima blok yang diserahkan pengelolaannya ke PHE sudah mencapai keekonomian yang mencukupi.

“Jadi ada tambahan split 6-7% [dengan Peraturan Menteri 52/ 20171. Ini kalau kami lihat dari contractor take maupun NPV
lebih bagus,” kata dia. 

Pihaknya juga akan terus melakukan efisiensi. Seperti diketahui, pemerintah menugaskan Pertamina untuk mengelola delapan wilayah kerja yang akan habis masa kontraknya, termasuk Blok East Kalimantan dan Attaka. Keenam blok lainnya adalah BlokTuban, Jawa Timur (JOB Pertamina-PetroChina Eastjava); Blok Ogan Komering, Sumatera Selatan (JOB Pertamina-Talisman); Blok Sanga-Sanga, Kalimantan Timur (Saka Energi); Blok Southeast Sumatera (SES), Lampung (CNOOC SES Limited); Blok Tengah Timur (Total E&P Indonesie); dan Blok North Sumatera Offshore, Aceh (Pertamina).

Investor Daily, Page-11, Friday, Sept 29, 2017

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